Well if Jesus is coming love to meet him and maybe have a beer. But as far as the creationist part goes, I don't believe your wrong. I further more don't believe your right either. We are speaking about a subject abstractly, a subject with infinite depth. Now how would anyone assume to know the truth. Even science is re worked all the time with new discoveries. Maybe one day you'll have your proof, I hope you get it. But I'm still stuck on one thing, which is why does it matter. Everything that will be will be. The past present and future were put into motion along time ago. How, why, when or where is irrelevant because we exist now. And since we exist now, a now that is saturated with fixable problems. I wish science and religious people would start for real actually improving the planet and not just justifying there existence. We've all heard both sides and it's all very fascinating. But tell me this, why is the most advanced civilization we have ever known alongside the greatest public centers, churches, why are they not solving our problems. We don't need people to starve, we solved that decades ago and it's globally possible. The tech is there and so are the churches to distribute it. This is one example of many. Let's just face facts. Religion is self serving and so is science, hey it's human nature. But if I have to listen to one side make anymore proclamations about irrelevant issues I'm gonna laugh. Because nothing is funnier than watching idiots argue. With all do respect.