ok doser
lifeguard at the cement pond
Used to teach right near there... Lyell Avenue near Murray Street Friday.
Used to teach right near there... Lyell Avenue near Murray Street Friday.
Some people ignore black violence and racism. Others are bothered by it. Still others are enraged by the senseless violence democrats overlook in their stupid blindness to reality. There is no white racist violence epidemic in America today, but there is definitely an epidemic of black violence.
(WHAM) — Two teenagers, ages 16 and 14, have been charged with second-degree murder after police say they intentionally lit a man on fire, causing his death.
Rochester Police were called to Lyell Avenue near Murray Street Friday. They say 53-year-old Steven Amenhauser had been doused in flammable liquid while sitting in a chair inside his apartment and was lit on fire. Bystanders tried to put out the fire, and first responders transported him to the University of Rochester Medical Center.
They say he suffered second- and third-degree burns over 70% of his body. He died from his injuries early Tuesday morning.
Zayvion Perry, 16, and 14-year-old Adriel Riley, Jr. have been charged with second-degree murder in Amenhauser's death.
Except it isn't as I outlined earlier. You're welcome to your own opinion of course as Enyart is to his but that chart is as representative of actual political viewpoints as a note in a fortune cookie.Because it is so.
Except it isn't
as I outlined earlier.
You're welcome to your own opinion of course as Enyart is to his
but that chart is as representative of actual political viewpoints as a note in a fortune cookie.
In other words, what they want is to shut you up. When a person flies into White Rage, it’s offten to deny the problem of White Rage exists at all. That is, they’ve become entitled to having this power — to bully, abuse, harass, or go further than that: to threaten, intimidate, even become violent. They’ve become accustomed to being atop a social hierarchy. That’s why this kind of person is usually a white dude of a certain kind — the kind who’ll also happily “put women in their place” and likes guns and so on. They have authoritarian personalities which come from being indoctrinated into believing in the rules of hierarchy: yes, some people really are superior to others, and some are inferior — like women and minorities.
. . . .
The person flying into a White Rage genuinely believes they deserve to have the power to abuse and harass — the power of dominance — and they don’t see that as power at all. They see it as equality.
The people who fly into a white rage think that having disproportionate power is equality. They think they deserve to have the most power of all — the power to put you back into your “place” if you’re a woman or minority or gay or what have you. They believe that not having that power is inequality. They think without that power, they are being deprived unjustly of something they rightly deserve.
So why would anyone think they deserve to have dominance over anyone else? Why would anyone think they deserve the right to abuse, harass, shout at, threaten, intimidate, bully, harass — punch, shout, kick, demonize, scapegoat, lynch — anyone else?
Because — and this is the final and Fourth Rule of White Rage — certain people prone to it believe that they are really inherently superior to you, and don’t know it, or at least don’t want to really openly say it unless they have to. It’s obvious that quite a few of the folks I’d triggered into a White Rage genuinely believed they were superior to me and minorities, women, gays, etc — “you should be scared of me, cuck,” “you should live separate from us.”
But it was also the case that many of them didn’t really even know they still believed in supremacy. They didn’t understand their own entitlement to power. They didn’t understand that they equated entitlement with fairness. They didn’t understand that by equating entitlement with fairness, they thought that taking away the power to dominate others was the truly unfair thing. And all of that is because they didn’t really grasp they still believed in these old, ancient, foolish ideas of superiority and inferiority. After all, the only way I can really say — and justify to myself — the thought: “I deserve the power to put you in your place!” Is if I believe your place is below me.
In that sense again White Rage is a form of Male Rage — we’re speaking about the ancient of idea of patriarchy, really, that the most violent man should be at the top of a hierarchy of slightly less violent man, and below them come feminized men, then women and the LGBT, and the other “races,” who are less intelligent, ruthless, acquisitive, and so forth. All this is essentially a Nietzschean idea: at the top is the uberman, who is there because he can make his “will to power” real, by becoming a “master” over “slaves,” who are just people less ready to do extreme violence to get what they want, and that’s OK, since God is dead, and we’re now “beyond good and evil.” Get all that? It’s OK if you didn’t — it’s just that these things are all connected, in deep historical ways, so I can hardly blame people for not understanding their own White Rage.
I’m speaking in a very specific and narrow context. About American culture and society. I’ve lived all over the world, and I don’t “white rage” really exists so much in Europe or Canada. It’s an American thing. Maybe also a British one, in a smaller way. But mostly, in the context I’m talking about, I mean it as a feature of American culture and society.
So basically, a retard on twitter encountered other retards on twitter and wrote about it for retards like our own little mush-for-brains, annabananahead
Sixth word of the story.
I didn't say it was.The essay wasn't from Twitter.
supraNeither was my link.
I'd agree. My theology is not informed by men's politics. Certainly my politics are an expression of my theology. It means not a heaven on earth, by our own hand. At the extreme of his chart is "constitutional" monarchy. Monarchy alone would be my extreme right so the 'relational' part is the ideology of a different group. God is relational, but He alone is God and He doesn't divest to imperfect people, unreserved power. It depends on how the chart is to be interpreted, but I yet see His kingdom as His alone, thus monarchy/theocracy alone is always going to be on the right.Of course it isn't. If you think people can be so neatly compartmentalized into some little box then up to you but it's entirely subjective and has no foundation to it. Simple as that. Anyone can come up with something akin and it would just be the same.
No, it isn't an accurate representation of the political spectrum at all. It is simply one man's highly subjective and biased view of it, that's all. That you happen to agree with his highly subjective and biased opinion is one thing, it doesn't render it factual. Anyone can construct a chart like that based on their own personal biases and it would no more be fact in and of itself. People can't be so neatly pigeonholed, not if you're objective at any rate. So you can tell me that my opinion is wrong as much as you want, I could do the same in turn and what would it achieve exactly? Little more than a point scoring contest with no prize at the end of it.Except it is.
Well, no, you shared your opinion, but didn't share anything substantive.
Our own opinions have nothing to do with it. The chart is an accurate representation of the political spectrum.
No, it isn't an accurate representation of the political spectrum at all.
you're objective at any rate.
Little more than a point scoring contest with no prize at the end of it.
Well, of course it doesn't in and of itself which is entirely the point. Neither does your telling me that my opinion is wrong make you right by the same token. Enyart's chart is simply one he's constructed with a biased and subjective opinion of the political spectrum. He's entitled to his personal views on the score of course as much as you are to agree with them but it isn't factual or immune to criticism. As I've already outlined, people simply can't be encapsulated into some little box because of differing degrees of political slant.As I said before, you're certainly welcome to your own opinion, but it doesn't make you right.
Thank you for the compliment.
So stop telling me your opinion, that what I said is wrong, incorrect, and start telling me "WHY," objectively, aside from your opinion, it is incorrect.
Well, of course it doesn't
Neither does your telling me that my opinion is wrong make you right
Enyart's chart is simply one he's constructed with a biased and subjective opinion of the political spectrum.
He's entitled to his personal views on the score of course as much as you are to agree with them
but it isn't factual
or immune to criticism.
As I've already outlined, people simply can't be encapsulated into some little box because of differing degrees of political slant.
you've been asserting that I'm entitled to my own opinion and that it's wrong...
otherwise, I've explained how politics and people are more nuanced and can't be glibly compartmentalized.
The irony of your opening two sentences is priceless...Then stop asserting that you're right simy because you have an opinion.
Your opinion is wrong, whether I tell you it or not.
You're welcome to your opinion, but you're wrong. Objectively.
Bob' political spectrum is correct, objectively, because it's not based on subjective things. It's based on the natural flow of authority.
You're certainly welcome to criticize Bob's views, but that doesn't make you right automatically.
I honestly have no idea why you keep saying this, as we're not talking about people, we're talking about political systems...
Because you are, objectively, in this case, wrong.
Sure it can. See, you're wrong again.
The irony of your opening two sentences is priceless...
You can assert that my opinion is wrong as much as you want, it's just your opinion and nothing more, it sure ain't fact and it sure ain't objective.
Much like Bob's chart.
Anything that has a gradient of right (good) and left (evil) has broadcast it's subjective bias from the get go.
If you think that people can actually be compartmentalized or pigeon holed into little boxes then that is lamentably ignorant.
I honestly have no idea why you keep saying this, as we're not talking about people, we're talking about political systems...
There was no "whoosh" JR.Whoosh...
You can assert that Bob is wrong, unobjective, non-factual as much as you want, it's just your opinion and nothing more, it sure ain't fact and it sure ain't objective.
You can assert that such is subjectively biased as much as you want, it's just your opinion and nothing more, it sure ain't fact and it sure ain't objective.
You seem to have ignored my previous post, where I said:
There was no "whoosh" JR.
Of course I can assert it, because it isn't objective.
Classifying a differing political view as "evil" is broadcasting subjective bias,
If someone concocted a similar chart with conservatism as 'evil'
Atheism and evolution are entirely irrelevant politically.
There's plenty of conservative Christians who have no issue with evolution.
"Political systems", just like people aren't so easily broad brushed or categorized. Not objectively anyway.
What it is:Clarence Page: Who’s afraid of critical race theory? Those who don’t know what it is
Then explain what this 'whoosh' supposedly comprised of, should be interesting.You don't get to decide that.
That's just your opinion.
Not when it is, in fact, evil.
They would be mostly wrong, objectively.
See the difference?
Not when they affect politics.
You sure do love your fallacies.
Theft is objectively wrong, therefore socialism (including "safety net" programs, for example) are wrong, because the government steals from those who have earned to give to those who have not.
The majority is wicked, as per Jesus Himself, the only one who's opinion is by definition objective. Therefore democracy (and it's close cousin republics, and especially democratic republics)) are wrong, because they rely on majority rule to function.