Creation vs. Evolution

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Dear Simon Baker,

Well, what do you think about my answer? Can you be ready by the end of this year? I never said I knew the day or hour, or month, but that's besides the point.

May God Keep You Out Of Mischief,



Dear Alwight,

I see you are playing badminton with 6days. I don't answer those posts directed to him except with his permission. That doesn't mean I can't write you though. Hey, you needed a time. I can give it to you now. Armageddon will occur before the end of this year. I can't say which month. Will talk with you more about it soon. I have to get dashing. Chat with you more later, Buddy!!

Cheerio Mate,


The Barbarian

We agree of course. The scientific method involves observation and repeatable experiments.

A few decades ago some scientists put some Italian lizards into a new environment and waited to see what would happen. What happened was the evolution of new behaviors, change in body shape and strenght, and a new digestive organ. The hypothesis was that there would be evolution to increase fitness in the new environment. In a few decades, a new structure evolved.

A few years ago, a bacteriologist ran a long-term experiment on bacteria given food they could not normally use. Over a period of time, many mutations occured, but several were retained and produced a new, irreducibly complex enzyme system.

Not bad.

Evolutionism is simply as belief about the unobservable, non repeatable past.

"Evolutionism" is a creationist strawman. Evolutionary theory, however, is testable, and has been repeatedly verified.


New member
Dear Alwight,

I see you are playing badminton with 6days. I don't answer those posts directed to him except with his permission. That doesn't mean I can't write you though. Hey, you needed a time. I can give it to you now. Armageddon will occur before the end of this year. I can't say which month. Will talk with you more about it soon. I have to get dashing. Chat with you more later, Buddy!!

Cheerio Mate,

No point in me repainting the apartment then?


New member
Of course "Nothing created everything is not science" any more than God created everything is not science.
Neither is science. They are beliefs.

(You may not claim that everything was created by nothing, but in that case you must believe that something which existed throughout eternity, has caused everything)


New member
A few decades ago some scientists put some Italian lizards into a new environment and waited to see what would happen. What happened was the evolution of new behaviors, change in body shape and strenght, and a new digestive organ. The hypothesis was that there would be evolution to increase fitness in the new environment. In a few decades, a new structure evolved.
What seems to be your favorite example of your belief system, is also a great evidence of the truth of scripture, and evidence of our omniscient Creator.

"Evolutionism" is a creationist strawman. Evolutionary theory, however, is testable, and has been repeatedly verified.
Changes in heritable traits over time is testable and has been repeatedly verified. These changes / adaptations are evidence of an Intelligent Designer, and evidence for the Creator God of the Bible.
Evolutionism is a belief system about our origins as is Creationism.


What seems to be your favorite example of your belief system, is also a great evidence of the truth of scripture, and evidence of our omniscient Creator.

Changes in heritable traits over time is testable and has been repeatedly verified. These changes / adaptations are evidence of an Intelligent Designer, and evidence for the Creator God of the Bible.
Evolutionism is a belief system about our origins as is Creationism.

You continue to get everything wrong.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Creationists also claim that the Earth is only a few thousand years based entirely on a literal interpretation of an ancient scripture, whatever the physical evidence and science may otherwise suggest.
Really? Mr. "eyes glaze over" alwight thinks science is ruled by consensus instead of evidence. You've always ignored the science to keep your belief in common descent.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
A few decades ago some scientists put some Italian lizards into a new environment and waited to see what would happen. What happened was the evolution of new behaviors, change in body shape and strenght, and a new digestive organ. The hypothesis was that there would be evolution to increase fitness in the new environment. In a few decades, a new structure evolved.
And how many mutations did all this change take?

A few years ago, a bacteriologist ran a long-term experiment on bacteria given food they could not normally use. Over a period of time, many mutations occured, but several were retained and produced a new, irreducibly complex enzyme system.
Nylonase? If that's what you are talking about, this is more weak evidence for common descent. And, unfortunately, it's the best evidence you have.

But we can talk about the strength of the evidence if you wish.


New member
Really? Mr. "eyes glaze over" alwight thinks science is ruled by consensus instead of evidence. You've always ignored the science to keep your belief in common descent.
Common descent is at least a rational, falsifiable explanation based in evidence from all natural sciences even if you don't like it for whatever reason.
"God-did-it" miraculously because that's what is written in an ancient scripture, is at best hearsay, at worst an irrational, un-falsifiable, faith based belief, regardless of any scientific conclusions no matter how rigorous and well evidenced.


No point in me repainting the apartment then?

Dear Alwight,

I wouldn't no way. But if you need to do it before someone can move in, then you might want to do it. Collect rent for a few months. People will still need to live somewhere. There's no guarantee that all people will be wiped off of the earth, most likely just 2/3 of them. As far as I know, 1/3 of the population shall live and it will be an extremely better earth. You, and everyone else then, won't have to worry about getting murdered, stolen from, etc.

My advice would be to hold off on things that are not immediately necessary to do, especially if they involve a lot of work, but continue otherwise. Lot's of other people will still need a place to live. At least there won't be a population problem anymore. And you have to keep your job regardless, because you're going to need money. I would not rely on money, but would buy gold with it instead.

I don't want to alarm you, but just help guide you. Who knows, Al, you might die and go to heaven. My prayers are with you. God sees how you've treated me and many of your works are good indeed. I try to intercede to God to grant me that you and Hedshaker will be saved, because you've both being good friends, despite your having trouble with believing in Jesus. If I love you both, how much more does God, the inventor of love, love you? It is in God's Hands. But you both have my prayers. You're the only two agnostics/skeptics that I am praying especially for. I know you both don't know what you are really doing because you weren't raised right, to have a relationship with God and Jesus. That's not your fault. It's the fault of those who raised you or those who raised your parents, etc. One or more of your ancestors screwed you over and decided he wouldn't believe in God, so it's been carried down to you.

Okay, will get going for now, mate. Not much time yet. I'm just glad that the Lord revealed it to me a couple days ago and that He said it was alright to tell others, mostly those whom I love dearly.

God Treat You Right!!




Well-known member
Dear Alwight,

I see you are playing badminton with 6days. I don't answer those posts directed to him except with his permission. That doesn't mean I can't write you though. Hey, you needed a time. I can give it to you now. Armageddon will occur before the end of this year. I can't say which month. Will talk with you more about it soon. I have to get dashing. Chat with you more later, Buddy!!

Cheerio Mate,


Armageddon's happening this year? Hm.


Armageddon's happening this year? Hm.

Dear zoo22,

Yes, near the end of this year. There is one more blood moon to come. A humungous earthquake will happen before it. I believe that the earthquake will happen in Phoenix. You know what this city is named for. It's the mythological bird, the Phoenix, who dies every 500 years and then rises alive again from out of the ashes, to come to life again. It's an Egyptian myth. Yep, I suppose I will get A LOT of Flack from my belief, but after the end of this year, no one will be laughing at me anymore. I've been a witness for God who has testified to others what I've send and heard from Him. He told me it'd be the end of this year. I asked Him if I could tell others and He said yes. It's such a relief. Better days are coming; Ride on the Peace Train. Yippee!! Finally!!

God's Omniscience, and One Heck Of An Imagination,





Dear zoo22,

What do you think of what I had to share? Do you believe and have faith concerning it? Certainly we have all waited long enough for Jesus to return again. You can see that everything is ripe for His coming. I testify from what I've heard from the Lord and the angels. I am like a candlestick and olive tree standing before the God of the whole earth. I'm trying to prepare the way of the Lord Jesus. I post on Twitter also and have believers from all over the world. Bill Clinton and Michelle Obama I have also spoken to because they tweeted to me. I'm doing the best of sharing my testimony as a witness of what I've heard and seen regarding Armageddon. We've been going through the Tribulation for years now, if you didn't now. It will culminate in an even harder Tribulation, with fires, earthquakes, floods, etc. where people cannot be reached by aid to them. The roads will be impassible, soon cars won't have any gas to run them, there shall be no electricity, A/C, lights, heat, Internet, etc. Drinking water shall become scarce. The world will go back to living like it was in many years we had before us. But, Jesus will return and the state of the Earth will be greatly improved so that there will be no violence and the lion shall lay down like the lamb, and the lion shall eat straw, believe it or not. The meek shall inherit the earth. 1/3 of the people on earth shall inherit the earth. 1/3 shall go to heaven, and 1/3 shall go to sleep in the dust and live again in another earthly body or earthly vessel. They will have one last chance to choose good over evil, and Jesus over Satan.

God Be With You In The Days To Come!!

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And how many mutations did all this change take?

Nylonase? If that's what you are talking about, this is more weak evidence for common descent. And, unfortunately, it's the best evidence you have.

But we can talk about the strength of the evidence if you wish.

Dear Yorzhik,

Wonderful to have you here again!! I am a YEC. But if I'm wrong, I still have God's and Jesus' Love and Forgiveness. If I am an OEC, then God will ask me why I didn't believe the Bible as the Creation story is written. He will say, where is your faith regarding the Creation by Him. If the earth is old and there have been men and women upon it before our Adam and Eve, then so be it. We will find out the truth when we get to ask Jesus when we face Him. Life is good and my house is in order! Prepare ye for the return of Christ. That is the work I've been doing. Getting everyone ready. Giving strength to those who wonder who they are and why they are alive. Feeding His sheep with knowledge and strengthening in their spirit. Helping them find what their purpose is on this Earth, etc. You are all children of God that He has raised on Earth in the milky way. You are here because you are being taught how to assist the angels, becoming servants to God, to help people on Earth in the future, with their upbringing and their beliefs. Do you understand what I'm saying here? The reason God put the words Milky Way into the mouth of a man is because even us adults are being weaned on milk, for we adults are still like children, in God's Eyes. Well, this is getting long.

Much Love, In Christ!!




The Barbarian

(Barbarian challenged to provide an observed example of evolution)
A few decades ago some scientists put some Italian lizards into a new environment and waited to see what would happen. What happened was the evolution of new behaviors, change in body shape and strenght, and a new digestive organ. The hypothesis was that there would be evolution to increase fitness in the new environment. In a few decades, a new structure evolved.

What seems to be your favorite example of your belief system, is also a great evidence of the truth of scripture, and evidence of our omniscient Creator.

Pleased to hear you finally admit it. Evolution is His creation just like everything else.

Barbarian observes:
"Evolutionism" is a creationist strawman. Evolutionary theory, however, is testable, and has been repeatedly verified.

Changes in heritable traits over time is testable and has been repeatedly verified.

Yep. This is why (based on those lists of "scientists who doubt Darwin") only about 0.3% of people with doctorates in biology don't accept Darwinian theory.

These changes / adaptations are evidence of an Intelligent Designer,

Creator. I don't buy the "intelligent designer" argument that it might just be a "space alien." We're talking an omnipotent creator doing something that wonderful.

Evolutionism is a belief system about our origins as is Creationism.

Both of which were invented by people opposed to the way God actually did it. Evolutionism and creationism are opposed to evolutionary theory, and to God's word in Genesis.


New member
Barbarian said:
6days said:
What seems to be your favorite example of your belief system, is also a great evidence of the truth of scripture, and evidence of our omniscient Creator.

Pleased to hear you finally admit it. Evolution is His creation just like everything else.

You gave an example of a lizard adapting. Your belief that lizards can evolve into Lawyers (or any other kind of animal) is unscriptural.

The Barbarian

You gave an example of a lizard adapting. Your belief that lizards can evolve into Lawyers



Oh, wait. That's a lawyer evolving into a lizard. Sorry.

(or any other kind of animal) is unscriptural.

Not in the Christian Bible. What are you reading?

The evolution of a new structure is precisely what your new doctrine says cannot happen. And yet there it is.


Dear The Barbarian,

I don't follow you. I think you are misrepresenting what 6days actually said. See Post #8007.



Dear Alwight,

It's been awhile since I've heard from you. You didn't answer my last post to you. Are you okay and doing well? I hope all is okay. Yes, if you want to paint your apt., but all means, go ahead and paint it. I've told you all that I know so far, except tons of other things that have happened to me. I've lost track of how many angels have visited me, 7 to 10 times. Sometimes, they are in my visions too. Like my vision about the tornadoes. There was one angel there. And then my vision about Phoenix. That's another right there. Plus, I initially was visited by 3 angels within the span of 3 weeks. Oh well, I know you don't want to hear it. I hope that all is okay with you and that you are very happy!!

Much Love Coming Your Way!!!

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