Conspiracy - Are Some Theories Accurate?

patrick jane

Bill Cosby Found Guilty + My Childhood Memories of Cosby
Comedian Bill Cosby has been found guilty. Here are some of my childhood memories of Cosby from the 70s-80s.

patrick jane

TRUTH EXPOSED: Cosby Case Corruption & Chaos

From Video Description :
I’ve been covering the Cosby case since 2014 and never had I seen one case make me almost lose my faith in everything about the state of the country. It proves our media is corrupt, agenda-prone and devilishly dishonest. It shows that the justice system is full of opportunists, racists, grand-standers and the worst scum of the earth pretending to be heroes, who are willing to collapse the laws of the land if it means getting their man. And it shows us our society is driven by people who are helplessly driven by money, who have no souls, and are willing to do whatever it takes to get it. And it shows that our society is full of the brainwashed and asleep.

People in this era are completely lost; The belief that Bill Cosby is a serial rapist via the word of a band of organized extortioners who have captured the aid of the media and all of our institutions, is only one of several problems plaguing our society today. It goes beyond this issue and shows us clearly; the world is sick. In this video all will see plain as day how a lost society is participating in a modern-day lynching of an icon.

Our mainstream media will never show you the truth because truth is not their MO. Everything you need to know about the Cosby kangaroo court is right here.

The other story you haven't heard - Cosby was falsely accused? Mainstream Media lied? No way.

patrick jane

NWO transgender agenda.

"Princess" Stephanie...dude looks like a lady.
Handsome woman -


patrick jane

I think these images make points and present opportunity for discussion. I can't force people to discuss it. This thread is not about one particular conspiracy and it was never intended as such. People aren't forced to view this thread. If I'm banned for this post or the thread is closed so be it. I'm trying to get folks to think and question "official" stories and definitions. Not run down rabbit trails but seriously think.



