Creation vs. Evolution II


You are only hypnotizing yourself. The many layers of stratified rock formations that were laid down over millions of years contain fossils of different life forms that lived at different times. There have been many floods over many ages, your claim of one world wide flood is quack science. The earth doesn't look anything like the Genesis account to honest people.

You may believe that God wrote the Bible but that doesn't make it true, it just means you believe something. Many religious people inside of many religions believe things that are not true.

Dear Caino,

Maybe you are the one who is hypnotized. Didn't Jesus even refer to the Book of Isaiah as true about Himself?? You never heard of that?? Why not? Why does Jesus not correct us on the Book of the Bible. He quotes the Bible instead? Oh well.



Dear Silent Hunter And Hedshaker,

Patrick Jane is now the owner of this Thread, per our agreement. He wants you to be banned no longer from this thread. I spoke with Sherman about it and you are now welcomed back. I will write more later. I have not read all of this Page 90, and I have to get to bed right away because it is now 6:30 a.m., and I should have been off here a long time ago. I push my luck going to bed at 3 a.m., so I've certainly bypassed my limit. Please be nice.

Good Day Ahead And Cheerio,



Dear Caino,

Maybe you are the one who is hypnotized. Didn't Jesus even refer to the Book of Isaiah as true about Himself?? You never heard of that?? Why not? Why does Jesus not correct us on the Book of the Bible. He quotes the Bible instead? Oh well.


Hi Michael,

This is the answer to your question. In mercy does God successively reveal spiritual Truth to his children corresponding with our ability to receive it, through revelations great and small on the evolutionary worlds of time and space, but he NEVER interferes with the evolution of our wisdom. It is up to man to determine weather or not mans writings about God are factual. Jesus didn't come to earth to reform Judaism, fix it's conjecture and speculation, HOWEVER, his God revealing Life did in fact greatly improve our concepts of the Father revealed in his life. Before Christ man may have had some justification in his belief of the more primitive concepts of deity written of by man in the scriptures, but not after. Now that we have a greater vision of the Father in the Son, we have no excuse! Before the age of scientific inquiry, man may have been justified in his creations stories, but not now. Religion is very slow to reform.

patrick jane

I am allowing them to return on the condition they behave themselves.

@MichaelCadry Please report any personal attacks they do. If they make any personal attacks, they will be banned from the thread and receive infractions. They are allowed back in on the condition they behave themselves and stick to the debate. No personal attacks.
Thank you Sherman !!!


Hi Michael,

This is the answer to your question. In mercy does God successively reveal spiritual Truth to his children corresponding with our ability to receive it, through revelations great and small on the evolutionary worlds of time and space, but he NEVER interferes with the evolution of our wisdom. It is up to man to determine weather or not mans writings about God are factual. Jesus didn't come to earth to reform Judaism, fix it's conjecture and speculation, HOWEVER, his God revealing Life did in fact greatly improve our concepts of the Father revealed in his life. Before Christ man may have had some justification in his belief of the more primitive concepts of deity written of by man in the scriptures, but not after. Now that we have a greater vision of the Father in the Son, we have no excuse! Before the age of scientific inquiry, man may have been justified in his creations stories, but not now. Religion is very slow to reform.

Dear Caino,

And this is my response to you. What you speak seems to be heresy, for Jesus said Himself, that "He who hath seen Me, hath seen the Father." Now that being the case, you are saying that God created, in His Image, an ancestor of a chimp or ape?? You all feed upon one desire: to alter the words of God and Jesus to suit your own whims and your UB {Urantia Book}. I abhor your Book and the Book of the Moslem's, the Koran, for starters. A mixture of copying what God says about Himself and then adding whatever else they so please. Did you know that the Koran has the story of Joseph in it thousands of years after it was already written in the Hebrew Bible, our Old Testament.

That's not the only thing they copy. One thing they say is something God said or did {like the story of Joseph} and then mix it in with other words that are lies from Satan. You don't understand all of the dynamics of what lies can do. Satan is cast down into the Earth, and he confronts the Truth of God with tons of lies. Some are quite successful. But, only the people entering the straight gate will be led to Heaven, while all of the other gates are closed because their paths do not lead to Heaven. It's your eternal life. What do you want to do about it?? Do you want to mess up losing it when you've waited so long for the time to reach there?

It is of great importance because even one man, besides more I'm sure, read the story of Joseph in the Koran and he cried upon finishing the story, so he became a Moslem. His name, Yusuf Islam, a.k.a. Cat Stevens. Do you know how close he came to being Christian instead? You don't understand what lies can screw up a man's life. I will not go on any longer, because you aren't going to believe me anyways. There is so much more than you realize the fact that Satan has tons of wrongdoing, but there is only ONE Truth of the matter, and that is what HE SAYS. For example, Earth is inhabited. That is the absolute truth. Now here comes someone else saying, the Earth is not inhabited because everyone has gone to Heaven or Hell. That is a LIE. That has not happened, though it might seem to be true. It's either one or the other. Only one way can be true at the time it is declared. Do you know that Hell is mild compared to the Lake of Fire? {See Rev. 19:20KJV}. Next, see Rev. 20:14KJV, "And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death..."

Hell is one place for evil souls. It is within the center of our Earth. The bottomless pit, Caino. The Earth is round, so it has a center and a top, because everyone feels they are on the top of the Earth re: gravity. This is Hades, Hell, the nether regions, lava and magma pit. Just think of a Ball that only has a top and a center, but you cannot ascertain where the bottom is. First a soul is sent here, most of the time. But there are some who will go straight to the Lake of Fire, where they will eternally stay there and it is much hotter than Hell. The Lake of Fire is into our Sun. It is much hotter than Hell, and it is a permanent punishment. Hell will give up those souls in her, and they shall be judged by the Lord, some will go to Heaven and some will go to the Lake of Fire. There are a lot of conditions and fine print, but I can't go into it here.

I can tell you that lightning is 5 or more times hotter than the surface of the Sun. Hey, enough is enough. If you want, you will learn these things as your life goes on, Caino. I know it seems like a lot to take in, and it is. So I'll hold my tongue for now. You will grow some in spirit and soul. Okay, it's almost 6:30 a.m. which is way past my bedtime by about 3-4 hours.

I care about you plenty, Caino, and will help you with any questions you have. But I may have to tell you in a PM. Some others will not be ready because they haven't read this post first, or for other reasons also. I should close for now. Have a joyful day, keeping your thoughts and hearts on Jesus' Return. I've learned the things I've told you from an impeccable source. That being said, I am not just saying what I've THOUGHT UP in my HEAD. This is the real thing, and you can bank on it.

I will keep quiet about my source, for now. Just learn slowly. The devil is more than ready to start filling your head with other lies to sway you from the real truth, because you might tell someone, who will tell someone else, etc. Soon enough, it spreads like wildfire. Also, you might learn too much truth that you will not go to Hell, and the devil will lose your soul. That's not good for him. He wants your soul, so he can add you to his followers and spread evil lies to many others, like wildfire. Now do you see why it's important to watch what you say. I've screwed up a couple times and have learned the hard way. But everyone has to go through the same stuff. But it was about something much more than this. Okay, it's almost 6:30 a.m. which is way past my bedtime by about 3-4 hours.

God Be With You! Learn Slowly. Don't start thinking a bunch of other stuff, but only what I've said here. This is just something to ponder for now.

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Dear Caino,

And this is my response to you. What you speak seems to be heresy, for Jesus said Himself, that "He who hath seen Me, hath seen the Father." Now that being the case, you are saying that God created, in His Image, an ancestor of a chimp or ape?? You all feed upon one desire: to alter the words of God and Jesus to suit your own whims and your UB {Urantia Book}. I abhor your Book and the Book of the Moslem's, the Koran, for starters. A mixture of copying what God says about Himself and then adding whatever else they so please. Did you know that the Koran has the story of Joseph in it thousands of years after it was already written in the Hebrew Bible, our Old Testament.

That's not the only thing they copy. One thing they say is something God said or did {like the story of Joseph} and then mix it in with other words that are lies from Satan. You don't understand all of the dynamics of what lies can do. Satan is cast down into the Earth, and he confronts the Truth of God with tons of lies. Some are quite successful. But, only the people entering the straight gate will be led to Heaven, while all of the other gates are closed because their paths do not lead to Heaven. It's your eternal life. What do you want to do about it?? Do you want to mess up losing it when you've waited so long for the time to reach there?

It is of great importance because even one man, besides more I'm sure, read the story of Joseph in the Koran and he cried upon finishing the story, so he became a Moslem. His name, Yusuf Islam, a.k.a. Cat Stevens. Do you know how close he came to being Christian instead? You don't understand what lies can screw up a man's life. I will not go on any longer, because you aren't going to believe me anyways. There is so much more than you realize the fact that Satan has tons of wrongdoing, but there is only ONE Truth of the matter, and that is what HE SAYS. For example, Earth is inhabited. That is the absolute truth. Now here comes someone else saying, the Earth is not inhabited because everyone has gone to Heaven or Hell. That is a LIE. That has not happened, though it might seem to be true. It's either one or the other. Only one way can be true at the time it is declared. Do you know that Hell is mild compared to the Lake of Fire? {See Rev. 19:20KJV}. Next, see Rev. 20:14KJV, "And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death..."

Hell is one place for evil souls. It is within the center of our Earth. The bottomless pit, Caino. The Earth is round, so it has a center and a top, because everyone feels they are on the top of the Earth re: gravity. This is Hades, Hell, the nether regions, lava and magma pit. Just think of a Ball that only has a top and a center, but you cannot ascertain where the bottom is. First a soul is sent here, most of the time. But there are some who will go straight to the Lake of Fire, where they will eternally stay there and it is much hotter than Hell. The Lake of Fire is into our Sun. It is much hotter than Hell, and it is a permanent punishment. Hell will give up those souls in her, and they shall be judged by the Lord, some will go to Heaven and some will go to the Lake of Fire. There are a lot of conditions and fine print, but I can't go into it here.

I can tell you that lightning is 5 or more times hotter than the surface of the Sun. Hey, enough is enough. If you want, you will learn these things as your life goes on, Caino. I know it seems like a lot to take in, and it is. So I'll hold my tongue for now. You will grow some in spirit and soul. Okay, it's almost 6:30 a.m. which is way past my bedtime by about 3-4 hours.

I care about you plenty, Caino, and will help you with any questions you have. But I may have to tell you in a PM. Some others will not be ready because they haven't read this post first, or for other reasons also. I should close for now. Have a joyful day, keeping your thoughts and hearts on Jesus' Return. I've learned the things I've told you from an impeccable source. That being said, I am not just saying what I've THOUGHT UP in my HEAD. This is the real thing, and you can bank on it.

I will keep quiet about my source, for now. Just learn slowly. The devil is more than ready to start filling your head with other lies to sway you from the real truth, because you might tell someone, who will tell someone else, etc. Soon enough, it spreads like wildfire. Also, you might learn too much truth that you will not go to Hell, and the devil will lose your soul. That's not good for him. He wants your soul, so he can add you to his followers and spread evil lies to many others, like wildfire. Now do you see why it's important to watch what you say. I've screwed up a couple times and have learned the hard way. But everyone has to go through the same stuff. But it was about something much more than this. Okay, it's almost 6:30 a.m. which is way past my bedtime by about 3-4 hours.

God Be With You! Learn Slowly. Don't start thinking a bunch of other stuff, but only what I've said here. This is just something to ponder for now.


Hi Michael, that was a long one, I read it though. God knows my heart, I have nothing to hide and don't fear judgment. You will also learn a lot more in the next world.




I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
I removed the personal attack, the derailment and the person doing the attacking from the thread. He also got an infraction for it. No personal attacks in this thread. I will be editing the top post to that effect. People doing egregious personal attacks will be kicked from the thread and given an infraction. Let's stick to the topic folks.


New member
Caino said:
The facts of real science are at odds with you denials.
The facts of real science help confirm the truth of God's Word.*

Caino said:
Nowhere are there humans buried with dinosaurs
There are evidences of dinos ans humans coexisting. As to whythey aren't fossilized together...Gen. 6:7 may explain..."So the LORD said, "I will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I have created--and with them the animals, the birds and the creatures that move along the ground--for I regret that I have made them."

Caino said:
*The Mesozoic has dinosaurs ...also has birds, and mammals, though few if any birds or mammals that we know of today.
Actually there are many! Small dinos have been found inside mammals tummies; and birds inside dinos. *Over 400 species of mammals have been found in dino layers; approximately the same number as dino species. I wonder why secular museums so seldom show them together? Hmmmmm.*

Caino said:
*because God didn't create man and dinosaurs at the same time.
That is correct. God created the dinosars before man, but it was on the same day.*

Caino said:
The Hebrews creation story was just conjecture which has been disproven.
It is exciting times for Christians as science helps confirm the truth of scripture; and helps dispel evolutionary myths.

For example:

ARCHAEOLOGY confirms the historical accuracy of people and places. Archeology also helps cofirm the humanity and intelligence of man, from the beginning.*

COSMOLOGY confirms a intelligence in the fine tuning of the universe. Cosmology confirms truth in scripture in that the stars are as inumerable as the sand on the sea shore.

BIOLOGY confirms we are wonderfully made; and proves evolutionary stories about poor design and useless organs to be false.


Hi Michael, that was a long one, I read it though. God knows my heart, I have nothing to hide and don't fear judgment. You will also learn a lot more in the next world.



Hi Colter!!

Are you Caino? A really nice first name!! Why do you call yourself Caino? Do you know that Cain slew Abel? Calling yourself Caino is detrimental to your self inside you. It would have been more beneficial for you to call yourself Abelo instead of Caino. Do you know what I mean?

So, you read my entire post. Good for you, indeed! Of course, I have tons of stuff to learn in my future. I am willing to share my personal experiences for those who want or need me to. But you know, most of what I have to say is included in my book. Still, my book only contains a bit of what I've gone through. If you want to know how to read a Free Copy of my book, just let me know. The book is called, "What Your Eyes Have Not Seen." Ah, I'll just tell you now instead.

Go to
Once there, you will see a pic of Jesus {like my Avatar}. On the left are the words "Book Copy." Left-click on that and the words "SKU-text2.pdf" will come up. Left-click on that. You will then be at the beginning of my book. You will notice that the first two pages are blank. Those pages are for autographs and readers' notes. On the third page is the Title Page of my book, "What Your Eyes Have Not Seen." By using your up and down arrow cursor keys, you can navigate through the pages of my book. If you do go to buy it instead, it is $15 or something. You will have to order it, probably, but that will not take long.

You can go to my website as I explained above, and you can download a copy on paper, or download it to your computer, keeping it in your stored computer info. It is also available in the downtown Phoenix Library. It has been there since 2003. You must get the 7th Edition. It is the most recent and it matters quite a bit.


The facts of real science help confirm the truth of God's Word.*

There are evidences of dinos ans humans coexisting. As to whythey aren't fossilized together...Gen. 6:7 may explain..."So the LORD said, "I will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I have created--and with them the animals, the birds and the creatures that move along the ground--for I regret that I have made them."

Actually there are many! Small dinos have been found inside mammals tummies; and birds inside dinos. *Over 400 species of mammals have been found in dino layers; approximately the same number as dino species. I wonder why secular museums so seldom show them together? Hmmmmm.*

That is correct. God created the dinosars before man, but it was on the same day.*

It is exciting times for Christians as science helps confirm the truth of scripture; and helps dispel evolutionary myths.

For example:

ARCHAEOLOGY confirms the historical accuracy of people and places. Archeology also helps cofirm the humanity and intelligence of man, from the beginning.*

COSMOLOGY confirms a intelligence in the fine tuning of the universe. Cosmology confirms truth in scripture in that the stars are as inumerable as the sand on the sea shore.

BIOLOGY confirms we are wonderfully made; and proves evolutionary stories about poor design and useless organs to be false.

Self delusion! That's the only thing validated here in this post. You are in full flight from reality if you think science is validating the Hebrews creation, creation! Dinosaurs died out millions of years before man evolved. Only the crack pots at the AIG think humans lived with T-Rex.


Hi Colter!!

Are you Caino? A really nice first name!! Why do you call yourself Caino? Do you know that Cain slew Abel? Calling yourself Caino is detrimental to your self inside you. It would have been more beneficial for you to call yourself Abelo instead of Caino. Do you know what I mean?

So, you read my entire post. Good for you, indeed! Of course, I have tons of stuff to learn in my future. I am willing to share my personal experiences for those who want or need me to. But you know, most of what I have to say is included in my book. Still, my book only contains a bit of what I've gone through. If you want to know how to read a Free Copy of my book, just let me know. The book is called, "What Your Eyes Have Not Seen." Ah, I'll just tell you now instead.

Go to
Once there, you will see a pic of Jesus {like my Avatar}. On the left are the words "Book Copy." Left-click on that and the words "SKU-text2.pdf" will come up. Left-click on that. You will then be at the beginning of my book. You will notice that the first two pages are blank. Those pages are for autographs and readers' notes. On the third page is the Title Page of my book, "What Your Eyes Have Not Seen." By using your up and down arrow cursor keys, you can navigate through the pages of my book. If you do go to buy it instead, it is $15 or something. You will have to order it, probably, but that will not take long.

You can go to my website as I explained above, and you can download a copy on paper, or download it to your computer, keeping it in your stored computer info. It is also available in the downtown Phoenix Library. It has been there since 2003. You must get the 7th Edition. It is the most recent and it matters quite a bit.

"Caino" is the handle I made up for TOL, its a take off from the Urantia Book revelation that Cains real fathers name was Cano, no i. Cano was a Nodite leader. The Crafty beast convinced Eve to mate with Cains father in order to improve the worlds gene pool. That was the "sin". She found Cano "pleasing to the eye". The sin of Eve wasn't eating a piece of fruit.

After the sin of his parents and the boys grew up, Able, a full brother, constantly taunted his half brother Cain. He made fun of his chosen profession as a tiller of the land. Cain had enough one day and killed his brother.

Cain decided it was best to leave his parents village and go to the land of Nod in search of his real fathers people. He found a wife and a city.
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patrick jane

"Caino" is the handle I made up for TOL, its a take off from the Urantia Book revelation that Cains real fathers name was Cano, no i. Cano was a Nodite leader. The Crafty beast convinced Eve to mate with Cains father in order to improve the worlds gene pool. That was the "sin". She found Cano "pleasing to the eye". The sin of Eve wasn't eating a price of fruit.

After the sin of his parents and the boys grew up, Able, a full brother, constantly taunted his half brother Cain. He made fun of his chosen profession as a tiller of the land. Cain had enough one day and killed his brother.

Cain decided it was best to leave his parents village and go to the land of Nod in search of his real fathers people. He found a wife and a city.

Greg Jennings

New member
The facts of real science help confirm the truth of God's Word.*

There are evidences of dinos ans humans coexisting. As to whythey aren't fossilized together...Gen. 6:7 may explain..."So the LORD said, "I will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I have created--and with them the animals, the birds and the creatures that move along the ground--for I regret that I have made them."

Actually there are many! Small dinos have been found inside mammals tummies; and birds inside dinos. *Over 400 species of mammals have been found in dino layers; approximately the same number as dino species. I wonder why secular museums so seldom show them together? Hmmmmm.*

That is correct. God created the dinosars before man, but it was on the same day.*

It is exciting times for Christians as science helps confirm the truth of scripture; and helps dispel evolutionary myths.

For example:

ARCHAEOLOGY confirms the historical accuracy of people and places. Archeology also helps cofirm the humanity and intelligence of man, from the beginning.*

COSMOLOGY confirms a intelligence in the fine tuning of the universe. Cosmology confirms truth in scripture in that the stars are as inumerable as the sand on the sea shore.

BIOLOGY confirms we are wonderfully made; and proves evolutionary stories about poor design and useless organs to be false.

If dinosaurs are found alongside small mammals and birds, why wouldn't they also be found alongside humans? Or dogs? Or cows?


New member
Greg Jennings said:
If dinosaurs are found alongside small mammals and birds, why wouldn't they also be found alongside humans?
Coelacanths and humans share the earth together today. How come they aren't together in the fossil record?*

Greg Jennings

New member
Coelacanths and humans share the earth together today. How come they aren't together in the fossil record?*
Because coelacanths are marine organisms and humans aren't. We don't find humans alongside grouper or marlin bones for the same reason

Why don't we see humans or cows or dogs alongside dinosaurs?
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New member
Greg Jennings said:
Because coelacanths are marine organisms and humans aren't. For the same reason we don't find humans buried in sediments containing shark teeth (except if they are on a necklace or something)

You are giving creationist answers. Yes, much of the fossil and gelogical record can be explained by environments. IOW bunnies don't play in the surf with trilobites.

But, the point was that coelacanths and humans live at present times. They are seperated in the fossil record by 65 million years, according to evolutionary dating.*

Greg Jennings said:
Why don't we see humans or cows or dogs alongside dinosaurs? All are terrestrial
You already alluded to one possible answer, and there are other possibilties. As to humans, its quite possible all human fossils are post flood since God said He would destroy them from the face of the earth. We don't know but its possible all civilization / communities were destroyed, buried forever by subduction during the flood.

Greg Jennings

New member
You are giving creationist answers. Yes, much of the fossil and gelogical record can be explained by environments. IOW bunnies don't play in the surf with trilobites.
Link to anything showing an actual rabbit (not a "rabbit") found alongside a trilobite, dinosaur, or other ancient creature. Your claims are false: there are no Cambrian rabbits

But, the point was that coelacanths and humans live at present times. They are seperated in the fossil record by 65 million years, according to evolutionary dating.*
And that means nothing because they didn't live together and humans didn't eat them until the 20th century. According to you, humans and cows and dogs and dinosaurs all lived together in the same terrestrial environment. There is no evidence of any modern mammal ever being in contact with a dinosaur

You already alluded to one possible answer, and there are other possibilties. As to humans, its quite possible all human fossils are post flood since God said He would destroy them from the face of the earth. We don't know but its possible all civilization / communities were destroyed, buried forever by subduction during the flood.
So that's one more scientific impossibility that your "theory" requires: that all human remains pre-flood just magically vanished. It's additionally ridiculous when you consider that we find pre-flood human remains every single day

And what about the dogs and cows? Did God want to erase them from the Earth also? Why aren't their bones with dinosaurs?
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You are giving creationist answers. Yes, much of the fossil and gelogical record can be explained by environments. IOW bunnies don't play in the surf with trilobites.

But didn't The Flood mix everything up? So why would we not find all sorts of marine/aquatic animals like trilobites along with bunny bones?


New member
Greg Jennings said:

Link to anything showing an actual rabbit (not a "rabbit") found alongside a trilobite, dinosaur, or other ancient creature. Your claims are false: there are no Cambrian rabbits

You answered this yourself Greg. Didn't you say that coelacanths and humans are not found in the same layer because they live in different environments?

Greg Jennings said:
And that means nothing because they didn't live together and humans didn't eat them until the 20th century. According to you, humans and cows and dogs and dinosaurs all lived together in the same terrestrial environment. There is no evidence of any modern mammal ever being in contact with a dinosaur

So, are you saying it isn't unusual in the evolutionary paradigm to have no fossil evidence for 65 million years as with coelacanths?

Greg Jennings said:
So that's one more scientific impossibility that your "theory" requires: that all human remains pre-flood just magically vanished.
It's a belief based on logic and evidence. This belief system is far more 'scientific' than the atheist beliefs such as nothing created everything, or our bodies are full of useless vestiges, etc.

Greg Jennings said:
It's additionally ridiculous when you consider that we find pre-flood human remains every single day*
Thats a whopper. There are few human fossils, and its quite possible they are all post-flood.
Greg Jennings said:
And what about the dogs and cows? Did God want to erase them from the Earth also? Why aren't their bones with dinosaurs?
You have provided a couple possible answers already.