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eating the little book
A First -
Am I the first to eat the book? John the Apostle was the first. He ate the book written by John the Baptist whose job it was to prepare the way for the Lamb of God. At the time John the Baptist didn't know it was Jesus but he knew the time was near for the first coming, not the second.

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upset stomach
A Second -
It upset my stomach just like it upset the stomach of John Chrysostom who was the second one to eat the book and told to prophesy again. He is the third John in Chapter one. The first is John the Baptist who bare record and the second is John the Apostle who added the churches, Antipas, and Jesus.

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eating more books
A Source -
How do I know all this? Eusebius and Victorinus told me. I may be the first to search their books, which are now available online, for specific information. It shows that they were not aware of Antipas and the churches of the Apocalypse. They must have been looking at the original Apocalypse written by John the Baptist who didn't know about Antipas or the seven churches.

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three johns
A Reasonable Explanation
for why there is no agreement on the who, when, and why of the Apocalypse; who wrote it, when was it written, and why did so many feel it didn't belong in the bible??? Why does John introduce himself three times? John the Baptist who bare record. John the Apostle to the churches. John Chrysostom our brother.

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A Problem
in that it has misled everyone. Stay with numbers, colors, Old Testament references, and historical events that seem to fit. Only history can confirm the fulfillment of prophecy and the future will never confirm your interpretation. Only a prophet can predict the future and there is a very good chance that you are not one.

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historical events
A Fit
with prophetic numbers and colors. Constantine the rider of the white horse started a Christian empire that would last a thousand years with Constantinople its capital which would become Babylon the Great. During this period the first beast with seven heads would be mortally wounded and the second beast with ten horns would be restricted so the young Church in Rome, New Jerusalem, would survive. These pieces fit along with many others that will be named.

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a start a mark a date
A Number
in Daniel 9:2 referred to years. So what happened in the year 666? It didn't take long to find out Islam was getting ready to attack Constantinople in the year 666. With Islam you can check all the boxes. It had ten dynasties. Horns are dynasties. Counted by Islam. It's a good start.

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'ten horns'
A Direct Connection
between Daniel and the Apocalypse. The last beast of Dainiel and the second beast of the Apocalypse both have 'ten horns'. And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion. The beast of John was like a lion, the first beast of Daniel, like a bear, the second beast of Daniel, like a leopard, the third beast of Daniel, and it had ten horns like the fourth beast of Daniel. There should be no doubt that the two beasts of John are the last two beasts of Daniel.

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these shall hate
A Whore,
and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. It was the tenth dynasty of Islam that ended the thousand year reign of Constantinople which has all the characteristics of Babylon the Great. That includes seven hills, many waters, mystery, trade, fallen, and can be found no more at all. No other city has all of them. It is still a mystery for many.

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a sea
A Sheet Of Glass
with Greek fire. The Sea of Marmara was like a sheet of glass The year was 666. The First Arab Siege of Constantinople. Greek fire was used on the Sea of Marmara to get the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name. And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire. Revelation 15:2 It fits.

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they built
A Wall
to protect themselves for a thousand years. The Byzantine Empire was a Christian empire. They reigned with Christ. Any time two or more are gathered in His name, He is there with them. If they are reigning in His name, they are reigning with Christ. It fits.

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problems with
A Date
was mentioned by Edward Gibbon. He has it 46 "years after the flight of Mahomet from Mecca, his disciples appeared in arms under the walls of Constantinople". If he had an Islamic calendar calculator, he would have gotten 666. If he had used 44 BC and the Julian calendar for the Hegira, he would have gotten 666. It fits.

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A Key
to open the door to understanding the Apocalypse. Start with numbers, colors, and Old Testament references. Numbers and colors do not require interpretation and Old Testament references are reliable clues. The bow in Revelation 6:2 is not a weapon but a covenant like the one in Genesis 9:13 . This helps to identify the rider of the white horse.

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the four horsemen
A Fit
with the color of the seas. The enemies of Christianity are Islam from the Red Sea and Communism from the Black Sea. The rider of the white horse is not an enemy. He has a bow which is a covenant with God. The Mediterranean Sea is, for the Turks, the white sea. The rider of the white horse is Constantine. The rider of the red horse is Mohammed. The rider of the black horse is Marx. They fit.

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"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
these shall hate
A Whore,
and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. It was the tenth dynasty of Islam that ended the thousand year reign of Constantinople which has all the characteristics of Babylon the Great. That includes seven hills, many waters, mystery, trade, fallen, and can be found no more at all. No other city has all of them. It is still a mystery for many.

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It's interesting to me that it was 1,021 years from Pentecost in AD 33, to AD 1054, when the one Church frayed for the first time, the Roman patriarch (the pope) severing / severed from the other patriarchs (all in the East, thus the East-West Schism).

Now, since the Reformation, there is dramatic fraying, but it all started in 1054, which is within 0.3% accuracy, to 1000 years after our start.


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the four beasts
A Temple
will make. Daniel 7 has four beasts. There are so many to choose from so how did he come up with these? How did the interpreters identify them? Jesus gives us a great clue by mentioning the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel. If you Google 'abomination of desolation', Wikipedia shows three possibilities; Antiochus IV Epiphanes in 167 BC, Titus in 70 AD, and Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan in 691 AD. The only missing one is Babylon and the first Temple. So we have Babylon destroying the first Temple, Greece desecrating the second, Rome destroying the second, and Islam preventing the third. It fits.

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abomination of desolation
A Holy Place
spoken of by Jesus. Daniel mentions abomination three times. The first has "he shall make it desolate" and that should be Antiochus IV Epiphanes. The second has "they shall place" and that should be Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan. The third is the time between the destruction of the first Temple and the placement of the Dome of the Rock preventing the third Temple. It fits.

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in Daniel
A King of the North
who was a prince of Mohammed, the king of the south, and his daughter was Fatimah. Muawiyah was the first king of the north who established the Umayyad dynasty in Islam. It was this dynasty that constructed the Dome of the Rock. It was just one of ten Islamic dynasties. Ten horns. They fit.

Watch for more pieces that fit. Blessed is the one who looks.