Conspiracy - Are Some Theories Accurate?

patrick jane

Oblique-onomics: (The surprising root of "money from nothing"...)
From Description : Some people believe that financial enslavement began with the creation of the Federal Reserve.

Others might think that the removal of the gold standard was the final nail in the coffin.

More people still look ahead to the encroaching inevitability of a fully digitized cashless one-world economic system, as the last shoe to drop in this gradual agenda of monetary authoritarianism...

But the strange thing to me is, that even while I am forced to acknowledge the realities of all those layers, all those stages, it is the underlying concept of money itself, that is increasingly both intriguing and disquieting...

All that falls under this hazy canopy of what we refer to as, "market forces"...

Because it's hard to escape the realization, upon deeper reflection, that as much as we might decry the debt-based construct of fiat currency, life-blood of the central banking behemoth, and revile how fractional-reserve lending effectively creates "money out of nothing", the unsettling fact is that we ALL do this...

We all help create "money out of nothing"....


patrick jane

Chemical Attack In Syria: False Flag For Zionist war of terror
From Video Description : its been alleged that the Assad regime in Syria has used chemical gas weapons to slaughter their own civilians, again. Now, many of you out there watching this already know that this was a false flag without even looking into it. the fact of the matter is the United states has been busted on 3 separate occasions supplying U.S backed rebel forces with chemical agents in the past to commit atrocities, they did so knowing what would happen and they planned to use these terrorist attacks as a pretext for further bombing attacks over Syria and prolonging the Zionist inspired war on terror.


patrick jane


They are mysterious figures in black suits who claim to be from the government. They target UFO witnesses, "persuading" them to keep quiet. Are they human, or alien, or even supernatural? Are any of the famous sightings real? It's time to open the Conspiracy Files!

patrick jane


Excerpt From Video Description : Phil Schneider, one of three people to survive the 1979 fire fight between the large Greys , US intelligence and military at the Dulce underground base.was found dead January 1996, due to what appears to be an execution style murder. He was found dead in his apartment a rubber catheter hose wrapped three times around his neck and half-knotted in front. According to sources, it appeared that he repeatedly suffered torture before he was finally killed. Seven months prior to his death , Schneider did a lecture on the forces he had discovered at Dulce.

This brave man's final acts should not go unnoticed..........................

A joint alien/U.S. military underground base exists, perhaps devoted to genetics. The theories regarding Dulce sometimes state that alien technology was traded for permission to engage in human and animal mutilations. A battle was said to have taken place there between aliens and humans, though the time of this alleged encounter varies from the 1970s to the 1980s. Some sources allege that horrific genetic experiments are conducted in lower levels of the facility (usually level 6 or 7, depending on the source); these levels are sometimes referred to as "Nightmare Hall."

patrick jane

Tupac Shakur was one of the most successful music artists of all time, and to this day his murder remains unsolved. Today we look at some of the prime suspects, and decide who killed the notorious rapper. It's time to open The Conspiracy Files.


patrick jane

[h=1]Jacob Rothschild's Dirty Scheme - Genie Oil Investigation - Part 1[/h]You hear the name "Rothschild" tossed around all the time. But is the Rothschild dynasty still controlling world events from behind the curtain? The answer is a resounding YES! And throughout this series, I will pull back that curtain and expose exactly how many of today's conflicts, including the troubles in Syria, are connected to the schemes of the Rothschilds. Original air date: May 22, 2017


patrick jane

Rothschilds Meet with the Devil

From Video : Amschel Mayor James Rothschild (1955 - 1996) is depicted here as making the comments when it was John Todd who gave the interview with a Magazine called 'Progress For All' as follows:

The following is from the magazine Progress for all January 1991, an interview regarding the clarification of the Pyramid and the shining eye on the back of the US One Dollar Bill: "The seal of the pyramid was created by the Rothschild family and brought to North America by Benjamin Franklin and Alexander Hamilton before 1776. The Rothschild family is the head of the organization in which I entered in Colorado. All the Occult Brotherhoods are part of it. It is a Lucifer Organization to install his reign in the whole world. The eye on the pyramid is the eye of Lucifer. Supposedly the Rothschild's have personal dealings with the Devil. I have personally been in his villa and have experienced it. And I know it is true". Source - John Todd - ("ex Masonic Council of Thirteen")

Two people likely to have been Illuminati Sacrifices for Lucifer were Amschel Mayor James Rothschild and John Todd Collins.

John Todd actually said this about the American $1 bill and the Rothschild's. : The Rothschild's lead the Illuminati and in every country they have a family .. being the head of the Illuminati. In the United States, we have the Rockefeller's. David Rockefeller is both head of the Council of Foreign Relations or CFR and the Trilateral Commission which are part of the Illuminati cover in the USA - along with Mossad and the CIA.

patrick jane

Lunar Lander...billion dollar space vehicle constructed with curtain rods, tin foil, and cardboard. :)
There are too many questions and known fraudulent claims and "missions" by nasa to believe anything they put out. They may as well be Disney with the thought processes they induce on others, especially children. You shape the future through the children. Just look how many 16 year olds are protesting gun rights. They have no clue except what they've been fed. Jest like the adults of the world now.

patrick jane

Jacob Rothschild's Dirty Scheme - Genie Oil Investigation - Part 1

You hear the name "Rothschild" tossed around all the time. But is the Rothschild dynasty still controlling world events from behind the curtain? The answer is a resounding YES! And throughout this series, I will pull back that curtain and expose exactly how many of today's conflicts, including the troubles in Syria, are connected to the schemes of the Rothschilds. Original air date: May 22, 2017
Part 2 is already out !!! Part 1 is above - Genie Oil Part 2

Under the guidance of the Rothschild syndicate, the CIA has tried to mold the Middle East and North Africa into its own image. Osama bin Laden played a major role in that effort. Original air date May 22, 2017
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