There is one teacher in S. Florida and his students some of which are scattered as are some of mine
I am the one who has received most of the revelations, and am the only one who has anything in writing
Like it says in my signature block I give e-books away for free
The odds of you or anyone else in this age seeing signs and wonders following their ministry while not being in agreement with us, who are in agreement with God and His Apostles concerning the foundational doctrines of Christ, are slim at best
Just the fact that the Pentecost church that was lifted up in the late 1800s and throughout the 20th century was founded on signs and wonders following them, but now have zero to show for themselves while they still teach the same doctrines they always have, proves there has been a change in the age from when their beliefs being symbolized by the imperfection associated with the larger room of the OT Tabernacle were still sufficient.
To put is simple for you....... the church is no longer being allowed the leeway with false doctrines they have been able to get away with up until the end of the 6th day and dawn of the 7th day. We are now making the transition into the seventh day since creation that is the same as the third day since Christ and the beginning of the Sabbath when no works of the flesh (aka traditions of man) will be allowed before God. For this reason Jesus said He would be made perfect on the third day when He finally will have a place to rest His Head.
Now, one must be walking out the Holiest of the Tabernacles in their life (rather than just Pentecost aka the larger room of the Holies) if they hope to see evidence of God's stamp of approval on their worship.
Meanwhile you are not even going to be able to finish walking out Pentecost (let alone begin to walk out Tabernacles) until you learn the truth of the foundational doctrines of Christ as stated in Heb.6:1-2 KJV
Pentecost cannot be completed without one learning how to discern the truth of the scriptures that can only be done through obedience to how God says we are to learn the truths of the Bible that are needed in order to gain Godly wisdom.
It has been offered to you numerous times in the link below but you have been calling evil to be good for so long now that you have developed scales over your eyes that are causing your blindness the same as Saul had before God removed them that allowed him to become Paul
However, as long as your content worshipping lies that are keeping you from witnessing signs and wonders following your ministry, why should you even bother to take the time to learn the truth?