

But who determined that making the Sabbath holy must include Mass
They did. They the Apostles. The infallible teachings on faith and morals come directly from the Apostles. The Apostles said exactly what the Church teaches. They didn't write down everything they taught that was "not I, but the Lord" (1Co7:10KJV ; comp. 1Co7:12KJV "I, not the Lord") over the decades that the Apostles herded the first Church, the Catholic Church, but they spoke and taught and explained and discussed and reasoned with the ordained bishops, and after all the Apostles died, then the bishops had what they all remembered the Apostles had said, plus all that the Apostles wrote, and all that was written of them, and declared Christian Sacred Scripture by St. Peter, as he had done for Paul's epistles, including the one he wrote to the Church in Rome.

In Acts 2:42 (KJV) and Acts 2:46 (KJV), the Church seems to celebrate the Eucharist every day.
and that an intentional and unreported missing of it meant hell?Men, not God. Magisterial teaching, I know. But that's another path to follow, isn't it?
Why does the magisterium teach this? Either the magisterium has freedom to teach differently from what the Apostles said, or they do not. So this is either Apostolic, or it is not. But we do know that the Eucharist started very early in Church history.


New member
That's very kind of you. I've been thinking about your offer, and to be honest, my heart isn't open enough right now. For anything. I know it. It wouldn't be right not to be upfront about that so you don't waste your time. But I thank you for your thoughtfulness.

No worries. If you change your mind, just private message me. And best wishes.

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"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
'Hope I'm not being too . . . any-number-of-adjectives here, but for my own benefit, I'm curious who else besides those whom I know are, because they've admitted it publicly in at least one post I've read, "cradlers," or those raised Catholic. I'd consider the sacrament of confirmation sufficient for a yes.

Here are those who've publicly said they are:

John W
* Glorydaz

There are others who I suspect but who I can't confirm.

I'm just curious. Thanks.

I'm not, BTW, a cradler.
'Been meaning to get around to updating. Turns out @Lon also is a Catholic 'cradler'.
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"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
I am not a cradle Catholic.

I was Baptist (southern) since birth pretty much. Then decided in college to find "truth." I began with basic philosophy and science. Utilizing Deacartes method of existence to thus prove God's existence. Then, the Bible being the most historically accurate archaic text, proving Christianity. I then decided that I would only exclusively believe what the Scriptures say. From there I took several theology classes. I read systematic theology, as well as other sources detailing exact doctrines.

I could not get past how nearly every Protestant doctrine did not fully agree with Scripture, or even went completely against it. It seemed there was no denomination with doctrine based solely on what I found in Scripture. Then, I happened to just research exactly what I derived from Scripture. To my (slight) surprise, it was a Catholic doctrine. Then I discovered that everything I believed, based solely on Scripture, was exactly as the Catholic's believed and taught.

A few years later, I was confirmed. I always had this sense of not being satisfied with my denomination and doctrines. After finding Catholicism, I finally felt full and satisfied. And I have grown in knowledge more than ever before.

I thank God for Catholicism every day.

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Interesting story.