Creation vs. Evolution

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If you are above it, you would need to look down over the curve!!!! The guy taking the picture from Bear mountain is looking straight ahead.

I'll ask again, what angle "down"? And how do you know the person taking the photo is not looking "down" at that angle?

You do realize there are 90 degrees separating a straight ahead view from a straight down view, right?


New member
NYC skyline from Bear Mountain.
The NYC is from 60 miles away. The philly one is actually only 40 miles away. My mistake. But my point stands. This should not be possible on a globe.
Google maps (and wikipedia) shows Bear Mountain at 41.313N 74.006W, with an elevation of 1300 feet. Using the distance tool in google earth shows the distance from the peak of Bear Mountain to the Center of Manhattan is 42 miles. High school trigonometry says that from an altitude of 1300 feet the horizon will be 44.7 miles away (NYC skyline stands far above the horizon). Spherical earth math says no problem seeing NYC from the peak of Bear Mountain.

Did you actually do the math and measure the distances?


New member
Google maps (and wikipedia) shows Bear Mountain at 41.313N 74.006W, with an elevation of 1300 feet. Using the distance tool in google earth shows the distance from the peak of Bear Mountain to the Center of Manhattan is 42 miles. High school trigonometry says that from an altitude of 1300 feet the horizon will be 44.7 miles away (NYC skyline stands far above the horizon). Spherical earth math says no problem seeing NYC from the peak of Bear Mountain.

Did you actually do the math and measure the distances?

They can be soooooooo confusing. :)


I'm not clear as to why you think that NASA alone has successfully been duping the whole world, whatever shape it is.;)
The same NASA that wasn't quite smart enough to fit safe "O" rings on the on the Shuttle is somehow capable of faking moon landings and fooling the entire planet for 40+ years, I think not
You rather rely on scientists from around the world to be either complicit or gullible, which of course neither is likely to be true.

Dear alwight,

It would be comforting though to really have more proof that the moon landing was truthful. If NASA can do all that it has done, then let it prove to us that it did land a spacecraft on the moon. Surely, they probably did. I mean it's not like the moon is that distant.

I made a rocket once, in Industrial Arts class. I made a simple parachute for the rocket to land back to earth again. I used a simple store-bought rocket fuel cartridge to insert into the cylindrical tube that was the rocket. The rocket did not get too far off the ground. Up in the air say as high as a kite or less. And least I didn't have to make a new one, because the rocket floated back down with the parachute. So that meant, if I wanted to launch it again, I still had the main rocket and just needed to add a new fuel cartridge.

I would like more proof about the moon landing. I can just see the U.S. pretending to put a rocket on the moon to cause fear in the USSR that we were more advanced than we were. Same with this modern U.S. technology that we can shoot down any missiles that the USSR can fire at us. "Star Wars" type protection during Reagan's era, I believe. Why shouldn't I ask for more solid proof?? I believe that Israel has some type of rocket destroyer protection. I'm just curious, I guess.


:chuckle: :idea: :readthis: :sam: :angel: :cloud9:


New member
Hi Michael,
as an old git I was around at the time of the moon missions and I lived it all albeit on the TV, I have no doubts at all.
Conspiracy theorists are imo typically wannabe know it alls who don't actually know squat.
There is of course hard proof since most of what landed on the moon is still there and so are the footprints. Apparently the American flags have faded somewhat I believe but are still unfurled on their strut supports.
Amongst other things an experiment is still going on whereby a reflecting device was directed back to Earth so that a laser beam can be bounced back off it and the time taken divided by two gives you the exact distance to the moon. It is constantly receding a tiny amount.
Don't doubt your country's amazing achievement for a moment, doubt conspiracy theorists instead. :thumb:
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Well-known member
Hi Michael,
as an old git I was around at the time of the moon missions and I lived it all albeit on the TV, I have no doubts at all.
Conspiracy theorists are imo typically wannabe know it alls who don't actually know squat.
There is of course hard proof since most of what landed on the moon is still there and so are the footprints. Apparently the American flag has faded somewhat I believe but is still unfurled on its strut support.
Amongst other things an experiment is still going on whereby a reflecting device was directed back to Earth so that a laser beam can be bounced back off it and the time taken divided by two gives you the exact distance to the moon. It is constantly receding a tiny amount.
Don't doubt your country's amazing achievement for a moment, doubt conspiracy theorists instead. :thumb:

I agree. I think that is why many chose a religion that they feel allows them to escape their ineptitude. They think claiming belief in God exempts them from actually trying to understand that which they oppose. I take their claims of belief in God to be on equal footing with their claims of understanding.


Without any telescope at all, I can see millions of light years. (Andromeda Galaxy)

So that argument doesn't impress me. Fact is, unless photons hit something on the way, they keep on going. So as long as you have a sufficiently sensitive sensor, you'll get photons coming in from billions of light years away.

Pure water has a transmittance close to 100%, but it's not 100%. So miles of it pretty much absorb all light, even if there was nothing else in the water. But there are a lot of other things in sea water, so it's no mystery why we can't see to the bottom. I'm surprised anyone would bother making that claim.

Dear Barbarian,

I'm very impressed by this info. Sounds solid. Makes sense. So you can see the Andromeda Galaxy with just your own eyesight? Sounds cool!! I don't quite know what to look for. We can see our planets barely. Like Pluto. That's even if Pluto is a planet of ours. They've been saying it wasn't somewhere also. I guess they just don't know. It's too bad they can't find a way to see the bottom of the ocean. I know the pressure is intense, to say the least. Yes, I agree with everything you've said. I just don't understand these types of things, but I try to add to the conversation with what I think I do know.

Much Love Coming Your Way, Brother!!


:guitar: :singer: :angel: :angel: :cloud9: :rapture:
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Michael it is not surprising that scientists are wrong about some things. They are very up front about the level of likelihood for a conclusion to be accurate. This is the exact reason why science is so successful, because it admits its errors and progresses from there. That is very unlike the type of certainty that some seem to need. And although they may not admit it, they often sacrifice accuracy for the illusion of certainty.

Dear noguru,

I do know what you mean, noguru. I'm very glad to see they admit when they are wrong. It feeds my heart and mind. At least I can count on them to let their errors be known when they admit them, which means I can feel safer believing them. Do you know what I mean. Now, we are forgetting something to tell Daniel. If we look up and at the planets and stars, we see what? Round planets and stars. So it isn't difficult to believe our Earth is round also. Right? You're a good brother!!

God Bless You With Abundance And Joy!!


:guitar: :singer: :cloud9: :angel: :rapture: :thumb:


Hi Michael,
as an old git I was around at the time of the moon missions and I lived it all albeit on the TV, I have no doubts at all.
Conspiracy theorists are imo typically wannabe know it alls who don't actually know squat.
There is of course hard proof since most of what landed on the moon is still there and so are the footprints. Apparently the American flags have faded somewhat I believe but are still unfurled on their strut supports.
Amongst other things an experiment is still going on whereby a reflecting device was directed back to Earth so that a laser beam can be bounced back off it and the time taken divided by two gives you the exact distance to the moon. It is constantly receding a tiny amount.
Don't doubt your country's amazing achievement for a moment, doubt conspiracy theorists instead. :thumb:

Dear alwight,

Thank you so much for your post!! Well, cool, I did not know about all of these sound facts. You've dispelled all of my uncertainties. Thanks for that also. I had just heard from others, not from this site, that they might not be anything but fake pictures. Still, I've believed it was real deep inside, but there was a lingering 'If.' I really appreciate all of the debunking of the matter. My doubts are gone. I guess they are still looking at Pluto now, from what I hear and see. I have a page I go to which tells what the latest news is. Pluto also has two moons, as I understand it. It is a small planet, I guess. I've heard some say it is not a real planet anymore, and then some say that it is. I guess I don't know what to think about that either. Any help would be wonderful. They are saying kids in fifth grade call Neptune as the furthest planet from the Sun, and Pluto is not a planet anymore. Who knows?!! It's frustrating.

God Be With You Tons, alwight,


:angel: :angel: :cloud9: :cloud9: :singer: :guitar:


I agree. I think that is why many chose a religion that they feel allows them to escape their ineptitude. They think claiming belief in God exempts them from actually trying to understand that which they oppose. I take their claims of belief in God to be on equal footing with their claims of understanding.

Dear noguru,

I hope that is not a jab at me, noguru. If I'm wrong, I'm sorry. Of course I cannot unequivocally say that I am right about what I believe, and do believe what I believe. Irregardless of that, I respect others to believe how they want to believe also. Just like finding out there are not as many galaxies as we thought, I do believe that God created what He said, when He said. I'm not going anywhere without that. If by some chance I'm wrong in the end, big deal. At least I will have believed in what God said, instead of not. Now who will God be most pleased with? The ones who disagreed with Him or not. All I want you to know is that you're a brother of mine and I do love you very much. And I do know what love is. God taught me that. He said to love your enemies too. That is harder, but I do. I know they cannot always help what Satan tries to get them to do. Satan is very sneaky. I want to make it clear, of course, that I don't consider you an enemy. Jesus said to also love each other as He has loved His disciples also. So that is you to me, noguru. I never had a brother while I was growing up. Heck, maybe we would be fighting all of the time. Then, I wouldn't have wanted one so badly. You are a good brother, dude. Just remember there have been times since we got along excellently. I still have some pics of you online. I wish I knew how to put up a different pic of myself in my Profile page here, but I don't think I know how to do it. My Avatar here is the cover of my latest book. It cost me $200 for the rights to use the pic. I'm glad I did it. There are not many pics of Jesus coming with the clouds. I do think you are wonderful, noguru!!

I'm Sure That God Loves You Tons And Tons!!!


:angel: :angel: :cloud9: :cloud9: :rapture: :thumb:


New member
You don't need all the scientists to be in on the joke. To become scientists, they learned from the text books the liars wrote. If they didn't go with it, they wouldn't have jobs as scientists
Daniel, I have often worked as a scientist on projects that were either directly or indirectly funded by NASA. I want you to tell me point-blank that I was too incompetent in school to see that the authors of the textbooks I used in college were “liars” who deceived me into believing fundamentally wrong scientific ideas, or that, in order to keep my job, I knowingly prostituted my integrity by perpetuating what I knew to be scientific nonsense.


New member
Daniel, I have often worked as a scientist on projects that were either directly or indirectly funded by NASA. I want you to tell me point-blank that I was too incompetent in school to see that the authors of the textbooks I used in college were “liars” who deceived me into believing fundamentally wrong scientific ideas, or that, in order to keep my job, I knowingly prostituted my integrity by perpetuating what I knew to be scientific nonsense.

I don't think you're in on the joke. Its probably only the people that absolutely need to know.

How are you going to know the text books are lying? They show you a picture of the ball, tell you some theories and if you don't believe it then you're an idiot. The people that wrote the text books are probably just writing what they learned, because if they didn't go with the ball, they wouldn't be writing the books.

It all comes down to the picture of the globe and propaganda. We have allegedly KNOWN the earth is a ball for centuries or millenia. But up untill Apollo 11 when they got the alleged pictures, there were still some scientists that accepted the flat earth or at least a geocentric model. You can do calculations to prove either side. This is obvious. The flat earthers have calculations and experiments and so do the globularists. It comes down to that picture of the ball and the conditioning that if you dont accept it, or even question it, then you're an idiot or a lunatic. This is one thing that people have an emotional reaction to because they're taught this fanaticism for the globe. I used to be the same way. I knew it was ball. Then I heard the other side, and I'm not 100% saying that I know its flat, but there is enough to make me seriously doubt the globe.

The Barbarian

It all comes down to the picture of the globe and propaganda. We have allegedly KNOWN the earth is a ball for centuries or millenia.

The obvious curvature when a ship approaches a mountainous coast was kind of a tip-off, as was the circular shadow of the Earth on the moon.

More spectacularly, Eratosthenes accurately measured its circumference a couple millenia ago. Not bad at all.

But up untill Apollo 11 when they got the alleged pictures, there were still some scientists that accepted the flat earth

I suppose you have names and some evidence? Now would be the time to show us.

or at least a geocentric model. You can do calculations to prove either side. This is obvious. The flat earthers have calculations and experiments and so do the globularists.

Let's have a look at those. With the numbers. You see how your canal experiment backfired, when a real surveyor repeated it, avoiding the measurement errors.

It comes down to that picture of the ball and the conditioning that if you dont accept it, or even question it, then you're an idiot or a lunatic.

If you know anything at all about the issue, there's no rational way to deny it.

If you'd set your emotions aside and look at the evidence, from many different sources and phenomena, you'll see that there is no way to support a flat Earth.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
This is one thing that people have an emotional reaction to because they're taught this fanaticism for the globe. I used to be the same way. I knew it was ball. Then I heard the other side, and I'm not 100% saying that I know its flat, but there is enough to make me seriously doubt the globe.

If the earth is flat, how thick or thin is it? How do you know the earth is flat if you don't know how flat it is? After all, we claim to know the circumference of the earth:

Does the atmosphere wrap around the edge of the flat earth to the other side? Can we dig through to the other side? Does anyone live on the other side of the flat earth? If so, why haven't we made radio contact with them?

Why aren't there any other flat planets, or for that matter flat asteroids, flat moons, flat comets, flat stars, etc? Why would the earth be flat while every other planet, moon, star, etc is spherical?

What are the natural forces that could possibly have produced such a shape? Every object in the observable universe over a few hundred miles in diameter is at least roughly spherical in shape, due to its own gravitational force. Why would the earth be any different? Anything as massive as the earth, shaped like a flat disk, would naturally collapse into a ball under it's own gravity. This is why, in outer space, everything more than a few hundred kilometers in diameter is spherical in shape. So how could the earth be any different? How could the earth be flat? Gravity must necessarily be false for the earth to be flat, considering the earth's mass. Gravity requires an oblate spheroidal earth. If you insist that gravity is not a proven fact, then what do you have to replace it with?

Many proofs can be offered to demonstrate a spherical earth. For example, the earth appears as a disc on photographs taken from space, regardless of the vantage point. The only geometric solid which looks like a circle from any direction is a sphere.

A 100-foot-tall ship that is 15 miles away is not visible. That's because it is blocked by the curvature of the Earth. As it approaches, it "rises." First the tip of the mast is visible, then more and more of the ship comes into view as the ship gets closer:


It is also possible to see farther over the horizon by climbing higher in the ship, or, when on land, on high cliffs.

Earth curvature line of sight:


These are the phases of the moon as seen in the Northern Hemisphere:


These are the same phases of the moon as seen in the Southern Hemisphere:


In the Northern Hemisphere the sunlit part of the moon moves from right to left:


In the Southern Hemisphere the sunlit part moves from the left to the right:


Also, in the Northern Hemisphere, the stars appear to rotate counterclockwise around the North Star, Polaris:


However, in the Southern Hemisphere, the stars appear to rotate clockwise around Sigma Octantis:


All of these things, taken together, are only possible if the earth is a sphere.
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