If you use scriptural principal to prove a point you must consider all witnesses to the matter at hand. You are either deliberately ignoring a witness that proves your theory false or you are unaware of scriptures you are not considering. Either way you have failed to properly use God's laws for determining the truth. Therefore,you have missed the mark.
The Spirit of God was the Spirit given to Adam, however, sin is the cause of death. Said plainly for you, had Adam not sinned he would have lived forever.
No, you speak from a lying spirit.
It was precisely because the spirit of Adam was of this creation that he did sin.
The tree of eternal life was in the garden, which adam was denied to eat from because he sinned.
So your idea that Adam had the same spirit breathed into him, which Jesus had breathed into his disciples is just a big fat lie from the spirit of the new age spiritualists.
Mans spirit was already defiled before their birth and cannot be changed into a clean spirit. This is why we are given a new spirit through our "born again" experience
A vague statement.
The only Spirit given to saved men to abide with mans spirit is the Spirit of God.
God's Spirit that is the Spirit originally given to Adam was Adam's source of life, however, Adam defiled the Spirit of God when he sinned. When because of sin Adam defiled God's Holy Spirit, it became the unclean spirit of man that Adam handed down to all of mankind that causes them to be conceived in sin. Because of this sin handed down to all of mankind, they are already under a sentence of death before they are born
Adam did not have the Spirit of God in Him.
Adam had a created spirit in him, and the nature of that spirit is man, and not God.
Finally you said something right. Unfortunately, you are clueless to how the Spirit of God given to Adam became the unclean spirit of man. BTW, God is the Father of all Spirits and all spirits had their origin in Him who created all things.
All things of the first creation are burnable and not eternal.
Wrong again !!!
1 Timothy 2:14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression
Adam not being deceived proves he was aware that eating the fruit was a sin (aka knowledge of sin) yet he still did so (aka the act of sin)
Having a knowledge of what God said not to do, does not mean that Adam deliberately sinned as you claim.
Wrong again
We all have a responsibility to warn others but we are not charged for their sin. On the other hand if we cause someone to turn away from sin we will be blessed for doing so. You should be aware of these facts but you are spiritually blind.
A man was to look after his own flesh in the first creation, and Eve was of Adams flesh, he had a responsibility to look after Eve from the beginning--
Eph 5:29 For no man
ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church:
CR should keep you around because only you can be wrong so much that you make him look good
Your looking good in the eyes of men is foremost in your mind.
and to do that you must say bad things about those you despise.