Creation vs. Evolution

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New member
Dear Kdall,

I know. I'm going to get the radiation done. Thank you, Kdall. Because everyone says I should. I'm not afraid to die. …

But Michael, a year and a half ago you indicated you were not going to get the radiation treatments, apparently because you felt that as one of the two witnesses spoken of in the Book of Revelation, you would be killed anyway and lie in the street for a few days, after which you will come back to life and then go to heaven:
Dear noguru,

… I've chosen not to get radiation for religious reasons.

… the religious reason I have as mentioned in Rev. 11:7, 11:8. That's it. …

Rev 11:7 Now when they have finished their testimony, the beast that comes up from the Abyss will attack them, and overpower and kill them.
8 Their bodies will lie in the public square of the great city—which is figuratively called Sodom and Egypt—where also their Lord was crucified. (NIV)

Change your mind about being one of the two witnesses?


Literal lunatic
Dear DavisBJ,

I never knew you were that tall!! I'm sure you would rather be exploring the Universe than playing basketball, if you make it to Heaven. You will have lost all interest in basketball. Your spirit will live on a star as it says in Daniel 12:3. Please read it, Davis.

Tons Of Love Coming Your Way!!


:cloud9: :cloud9: :angel: :angel:

Wake up Michael.

There will be no stars, sun or moon.

Nobody will be living on venus.

Isaiah 60:19 KJV

19 The sun shall be no more thy light by day; neither for brightness shall the moon give light unto thee: but the LORD shall be unto thee an everlasting light , and thy God thy glory.

Revelation 22:5 KJV

5 And there shall be no night there; and they need no candle , neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light : and they shall reign for ever and ever.


New member
What?? No basketball?? When I have waited all these longs years, and now you say it ain’t gonna happen? I know what I’m going to do. Just like Huck Finn, I’m going to choose to go to that other place, where the boss has a trident and horns, and things are much more interesting than just strumming harps.

Sorry DBJ, but both those places are not our destination, be it sinner or saint.


What?? No basketball?? When I have waited all these longs years, and now you say it ain’t gonna happen? I know what I’m going to do. Just like Huck Finn, I’m going to choose to go to that other place, where the boss has a trident and horns, and things are much more interesting than just strumming harps.

Well, you will have an even better time with a travel brochure of the Universe and it's many galaxies and planets. You will travel at a high rate of speed because you will no longer have legs to hold you back. You'll just have to see when and if you go to be with God or not! The sky is not even the limit!!




My apologies. All this time I presumed (erroneously) that when you used the word “evolution”, you were speaking of what is sometimes called Darwinian Evolution – the explanation for how the diversity of life forms we see today arose from a far more simple form of life long ago.

What you are really upset with is some ideas in cosmology.

Darwin's ilk hasn't been proven yet. And his Evolution story is just a "Theory." So get it right and quit trying to mislead people. We didn't rise from some far more simple form of life long ago. We were created uniquely to be above all of the other life on earth, including chimps and apes. They are animals. We are men, women, and children.


:angrymob: :eek:


But Michael, a year and a half ago you indicated you were not going to get the radiation treatments, apparently because you felt that as one of the two witnesses spoken of in the Book of Revelation, you would be killed anyway and lie in the street for a few days, after which you will come back to life and then go to heaven:

Rev 11:7 Now when they have finished their testimony, the beast that comes up from the Abyss will attack them, and overpower and kill them.
8 Their bodies will lie in the public square of the great city—which is figuratively called Sodom and Egypt—where also their Lord was crucified. (NIV)

Change your mind about being one of the two witnesses?

Dear Davis,

Has it been 1-1/2 years already? And my PSA is lower now than it was when I was first diagnosed with it. I decided against it again. I thought I might do it but considering the immediate future, it would be dumb, a waste of time of getting up early, plus my gas money, and messing up my schedule, and having to go through it for 8 weeks IN A ROW, NO BREAK for 8 weeks. That is no way for me to die.

Well, got to go and eat some pudding. I'm going to have to get going for awhile.

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New member
Did I not admit to that Alwight?

Didn't expect you to Alwight. Just made my own observation. I may look for something to see how accurate Wiki actually is on stuff it publishes?
Why bother checking anything Stan when you can simply presuppose an answer and deem it to be true? :plain:

How so? There were some very knowledgeable people on there who were kinda lost. The point was to show how much faith those people actually use that THEY themselves cannot support, yet we as Christians are always asked to support our faith with so-called facts. I wonder how you would have done had you been approached in this video?
The point is people like you and I have our minds set on what we believe, but MANY, as is indicated in this video, don't really know why they believe how they do yet evolutionary apologetics will use stats that say MOST educated people believe in Evolution. They sure didn't look very educated, if to me. :crackup:
I suspect that if someone pointed a camera at me and put a microphone under my nose unexpectedly in the street that I wouldn't do too well. The guy behind the camera will no doubt have selectively edited his piece anyway had anyone told him where to get off or indeed managed to more successfully argue that their belief in Darwinian evolution is a naturalistic conclusion more than sufficiently supported by empirical evidence and reason.
However if you have already presupposed that Darwinian evolution must be wrong whatever the science and evidence may suggest then clearly there is no rational thinking debate going on anyway.

I don't know because I am NOT of that opinion. I'm NOT God and I do NOT purport to even be anywhere near understanding Him other than what His Written Word tells me. I can tell you that as He did create a man and woman that would have been considered in their late teens but were only a few minutes old, and a universe that was a day old but obviously appeared much older, I'll leave the details as to HOW He did it to Him. Man's attempt in trying to understand through his own very limited abilities, is just plain arrogance.
It was once arrogance to think that that the universe did not revolve around the Earth. If people simply presupposed what they believe and never looked for answers in evidence then we'd all still be stuck in rather less enlightened times imo. You are a relic Stan, if everyone thought as you do then we'd still be in the middle ages waiting for the next black death to arrive.

Yes Alwight, charged and accepted, and I've dealt with the scriptural issue as well.
I think you shouldn't be afraid to use the brain that God perhaps gave you to explore real world evidence beyond presupposition. :plain:

According to who's rational? I have doubted many thing in my life, but God has proved Himself always regardless of how unfaithful I have been. Can you say the same about your faith in this science?
Science is simply a methodology to help with understanding evidence, it isn't a faith.

I think quoting Glenn Morton here is very disingenuous, given he became apostate and fell off ALL his beliefs. If his own cognitive dissonance got the better of him so be it. I'm not to worried about one so-called believer that turned out NOT to be. So called Empirical rationalists are also surprised at how bad his flip flop was or is. In any event do the right thing for the wrong reasons is always wrong for the person doing it, not for the cause he is committed to. Many false Christians have used God's word to preach, but look at what God says in Is 55:11 (NIV)
My understanding is that Morton remains a Christian, just not a YEC one.


But Michael, a year and a half ago you indicated you were not going to get the radiation treatments, apparently because you felt that as one of the two witnesses spoken of in the Book of Revelation, you would be killed anyway and lie in the street for a few days, after which you will come back to life and then go to heaven:

Rev 11:7 Now when they have finished their testimony, the beast that comes up from the Abyss will attack them, and overpower and kill them.
8 Their bodies will lie in the public square of the great city—which is figuratively called Sodom and Egypt—where also their Lord was crucified. (NIV)

Change your mind about being one of the two witnesses?

Dear DavisBJ,

I surely haven't changed my mind about being one of the two witnesses. That's something I can't get out of. When God tells you you are, then you don't say, "No, I don't want to be." Give it a little time and God will bear witness of me. It is useless to bear witness of myself. I bear witness of what I've seen and heard from Him, the angels, the Holy Ghost, and my visions. That's what the two olive trees and candlesticks standing before the God of the whole earth, do. See Rev. 11:4KJV. Hang in there just a little longer.


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Dear Alwight,

Once again, see below:

Darwin's ilk hasn't been proven yet. And his Evolution story is just a "Theory." We didn't rise from some far more simple form of life long ago. We were created uniquely to be above all of the other life on Earth, including chimps and apes. They are animals. We are men, women, and children.


:shut: :cloud9:


New member
Dear Alwight,

Once again, see below:

Darwin's ilk hasn't been proven yet. And his Evolution story is just a "Theory." We didn't rise from some far more simple form of life long ago. We were created uniquely to be above all of the other life on Earth, including chimps and apes. They are animals. We are men, women, and children.


:shut: :cloud9:
Once again then Michael I'll explain that formal theories never get proven, they exist to be shot at, falsified should they be wrong.
We can learn from false theories how to find better ones while those that remain are those more likely to show the truth.
"Just a theory"? Well, I'm personally convinced that Darwinian evolution is a fact because it seems to explain the evidence without recourse to suppositions of miracles or a supernatural, but no I can't formally logically prove it, that simply won't happen.
I suggest that you are wrong to reject Darwinian evolution, it remains the best naturalistic explanation for the evidence that we have.
If however you think that it doesn't reasonably explain specific natural evidence somehow then by all means present your facts and evidence rather than general presumptions from an ancient scripture.
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The Barbarian

I think quoting Glenn Morton here is very disingenuous, given he became apostate and fell off ALL his beliefs.

No. He remains a Christian. He just shed all the false teachings that YE creastionists preach. Unfortunately, as he admits, YE caused many of his fellow creationists to lose faith in God entirely.

If his own cognitive dissonance got the better of him so be it. I'm not to worried about one so-called believer that turned out NOT to be.

His discovery was that being a Christian is not what YE creationists think it is.

Many false Christians have used God's word to preach

That's what caused him to change. He discovered that what he had been taught was false. It was hard for him to face; it's hard for you. But that is the truth.

YE creationism is a corruption of God's word. Morton was one of the lucky ones who escaped with his faith in God intact. Many are not so lucky. This is the real damage that YE creationism does.


New member
Your personal opinion of a proven scholar in his field means very little given you anonymity and non-credentialed POV in addition to your bias.

Your style of condescension and superciliousness is not and basically dismissed as less than child like.

Only a fop would make these kind of self aggrandizing statements.

Right back at ya. If you think there's merit in the wager that says far more about you than it does about the rest of us.

Seems you have more faith and understanding in Avatar, than you have in reality.

Lets see now, there once was a talking snake, a guy came back to life after being clinically dead, a virgin gave birth, some bloke engaged in a gravity defying walk on water.....

.... Oh sure, Like I'm going to listen to you talk about reality. :kookoo:


New member
YEC is the only biblical conclusion. If you think the earth is billions of years old, then you apparently don't believe that the bible is literally true.

Jose Fly

New member
YEC is the only biblical conclusion. If you think the earth is billions of years old, then you apparently don't believe that the bible is literally true.

So then if I review the science and conclude that the earth is over 4 billion years old, I must also conclude that the Bible is not true, correct?


New member
The problem with Pascal's Wager is that it applies equally to all religions. And one could even argue that perhaps God rewards those who accept the world for what it is, think critically, and value logic and reason over blind faith, and therefore...just to be should live accordingly.

Absolutely, the wager was dead the moment it was first uttered. Only fundamentalist wackos seem to have trouble seeing it.


New member
Right back at ya. If you think there's merit in the wager that says far more about you than it does about the rest of us.

You acceptance of it's legitimacy means squat to me and probably most here. Your perceptions are meaningless.

Lets see now, there once was a talking snake, a guy came back to life after being clinically dead, a virgin gave birth, some bloke engaged in a gravity defying walk on water.....
.... Oh sure, Like I'm going to listen to you talk about reality.

Your inability to understand the style of writing only shows your limited skills therein. If you can't or don't know HOW to read, then don't.
There's an old saying about it being better to keep your mouth shut and let people wonder if you're a fool. than by opening it and removing all doubt.
You've removed all doubt.
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