Christians worship Christ; JW's do not!

God's Truth

New member
The first cult-follower steps up to the plate....but, is just too insecure in his cognizance of scripture to posit a passage for detailed discussion.

No surprise here.

Thanks for confirming my assertion.


Why do you have to resort to insults?


New member
Worshiping in Spirit and in truth is about obeying Jesus and being given his Spirit.

What do you mean by saying 'holding the Second and Third Person's of the Trinity'?

Why did you leave the Father out of your statement?

The Trinity inherently includes The Father, silly.

John 4 declares that Jesus gives The Holy Spirit, Living Water, The Gift of God.

Only God can give the 'Gift of God'.

God's Truth

New member
To all the cult-worshipers following this thread:

In lieu of cowardly running from one-hit-wonder passage to one-hit-wonder passage, ad nausea, and NEVER providing exegetical evidence for your jaded positions, please pick your very best passage and defend it for us (not that you can, but try).

This way, you can demonstrate to us real Christians that you are not afraid to defend God's word.


John 10:35 If he called them 'gods,' to whom the word of God came--and Scripture cannot be set aside--


New member
יְהוָה אִישׁ מִלְחָמָה יְהוָה שְׁמֹו׃
Not only does Exodus show the Spirit working, but also that GOD is singular in Spirit. What it doesn't show is GOD as literally man, or three men or persons.


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New member
Not only does Exodus show the Spirit working, but also that GOD is singular in Spirit. What it doesn't show is GOD as literally man, or three men or persons.



Yahweh is a Man of war; Yahweh is His name. (Exo 15.3)

The formula, ‘ish milhamah’, ‘Man of War’, is a human attribute, as witnessed throughout scripture, as thus…

• Machir, the first-born of Manasseh, was ‘ish milhamah’. (Joshua 17.1)

• The son of Jesse, was ‘ish milhamah’. (1 Sam 16.18)

• The Philistine was ‘ish milhamah’. (1 Sam 17.33)

• His father was ‘ish milhamah’. (2 Sam 17.8)

• Yahweh is going to remove ‘ish milhamah’. (Isa 3.2)

From scriptural usage, alone, we can clearly see that ‘Man of War’, (ish milhamah), does indeed apply to humanity in all locations outside of Exo 15.3….thus, the only logical conclusion that can be drawn when the same phrase is applied to Yahweh, is that Yahweh was in human form in the OT.

What can you possibly do now...?



New member


Yahweh is a Man of war; Yahweh is His name. (Exo 15.3)

The formula, ‘ish milhamah’, ‘Man of War’, is a human attribute, as witnessed throughout scripture, as thus…

•Machir, the first-born of Manasseh, was ‘ish milhamah’. (Joshua 17.1)

•The son of Jesse, was ‘ish milhamah’. (1 Sam 16.18)

•The Philistine was ‘ish milhamah’. (1 Sam 17.33)

•His father was ‘ish milhamah’. (2 Sam 17.8)

•Yahweh is going to remove ‘ish milhamah’. (Isa 3.2)

From scriptural usage, alone, we can clearly see that ‘Man of War’, (ish milhamah), does indeed apply to humanity in all locations outside of Exo 15.3….thus, the only logical conclusion that can be drawn when the same phrase is applied to Yahweh, is that Yahweh was in human form in the OT.

What can you possibly do now...?

Wow...what a stretch.

Wow what a diversion.

Go ahead and deny that the verse you posed lead to the Spirit of GOD as I said it would because all of them do.

So a literal man pushed up the waters and drowned the Egyptians?


Stop stretching the truth. It won't end well.

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