It's the same as if you tried to make theology based on Psalms or Pentateuch.
Which version of the NT did Paul use for his theology?
It's the same as if you tried to make theology based on Psalms or Pentateuch.
Jesus Himself said He was sent only to the Jews... not even all Jews, just the ones from the house of Israel (Matthew 15:24).
He was preaching law to the Jews.
He didn't preach about the death/resurrection Gospel until the very last of His days. And He never taught the Gospel of Grace that Paul taught.
If someone's theology directed at Christians is mostly based on Gospel, it must be taken out of context.
It's the same as if you tried to make theology based on Psalms or Pentateuch.
The direct addressees of almost entire Bible are Jews, whether we like it or not. And that included Gospels.
Jesus offered the Jews the kingdom of God, doesn't that include salvation by grace?
For I say to you, that if your righteousness may not abound above that of the scribes and Pharisees, ye may not enter to the reign of the heavens (Matthew 5:20) so also my heavenly Father will do to you, if ye may not forgive each one his brother from your hearts their trespasses. (Matthew 18:35) I never knew you, depart from me ye who are working lawlessness (Matthew 7:23) |
Which version of the NT did Paul use for his theology?
That is what you have been taught to believe, but it is not God's Truth.
Many people believe he used KJV, but I'm pretty sure it had to be YLT.
I've never seen an idea that salvation means being born again. The term being born again is mentioned only once, and it is not in any synoptic Gospels, which is significant.
Cute. That's very cute. :rotfl:
Is the term "born again" used in 1 Peter 1:23?
Yes, and also in 1 Peter 1:3, but we were talking about Gospels, at least I was.
I was talking about being born again of water and Spirit.
Do you believe John's writing were not inspired?
Yes, and also in 1 Peter 1:3, but we were talking about Gospels, at least I was.
Which version of the NT did Paul use for his theology?
But I also believe we should not make doctrines based on single verses, especially if they're not super clear.
The term is used in the Gospel of John, "ye must be born again". (or 'born from above'). Sure, its only one mention translated in English terms, - this seems to be referring to a heavenly regeneration of some kind, a spiritual birth. Of course many doctrines are assumed by this or read into the words via tradition or pop-religion.
So we only live twice, is that it?
Not sure where you're going with this. Within context of the passage, John 3 speaks of being 'born from above', there is a natural/physical birth, and also a spiritual/heavenly birth. The context appears to support this,...that which is born of the flesh is flesh, that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. A birth from above or spiritual rebirth (regeneration) is needed in order for the soul to see, recognize, realize the things of the Spirit. This is essential if one is to both 'see' and 'enter' into the kingdom.
Life goes on in cycles of birth, death, rebirth.....such is universal law![]()
What do you see as not being clear about Jesus' teaching?
You are correct, no one ever taught me your nickname.
God's Truth is all I ever sought, desire, and care about.