Creation vs. Evolution II


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Yes... and I explained its always easy to understand by the context. You can't just use any willy nilly definition when God tells Joshua to march around Jericho a certain amount of days. The context of Genesis 1 does not allow for longer or shorter periods of time than the normal day that we now experience.
Actually that would be unreasonable and leads to compromise in the gospel

(1) WHY doesn't the context of Genesis 1 allow for longer periods of time than the 24-hour day? HOW does a longer "day" compromise the gospel?

(2) Is it not an important point that the writers of the Bible did not use a 24-hour day to mark off time until AFTER the Babylonian captivity? Genesis was written BEFORE that Babylonian experience.

(3) You did not respond to my comments on God's rest day (post #233). I would appreciate something other than a general blanket statement, but specific responses to what I pointed out about that rest day, including the writer of Hebrews' statements.

(4) You didn't explain why you indicated that God cursed the 7th day, and I asked you to explain what you meant (post #267).

Will you address these four issues please?


New member
Set aside "radiometric dating." It is irrefutably crystal clear to anyone who merely LOOKS at the geology of the earth that it has taken A LONG LONG TIME to form the canyons and the layers of deposits evident within the various geologic epochs, and the separation of Africa and South America, etc., which were formerly altogether....These things could not have happened in a brief period of time.
Actually..... Until recent times most people looked at the world around us and seen the universe as evidence of creation. Even some atheists admitted that evidence from the universe and DNA seemed to point to a super intellect. And, they looked at the layers in the earth as evidence of the global flood.
Re. radiometric dating..... Are you aware that dates from the lab is sometimes ignored, and dates are simply assigned to fit evolutionary beliefs? Are you aware of how C14 dating is consistent with God's Word? And are you aware there are many (Although a small percentage) of geologists, geneticists, physicists, atrophysicists, microbiologists, astronomers etc who say the evidence from science best fits the Biblical model and a young universe?


New member
KingdomRose said:
(1) WHY doesn't the context of Genesis 1 allow for longer periods of time than the 24-hour day?
I think I answered this already. But, here goes again... and perhaps with a bit more detail.
Also the The Hebrew context does not allow for anything other than 24 hour days in Genesis 1. James Barr, Professor of Hebrew Bible at Vanderbilt University, former Regius Professor of Hebrew at Oxford said,
"Probably, so far as I know, there is no professor of Hebrew or Old Testament at any world-class university who does not believe that the writer(s) of Genesis 1-11 intended to convey to their readers the ideas that (a) creation took place in a series of six days which were the same as the days of 24 hours we now experience; .. Or, to put it negatively, the apologetic arguments which suppose the "days" of creation to be long eras of time, the figures of years not to be chronological, and the flood to be a merely local Mesopotamian flood, are not taken seriously by any such professors, as far as I know.".

"Some serious hermeneutical hopscotch is needed to deny the literal meaning of the six days.

1. The ordinance of the Sabbath is now doubtful if six days is not literal (Ex. 20:11).
2. If the First Adam is allegorical, then the Second Adam is as well.
3. A literal Adam is required in Romans.
4. The Apostle clearly described Adam as the first human sinner—not whatever millions of human-like beings in the presumed evolutionary chain.
5. Death came through Adamic sin, an explanation from Scripture that is cast aside in the notion of millions of years of death and destruction prior to Adam assumed by evolution.

The context of Genesis 1 clearly shows that the days of creation were literal days. First, yôm (day) is defined the first time it is used in the Bible (Genesis 1:4-5) in its two literal senses: the light portion of the light/dark cycle and the whole light/dark cycle. Second, yôm is used with “evening” and “morning.” Everywhere these two words are used in the OT—morning and evening— either together or separately and with or without yôm in the context, they always mean a literal evening or morning of a literal day. Third, yôm is modified with a number: one day, second day, third day, and so on, wherein everywhere else in the Old Testament indicates literal days. Fourth, yôm is defined literally in Genesis 1:14 in relation to the heavenly bodies.

In Mark 10:6 we have the clearest—but not the only—statement showing that Our Lord was a young-earth creationist. Therein He states that Adam and Eve were at the beginning of creation, not billions of years after the beginning.

Belief in millions of years undermines the Bible’s teaching on death and on the character of God. Genesis 1 teaches six times that God called the creation “good,” and when God finished creation on day six, He called everything “very good.” Man and animals and birds were originally vegetarian (Genesis 1:29–30), plants are not “living creatures,” as are people and animals). But Adam and Eve sinned, resulting in the judgment of God on the whole creation. Instantly Adam and Eve died spiritually, and after God’s curse they began to die physically.

The serpent and Eve were changed physically and the ground itself was cursed (Genesis 3:14-19). The whole creation now groans in bondage to corruption, waiting for the final redemption of the saints (Rom. 8:19–25), when we will see the restoration of all things (Acts 3:21; Col. 1:20) to a state similar to the pre-Fall world—there will be no more carnivore behavior (Isaiah 11:6–9) and no disease, suffering, or death (Revelation 21:3-5)—there will be no more Curse (Revelation 22:3).

To accept millions of years of animal death before the creation and Fall of man contradicts and destroys the Bible’s teaching on death and the full redemptive work of Christ. It also makes God into a bumbling, cruel creator who uses—or can’t prevent—disease, natural disasters, and extinctions to mar His creative work, without any moral cause, yet calls it all “very good.”

Scripture teaches that death is the result of the Fall. Evolution says that death is the mechanism of improving the gene pool. According to evolution, then, death is good, and part of the world which cannot be eliminated. Death is no longer the intruder that the Scripture says it is.

Leviticus law says that death is bad. Life is part of the camp, and death is to be outside the camp. If Our Lord conquered death, how can evolution be true, when evolution says that death is how progress comes to the world? Revelation 21:4 tells us explicitly: death shall be no more. One possible answer is that the Fall is only resulting in spiritual death, not physical death. This is inconsistent with Genesis 3 when compared with Genesis 5. The refrain “and he died” is a reflection on the curse of the Fall. Revelation tells us that the first death and the second death are related, but for the grace of God. Christianity proclaims that physical death is wrong. When will you get over the death of your loved one? Ultimately, at the Resurrection! Christianity is never reconciled to death. If evolution is true, then God pronounced death good. This is blasphemous.

The problem with wanting to be respectable in society by believing in evolution is that the resurrection of Christ, the miraculous nature of the virgin birth, the miracles of Christ are all equally distasteful to the secularists as is creation.

What is at stake here is the authority of Scripture, the character of God, the doctrine of death, and the very foundation of the gospel. If the early chapters of Genesis are not true literal history, then faith in the rest of Scripture is undermined, including its teaching about salvation and morality."

Quote above is from AskMr.Religion...posted Oct. 23 in the 'Gen1-3 Imagery' thread
KingdomRose said:
HOW does a longer "day" compromise the gospel?
The only reason I can think of to insert vast amounts of time into scripture is to allow for evolutionism.
Millions of years of suffering, death and extinctions contradict God's Word.
The Bible attributes physical death to sin...specifically referring to Adam. And here is the Gospel....
1Cor. 15: 21 "For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man. For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive"Also see Rom. 5:12-19

3. The Bible refers to death as evil... it is the enemy.
1 Cor. 15:26 "The last enemy to be destroyed is death."

So... if physical death is evil... its hard to rationalize that with Genesis 1:31 where God calls His creation " very good". Obviously physical death did not exist until sin entered the world. And, we KNOW when sin entered the world.
If physical death already existed before sin... then why did Christ need to physically die and be resurrected? If the curse in Genesis 2 was only a spiritual death to Adam, then Christ only need to rise, or defeat, spiritual death. Clearly, in 1 Cor. 15:26, physical death was part of the curse which Christ conquers.
KingdomRose said:
(2) Is it not an important point that the writers of the Bible did not use a 24-hour day to mark off time until AFTER the Babylonian captivity? Genesis was written BEFORE that Babylonian experience.
No... the invention of clocks is not important.
Genesis 1:3
And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. 4*God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. 5*God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.
The Hebrew word YOM, like the English word day is easily understood by context.
KingdomRose said:
(3) You did not respond to my comments on God's rest day (post #233). I would appreciate something other than a general blanket statement, but specific responses to what I pointed out about that rest day, including the writer of Hebrews' statements.
I commented with this...
There are many things wrong with your suggestion that the 7th day continues.
a) You seem to believe that God blessed and sanctified and cursed the exact same day? Either that, or when did the 8th day begin?
b) Genesis is not saying that God wants us to share a literal 7th day rest from the 6 days of creation. He said He rested to typify for us a literal day of rest.
c) The narrative of the Hebrew text provides no basisfo believing the 7th day was any different length of time than the preceeding six days.
d) EVEN IF... the 7th day was a longer period than 24 hours it says nothing about the length of the other 6 days (Each with morning and evening)
e) The Hebrews text tells that God's creative activity ended with the beginning of day 7; it in no way suggests the 7th day has continued into the present.
f) God rested...past tense.
g) Hebrews is warning not to be disobedient like the Israelites in the wilderness. Because of their hard hearts they could not enter into a "rest" - Canaan. The Hebrew word used by David was 'menuwchah'... a word referring to a place, or abode of resting. Hebrews verses uses the same concept using the Greek word ' katapausis'.* Verse 9 of Hebrews 4 (You stopped too soon at v.6) promises a future day of rest. He uses a special word for Sabbath 'Sabbatismos' , which seems to suggest that when the believers work is complete, we will live with Christ in eternity...our rest. In Hebrews God uses the picture of the creations 7th day of rest to provide a picture Heaven...our future rest.
KingdomRose said:
(4) You didn't explain why you indicated that God cursed the 7th day, and I asked you to explain what you meant (post #267).
If you believe the 7th day continues, then you must believe that God blessed and sanctified that day...that He then cursed His creation the same day?


New member
Complete bs. Prove it you liar
Wow Greg.... You seem to be angry?
I posted this recently as an example....

Richarad Leakey*discovered*modern looking skull KNM-ER1470*in 1972.* He declared the skull was 2.9MYO.

Geologist (paleocologist) *Kay Behrensmeyer was there with Leakey. "She discovered a cluster of stone tools eroding out of a volcanic tuff, an ash layer from an ancient eruption that filled a small paleochannel. The site was named in her honor and the layer was named the Kay Behrensmeyer Site Tuff or KBS Tuff. .....The dating of the site was controversial, as it contradicted other paleobiological evidence.*

In 1969 Leakey (BEFORE discovery of 1470) had sent samples of the tuff to F.J.Fitch U. *of London and J.A.Miller Cambridge University. Dates provided were 212 to 230 million years old. (Potassium /argon)*However the associated fossils (Both above and below the tuff) determined the acceptable range for the radiometric dating. Because Australopithecine and other mammal fossils were found below the tuff, the date was determined to be 5 million year max... This was not based on any science, but only on evolutionary beliefs. Without the fossils, evolutionary geologists would simply accept the hundreds of millions of years as correct. *

Because Leaky found the skull after the the tuff had been dated at more than 212 million years old, Fitch and Miller had to come up with new a different number. Using a different method, they now reported the Tuff was 2.61 million years old.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, other scientists had found other fossils in the area and used different dating methods, but came up with numbers in the acceptable range.
(Pigs and elephant... 1.3 to 4.5MY)
In 1974, paleomagnetism (Article published in Nature) seemed to give a bullseye to the dating, in the area saying it was between 2.7 and 3.0MY.

HOWEVER.... Skull 1470 appeared too modern to be 2.9 MYO (Leakeys preferred date) according to current evolutionary stories.* In 1975 a younger date of 1.82 MY was given
*on the strata.* The current date given to skull 1470, assigned by consensus, is 1.9 MY. *

One thing in common was the various studies was mentioning the difficulty in obtaining good samples. IOW... A good sample is one that*provides a date consistent*with evolutionary expectations.* IOW.... Circular reasoning is used to obtain a date that fits with the just so stories.

Numerous other examples can be given where dates are adjusted up or down to fit the story. *J.M.Bowler in Journal of Human Evolution; in a article interestingly titled "REDATING Australias oldest Human Remains" says "For this complex laboratory-based dating to be successful, the data must be compatible with the external field evidence".
And..... Its sort of sad...sort of funny, that evolutionists can read a statement like that and not burst out laughing.


Active member
Are you aware of how C14 dating is consistent with God's Word?
Are you aware that a few weeks ago you claimed it was impossible to calibrate for C-14 dating, and so I provided a link to where an international group of scientists had recently released calibration data to be used in C-14 dating? Were you aware that those calibration tables make a mockery of YEC dates? Were you aware that I have mentioned this several times since then, but you have elected to simply ignore the subject until now when you once again spew your untruths to someone else?


New member
Are you aware that a few weeks ago you claimed it was impossible to calibrate for C-14 dating, and so I provided a link to where an international group of scientists had recently released calibration data to be used in C-14 dating? Were you aware that those calibration tables make a mockery of YEC dates? Were you aware that I have mentioned this several times since then, but you have elected to simply ignore the subject until now when you once again spew your untruths to someone else?
"Unknown conditions in the past can't be calibrated for...
(Strength / weakness of solar rays, earths magnetic field, global floods etc)

The global flood would have drastically effected the ratio....
-With all vegetation dead...much buried starting to form coal and oil...
The C14 would increase at this time relative to the C12.
Also effecting the ratio at this time would be volcanic activity around the earth emitting lots of CO2 without the normal C14

Creationist researchers figure that Preflood oganisms although only 4500 years old would C14 date somewhere near 40,000 years.*
(Brown, R.H./ Creation Research Society Quarterly/ 'Correlation of C-14 age with real time')"

Science is always consistent with God's Word.


Active member
Re. radiometric dating..... Are you aware that dates from the lab is sometimes ignored, and dates are simply assigned to fit evolutionary beliefs?
Are you aware that recently Snelling, a prominent YEC, used a huge part of a supposedly technical paper to try to rationalize how numerous and consistent 4.5 billion year measured meteorite ages can be rationalized down by a factor of almost one million times to fit YEC timelines? If Leakey had adjusted the dates of his primordial man fossils by a similar factor, he would have declared they must have died just 2 Christmases ago.
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Active member
"Unknown conditions in the past can't be calibrated for...
(Strength / weakness of solar rays, earths magnetic field, global floods etc)

The global flood would have drastically effected the ratio....
-With all vegetation dead...much buried starting to form coal and oil...
The C14 would increase at this time relative to the C12.
Also effecting the ratio at this time would be volcanic activity around the earth emitting lots of CO2 without the normal C14

Creationist researchers figure that Preflood oganisms although only 4500 years old would C14 date somewhere near 40,000 years.*
(Brown, R.H./ Creation Research Society Quarterly/ 'Correlation of C-14 age with real time')"

You don’t mention a single item that science has not considered. Your ignorance on these matters is not sciences’ ignorance.


New member
You don’t mention a single item that science has not considered. Your ignorance on these matters is not sciences’ ignorance.
Again you confuse science with evolutionism.
Evolutionists reject the Biblical flood and the effect it would have on c-14 dates. Biblical scientists examine the exact same evidence discussing the evidence for the flood, and the effects it would have on C-14.


Active member
Again you confuse science with evolutionism.
Evolutionists reject the Biblical flood and the effect it would have on c-14 dates. Biblical scientists examine the exact same evidence discussing the evidence for the flood, and the effects it would have on C-14.
If you think so, then look at the specific factors that the international team relied on in deriving their C-14 calibration dates. Show which of those factors have a dependence on the reality of a global flood.


Active member
You claimed "a technically qualified YEC claims that the data strongly and quite consistently says meteorites are billions of years old".

And I posted the exact statements on that subject that Snelling wrote. Want me to post them again?

The technicaly qualified scientist you refer to says the universe is about 6,000 years old.

Yup, and he makes it clear that the 6000 year age is a religiously dictated figure, not a scientifically determined one.

You confuse scientists with science.

Having taught in universities, having spent years in labs on 3 continents, and doing science in places I am not permitted to identify, I think I have an understanding of both scientists and science. Remind us again, apart from a mastery of deceitful quote mining, what are your qualifications as an active scientist?

An atheist scientist does not put on a white lab coat and suddenly lose her bias about an Intelligent Desgner

In fact rarely did either atheism or personal beliefs about whether an intelligent designer was involved enter into how we did our work. When we walked into the lab, set up our equipment, read the resulting readings, reduced the data, and wrote up our reports, it was all done with a blind eye to anything but the physical science itself. You are trying to portray a conflict where there was none.


New member
But gcthomas says there are amino acids on comets. If, as you say, the forces that “break down” work faster than any that “build up”, then how did those amino acids get there? Maybe just a mistake on the part of the scientists who think they detected amino acids on comets? Or just for giggles God put some left-over amino acids on some nearby comets? Or maybe there are teeny gardens growing on the comets that we haven’t spotted yet?

I bet GCThomas says a lot of things. Was he on the last manned comet landing expedition?


New member
You just made that "fact" up.

No, someone made that fact up long before I was around. But they called it a LAW. Often called "Law of Entropy" I believe. But specifically concerning the breakdown vs buildup, I was thinking of a lecture from a professor that I was listening to back circa 2005.


New member
Dear Rosen,

I'm sure that Jacob observed the Sabbath, because he was brought up with the Ten Commandments. I wouldn't suppose that Pharaoh kept it though. Yes, I observe Passover and I make my own homemade Matzoh Bread. Much better than Manischewitz. But I still get some each year in case I run out of homemade. And I have my Gefilte Fish, etc.

I don't try to live like a Jewish person. I instead keep Passover, not Rosh Hoshanah. I celebrate Christmas. In the Spring, I keep the holiday of Easter. That's all.

Nice to hear from you again!! It's been too long!

Praise The Lord, Exceedingly,


The Ten Commandments came after Jacob was dead.


Active member
I bet GCThomas says a lot of things. Was he on the last manned comet landing expedition?

Well, if it is simply that you disbelieve GCT’s assertion that amino acids have been found on comets, why didn’t you just say so? Why the silliness about breaking down faster than building up?


Active member
When KingdomRose asked:

HOW does a longer "day" compromise the gospel?

6days responded:

The only reason I can think of to insert vast amounts of time into scripture is to allow for evolutionism.

Taking 6days at his word indicates he has a pathologically focused hatred of evolution. He makes no allowance for astrophysics speaking of deep time, or of geology, or nuclear physics. If some undeniable fatal flaw in evolution were to be found, several major fields of science that deal with deep time would be largely unaffected. Is 6days saying he would then, with evolution out of the way, be amenable to inserting vast time as determined by these non-evolutionary fields into the understanding of the Biblical creation account?


Active member
Science is always consistent with God's Word.

If you insist -

What does science say about creating an adult woman from a man’s rib?
What does science say about a river turning from water into hemoglobin?
What does science says about a snake having the necessary anatomy to create human speech?
What does science say about living for several days in the intestines of a big fish?
What does science say about transforming living flesh and blood into sodium chloride?
What does science say about sticks transforming into snakes, and vice versa?

Based on your criteria, that thing you label as “God’s Word” must be fiction.