Jose..... You are still mistaken... and not understanding the articles you are quoting. The researchers say they are using a "statistical graphical model to infer specific molecular function for unannotated protein sequences using homology".
Yup, and I really appreciate you doing what you just did; it really helps to once again illustrate my larger point about how it is impossible to advocate creationism honestly.
See, the part you quoted is from the abstract, the key word there being "part". Here it is in its more complete context The regular part is what you quoted, the bold is what you left out...
We present a statistical graphical model to infer specific molecular function for unannotated protein sequences using homology. Based on phylogenomic principles, SIFTER (Statistical Inference of Function Through Evolutionary Relationships) accurately predicts molecular function for members of a protein family given a reconciled phylogeny and available function annotations, even when the data are sparse or noisy.
How about that? You just happened

to leave out the parts where they directly state that the entire model is based on evolution. I mean, it's right there
in the name of the model (
Statistical Inference of Function Through Evolutionary Relationships), which you oh-so conveniently left out

, in addition to all the mentions of phylogenetics (
which is just another word for evolutionary relatedness).
I you get what you just did? After I cited that paper as evidence of evolutionary theory directly contributing to our understanding of the world around us, not to mention how important genetic function is in the world of medical science, you're now saying
I'm mistaken? A paper that says "
Based on phylogenomic principles, SIFTER (Statistical Inference of Function Through Evolutionary Relationships) accurately predicts molecular function"? You're actually arguing
that model isn't at all based on evolution? The one named "Statistical Inference of Function
Through Evolutionary Relationships"?
Given that you've already claimed I was "mistaken" about the paper, I can only conclude that you
are actually making that argument. Now the question is, why? Do you truly believe that model
isn't based on evolutionary theory? If you do, then there is something fundamentally wrong with your cognitive skills.
But if you actually
do understand how the model
is based in evolutionary theory but tried to sneak one in by selectively snipping out the parts of the abstract that mention evolution, hoping no one would notice....then that makes you dishonest, which like I said, illustrates my larger point about advocating creationism.
As has been mentioned to you many ....many times; a belief in a common designer or a belief in common ancestry are used to explain the evidence.
You keep
saying that, but as I keep guaranteeing, you'll never actually
show any equivalent work under the "creationist model".....because it doesn't exist.
Ad hominem is a logical fallacy in which an argument is 'rebutted' by attacking the education or character of the person in an attempt to ignore the argument itself.
Interesting. So which part of what I said was the personal attack? Where I noted that she's a retired veterinarian? That she's a creationist? That she hasn't done work in comparative genomics?