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babylon the great
A City
that connects all the pieces. Constantinople has it all. A thousand years, a seven headed beast that was, a ten horned beast that was yet to come, an attack in the year 666, and all the characteristics of Babylon the Great.

Watch for more pieces that fit. Blessed is the one who looks.


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It is a code. You're familiar with the concept of a code. It's a code. 'Code name,' 'code word.' It's a code. A type of code.

I guess you didn't read the question I asked. At least, you didn't answer it. So, here it is, again:

Why would anybody "compute the numerical value of 'Caesar Nero,' written in Hebrew letters", unless he/she already assumed that Nero is one of the two beasts of Revelation 13? Besides, Revelation was written in Greek, not in Hebrew. There's absolutely no relevance to Revelation in a Hebrew translation or transliteration of the Latin phrase, 'Caesar Nero'.

I didn't ask "What is the numerical value of 'Caesar Nero,' written in Hebrew letters?"

I didn't ask "Is the numerical value of 'Caesar Nero,' written in Hebrew letters a code?"


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a number
A Color
do not require interpretation. Numbers like 1000, 666, 10, 7, 5, and 2. Colors like white, red, and black. Stick with numbers and colors and you won't be misled. Also look in the Old Testament for similar words like 'bow' and you will find that it could be a 'covenant' and not a weapon.

Watch for more pieces that fit. Blessed is the one who looks.


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white red black
A Sea
of color. Red and black are interesting. White not so much until you find out the Turks call the Mediterranean the white sea. Now look for horse riders from the white, Red, and Black seas. Red and Black are easy. Mohammed and Marx, both enemies of Christianity. The rider from the white sea may not be an enemy if you consider the bow a covenant and someone like Constantine who was the greatest friend of Christianity. It's a fit.

Watch for more pieces that fit. Blessed is the one who looks.


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the four horsemen
A Fit
with colors to match. Constantine from the white sea, the Mediterranean, with a bow, a covenant, made the world safe for Christianity. Mohammed from the Red Sea with a sword took peace from the earth. Marx, the father of Communism from the Black Sea. These are big pieces of the puzzle consistent with Babylon the Great, Constantinople, and the Thousand years, the Byzantine empire.

Watch for more pieces that fit. Blessed is the one who looks.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
I guess you didn't read the question I asked. At least, you didn't answer it. So, here it is, again:

I didn't ask "What is the numerical value of 'Caesar Nero,' written in Hebrew letters?"

I didn't ask "Is the numerical value of 'Caesar Nero,' written in Hebrew letters a code?"
The number itself means nothing, without 'counting' of some sort, and without acknowledging that it is the number of a man (Rev13:18KJV).

Gematria is a counting of some sort, and Nero is a man.

So put forth your own counting, and your own man, and we'll all see.


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Hello Chrysostum, do you feel we are in the end time?

hi bybee,
nice to hear from you
the answer to that question is really not my job
if this were a football game
we are in the fourth quarter
only because I can't identify the fourth horseman


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in Daniel
A King of the South
and his daughter that fits with the king of the north and the Apocalypse. The king of the south is Mohammed and his daughter is Fatimah. The king of the north is Muawiyah who was one of Mohammed's commanders, not princes as some translations would have it. This was the beginning of the Umayyad Caliphate, a dynasty that placed the abomination.

Watch for more pieces that fit. Blessed is the one who looks.


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an abomination in
A Holy Place
by the Umayyad Caliphate. Daniel is telling us a king is a dynasty. Muawiyah didn't place the abomination of desolation. It was his dynasty that did it. It was Umayyad Caliph Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan in 691 AD. Daniel seems to suggest that we add 1335 days to that date

Watch for more pieces that fit. Blessed is the one who looks.


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there shall be
A Thousand Two Hundred and Ninety Days
from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up. Daniel 12:11 may be the key to understanding the abomination spoken of by Jesus. Historians have had a lot of trouble with dates but if you add the first temple destruction date 587 BC to the build date of the Dome of the Rock 691 AD, you get 1278. That is close enough for serious consideration.

Watch for more pieces that fit. Blessed is the one who looks.


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A Little Horn
in Daniel. Saladin is the little horn before whom there were three of the first horns. He came out of the fourth dynasty, Fatimid, and started the fifth of ten Islamic dynasties. Pay attention to the numbers. You don't have to interpret the numbers.

Watch for more pieces that fit. Blessed is the one who looks.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison


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the beasts of Daniel
A Connection
with the beasts of the Apocalypse. And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion. The beast of John was like a lion, the first beast of Daniel, like a bear, the second beast of Daniel, like a leopard, the third beast of Daniel, and it had ten horns like the fourth beast of Daniel. There should be no doubt that the two beasts of John are the last two beasts of Daniel.

Watch for more pieces that fit. Blessed is the one who looks.


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in Daniel
A Test
a word not found is some bible translations. A key word that explains what we are doing here. The NABRE is the only version that has it. TEST. We are being tested. We have free will. It must be tested.

Watch for more pieces that fit. Blessed is the one who looks.


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unto us
A Child is Born
Love... wrapped in swaddling clothes
Born to bind up our wounds
All... weary souls will rejoice
When they hear the good news


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I ate
A Little Book -
Why? I didn't like what others were saying about it. They were using it to discredit the Church and the Pope. Everything that I loved. I wanted to know why. I wanted to show how wrong their interpretation was.

Watch for more pieces that fit. Blessed is the one who looks.