Creation vs. Evolution

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Wake up Michael.

There will be no stars, sun or moon.

Nobody will be living on venus.

Isaiah 60:19 KJV

19 The sun shall be no more thy light by day; neither for brightness shall the moon give light unto thee: but the LORD shall be unto thee an everlasting light , and thy God thy glory.

Revelation 22:5 KJV

5 And there shall be no night there; and they need no candle , neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light : and they shall reign for ever and ever.

Dear 1Mind1Spirit,

I am speaking of two different times here. Yes, the Sun and Moon will be gone in the future Jerusalem that God promises us. But that's not for at least over 1,000 years. Until then, we will live on stars, like it says in Daniel. Please see Rev. 20:4. "And they lived and reigned with Christ for 1,000 years."

God Be With You, 1Mind1Spirit,




Sorry DBJ, but both those places are not our destination, be it sinner or saint.

Dear DavisBJ,

Yes, dude! There will be no basketball in Heaven or Hell. There will be more eternal things. You don't want to know what you are saying.


patrick jane

Wake up Michael.

There will be no stars, sun or moon.

Nobody will be living on venus.

Isaiah 60:19 KJV

19 The sun shall be no more thy light by day; neither for brightness shall the moon give light unto thee: but the LORD shall be unto thee an everlasting light , and thy God thy glory.

Revelation 22:5 KJV

5 And there shall be no night there; and they need no candle , neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light : and they shall reign for ever and ever.

Amen -

Revelation 21:22 KJV -

Revelation 21:23 KJV - And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof.



Once again then Michael I'll explain that formal theories never get proven, they exist to be shot at, falsified should they be wrong.
We can learn from false theories how to find better ones while those that remain are those more likely to show the truth.
"Just a theory"? Well, I'm personally convinced that Darwinian evolution is a fact because it seems to explain the evidence without recourse to suppositions of miracles or a supernatural, but no I can't formally logically prove it, that simply won't happen.
I suggest that you are wrong to reject Darwinian evolution, it remains the best naturalistic explanation for the evidence that we have.
If however you think that it doesn't reasonably explain specific natural evidence somehow then by all means present your facts and evidence rather than general presumptions from an ancient scripture.

Dear Alwight,

Well, thank you so VERY MUCH for letting me have my beliefs and letting you to have your beliefs. COOL!! You see: there's room for both of us. I do wish you'd change your mind so that you could be in Heaven with us, but it's all up to you. If you would rather believe in a man named Darwin instead of a creator named God: Jehovah, that is up to you. Thanks for being so VERY UNDERSTANDING.

Tons Of Love Coming Your Way!!


:angel: :angel: :angel: :cloud9:

patrick jane

Dear 1Mind1Spirit,

I am speaking of two different times here. Yes, the Sun and Moon will be gone in the future Jerusalem that God promises us. But that's not for at least over 1,000 years. Until then, we will live on stars, like it says in Daniel. Please see Rev. 20:4. "And they lived and reigned with Christ for 1,000 years."

God Be With You, 1Mind1Spirit,



dude, think before you blurt - on stars ?


No. He remains a Christian. He just shed all the false teachings that YE creastionists preach. Unfortunately, as he admits, YE caused many of his fellow creationists to lose faith in God entirely.

His discovery was that being a Christian is not what YE creationists think it is.

That's what caused him to change. He discovered that what he had been taught was false. It was hard for him to face; it's hard for you. But that is the truth.

YE creationism is a corruption of God's word. Morton was one of the lucky ones who escaped with his faith in God intact. Many are not so lucky. This is the real damage that YE creationism does.

Dear Barbarian,

So then, you want to believe in God and ignore what is said about His Creation of everything, right? You want to believe most of what's written in the Bible, but not that, eh? It'd be nice if we could pick and choose. I would pick out it's wrong to lie or kill, and replace it with yes. Since I get to pick and choose. And maybe I will pick out fornication too!! C'mon.


:cloud9: :singer:


Right back at ya. If you think there's merit in the wager that says far more about you than it does about the rest of us.

Lets see now, there once was a talking snake, a guy came back to life after being clinically dead, a virgin gave birth, some bloke engaged in a gravity defying walk on water.....

.... Oh sure, Like I'm going to listen to you talk about reality. :kookoo:

Dear Hedshaker,

There was no talking snake. It was a serpent using mental telepathy. Adam and Eve did not talk English yet. They were not schooled in any language. No snake, a serpent who God started forming those serpents with no legs, but instead crawling upon their belly and licking dust. There were instances of Jesus raising a number of people from the dead, much less Himself. And yes, a virgin birth. Otherwise, He'd be just like any other birth or man. And yes, He could walk on water because God was with Him and his disciple almost did it also. If He could raise someone from the dead, why bicker about Him walking on water for a few minutes??! You've just got some things to learn, Hedshaker. That is all, no big deal. You have to have Faith.

Cheerio, Mate!!




YEC is the only biblical conclusion. If you think the earth is billions of years old, then you apparently don't believe that the bible is literally true.

Dear Daniel1611,

It is your FAITH that will help SAVE YOU!! Your belief in God and Christ will cinch that. I'm proud of you and you will be a lot happier too believing in God than not!!

Much Love To A Brother In Christ,


:angel: :angel: :angel:


So then if I review the science and conclude that the earth is over 4 billion years old, I must also conclude that the Bible is not true, correct?

Dear Jose,

You see, you are CONCLUDING that the Earth is over 4 billion years old. You are NOT CONCLUDING that God created an aged Earth to throw you off kilter. And yes, you are CONCLUDING that the Bible is NOT TRUE, for you are not believing in what the Bible says about the Creation of the Earth. You want BOTH.



Absolutely, the wager was dead the moment it was first uttered. Only fundamentalist wackos seem to have trouble seeing it.

Dear Hedshaker,

I agree with you. The only reason I said what I said was because I did not understand what Pascal's Wager was. But I cleared that up.

Thanks Buddy!!




And believing you KNOW, such as in religious belief, is usually delusional.

Dear Hedshaker,

Of course, believing, is not delusional when you believe something that is TRUE. If it's believing in something FALSE, like you, then it is delusional. If you think EVERYTHING just CAME TO BE without a God/Divine Creator, then you are the one who is delusional. Have you thought about the intricacies of the Universe, the Earth, man (whose nervous system could circle the Earth twice because of it's length)? Do you think that came from an amoeba?? Who is delusional??




New member
You acceptance of it's legitimacy means squat to me and probably most here. Your perceptions are meaningless.

Who cares what it means to you? The search for understanding and rational recorse through science will continue regardless of what a tiny few crack pots think

Your inability to understand the style of writing only shows your limited skills therein. If you can't or don't know HOW to read, then don't.

I understand. You don't like it when your cherished beliefs contradict reality. Much easier to attack the person instead.

There's an old saying about it being better to keep your mouth shut and let people wonder if you're a fool. than by opening it and removing all doubt.
You've removed all doubt.

Removing doubt and removing idiotic nonsense is not the same thing.


New member
Dear Alwight,

Well, thank you so VERY MUCH for letting me have my beliefs and letting you to have your beliefs. COOL!! You see: there's room for both of us. I do wish you'd change your mind so that you could be in Heaven with us, but it's all up to you. If you would rather believe in a man named Darwin instead of a creator named God: Jehovah, that is up to you. Thanks for being so VERY UNDERSTANDING.

Tons Of Love Coming Your Way!!


:angel: :angel: :angel: :cloud9:
Thanks Michael only I don't actually believe in Darwin.
I do believe that the theory as proposed by Darwin can be considered as factual, while at the same time it doesn't negate the possibility of any god.
The ToE and God are not mutually exclusive.
Also the Earth can actually be the age it appears to be and not a divine deception.


New member
Who cares what it means to you? The search for understanding and rational recorse through science will continue regardless of what a tiny few crack pots think

And who cares what comic book lovers feel?
Who exactly do you think the few are? Trust me, you're way outnumbered.

I understand. You don't like it when your cherished beliefs contradict reality. Much easier to attack the person instead.

Hate having to repeat myself so I won't. Suffice it to say reality is NOT your forte.

Removing doubt and removing idiotic nonsense is not the same thing.

Well in your case it IS.


New member
Let's all try to stick to this world's reality and not the future shall we. That would be the subject of a totally different topic and thread under a different sub forum.


New member
Let's all try to stick to this world's reality and not the future shall we. That would be the subject of a totally different topic and thread under a different sub forum.
Would that be your presupposed YEC type reality Stan or an evidenced empirical rational reality?
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