There have been a handful of defenders who've supported him. I expect they'll change their tune or double down and declare the entire thing a setup and conspiracy.
Nah, they'll make it about race.
Cosby's attorneys have already started using the words "lynch mob", "witch hunt", "persecution", etc.
On MSNBC, Melissa Harris-Perry (who is black) was asked the following from Ebony Magazine senior editor Jamilah Lemieux (obviously black):
“Say that he was a supporter of the Black Lives Matter movement, right? Say that he was a leftist. Say that he was really on our side, quote unquote, politically. Would we be having this conversation? How willing would people be to turn their backs on him?”
As we see above, Lemieux doesn't think Cosby was "black enough". Had Cosby been more black (a supporter of Black Lives Matter), then less blacks, and Liberals would be turning on him.
This is really how the Left thinks.