Nah, they'll make it about race.
Cosby's attorneys have already started using the words "lynch mob", "witch hunt", "persecution", etc.
On MSNBC, Melissa Harris-Perry (who is black) was asked the following from Ebony Magazine senior editor Jamilah Lemieux (obviously black):
“Say that he was a supporter of the Black Lives Matter movement, right? Say that he was a leftist. Say that he was really on our side, quote unquote, politically. Would we be having this conversation? How willing would people be to turn their backs on him?”
They'll try to play that card and it won't work. Attacking the accusers might prove more effective, unfortunately. They'll blame the women, they'll paint them as opportunistic, as the real predators here, and they'll try to save as much face for their client as possible.
Given Cosby's lengthy history of berating the black community I wonder how much good will he's got to work with here. Not much, if I had to guess.