Concerning the feasts of the LORD, these are MY FEASTS - Lev. 23


New member
As far as I know, "Moses" has not been rescinded.
Just because sacrifices have stopped for 2,000 years,
doesn't mean that "blood sacrifices" won't be resumed shortly in Jerusalem.
"For the life of the flesh is in the blood:
and I have given it to you upon the altar to make
an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood
that maketh an atonement for the soul."
- Leviticus 7:11

Temple Institute - rehearsals of sacrifice by Levites, in anticipation of the rebuilding of the Temple

They even wept upon completion of the second temple as His Glory was not present...

But the third time is a charm right?

These idolators would do well to reread how even the ark didn't save them when misused...or the bronze snake was an idol/abomination after its function ceased...

Their messiah they reject said it clearly...the Spirit gives life, the flesh (bread to flesh, temple) profits nothing...

He no longer needs a house made with human hands...Jews are human yes?

But these Zionists will yet prove useful in fufilling prophecy...


Well-known member
מִקְרָא miqrâʼ, mik-raw'

So, what is God trying to tell us with the details of these Holy Convocations qodesh miqra'... or does God even have a "point" IYO?

What is God "trying to tell us" with laws about kosher food, or the Sabbath, or ritual impurity or...

There is no end to that question. And there is no end to speculative answers such as yours. Kosher laws lead to Krishna, the holidays foreshadow Buddhism... you name it.

The main point of these laws and holidays is tribal. This is what our tribe does. These are our holidays. Passover celebrates our Exodus from Egypt. Period. That is what it is. That is what the Bible says it is. You can pretend that it is "rehearsal" for Jesus, Krishna or Bozo the Clown if you like- but that is pure nonsense.


Well-known member

But these Zionists will yet prove useful in fufilling prophecy...

I am a Zionist. And I have nothing to do with the people in the photo. Nor do we want to have any part in fulfilling your prophecies. Fulfill your own, and leave us alone.


New member
The main point of these laws and holidays is tribal. This is what our tribe does. These are our holidays.
Your comprehension seems lacking... these are God's Feasts, not yours. You are merely "actors" on a stage, performing for God, even though you have no understanding of the "plot".
"God" is not "tribal" and he doesn't "dance to your tune".
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New member
I am a Zionist. And I have nothing to do with the people in the photo. Nor do we want to have any part in fulfilling your prophecies. Fulfill your own, and leave us alone.

"Leave us alone?" That is rich from a Zionist LOL the irony...the bloody irony

Those in the photo are a result of your kind and the reason you are a if the land is holy still LOL

As with the festivals, prophecy is His and reveals those who are His or those who wish to supplant Him...

even as their father (no not Jacob) but Satan did and does...


Well-known member
"Leave us alone?" That is rich from a Zionist LOL the irony...the bloody ironys...

Despite what bigots like you think, Jews in general, and Zionists in particular, want to be left alone. We are not interested in converting you, or using you in our eschatology, or even (this may come as a shock to you) world domination.


New member
Despite what bigots like you think, Jews in general, and Zionists in particular, want to be left alone. We are not interested in converting you, or using you in our eschatology, or even (this may come as a shock to you) world domination.

I would just ignore the Hebrew Roots types, to be honest. They think they replaced the Jews anyway, so anything you have to say is beneath their superior reasoning. Only they have true revelation.