Christians worship Christ; JW's do not!


Well-known member
WHO is doing all of this filthy, foul-mouthed talk? I haven't seen any lately, have you?
As I've said it's not on this site, but my point was, it's not the denomination that counts, it's the heart that counts before God, and that there is good and bad in every denomination and you can't tar all people with the same brush. Jesus isn't a denomination, he is the way.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Marhig, I couldn't help noticing that your 'Rep-power' is at zero? One of the reasons for that, usually means the majority of posters on TOL don't appear to agree with your assorted comments and theories. You might want to consider thinking before you post? Just saying..

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
As I've said it's not on this site, but my point was, it's not the denomination that counts, it's the heart that counts before God, and that there is good and bad in every denomination and you can't tar all people with the same brush. Jesus wasn't a denomination, he is the way.

I find it rather ODD that you'd bother to mention this 'filth talk' especially when it doesn't pertain to TOL? Could you explain yourself, or should we use our combined imagination in order to understand what you're up to?


Well-known member
Marhig, I couldn't help noticing that your 'Rep-power' is at zero? One of the reasons for that, usually means the majority of posters on TOL don't appear to agree with your assorted comments and theories. You might want to consider, thinking before you post? Just saying..

And the majority didn't agree with Jesus, in fact they had him crucified! So I'm not worried about what my rep power is, Jesus says that we will be hated for his name sake when speak the truth.


Well-known member
Marhig, here's some good advise, why don't you go on over to those 'foul-mouthed' Forums and complain about them, there?
I didn't complain, I told them the truth in God with scriptures, along with two trinitarians who spoke against them with me.

And the reason I brought it up here, was to show that just because people believe in the trinity, doesn't mean they are saved. Or that people don't believe in the trinity means that they are saved either. It's the heart that counts and not the denomination.

Those who are being saved, are those who live by the will of God, bare witness to the truth and bring forth the fruits of the Spirit. These are the true followers of Christ, and they won't have filthy mouths.


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So you're saying that that which is holy associates and indeed dwells with that which is vile?

Nope. God dwells with those who have been made (past tense) righteous, not those who are trying to make themselves righteous.

If the people whom Marhig is describing are truly Christians, then God Christ's righteousness imparted to them, regardless of what they have done.

If you think that they are being saved when they speak like that, then you are badly mistaken, those being saved by God, and have a relationship with him, do not have a filthy mouth.

"Being saved?" You clearly didn't comprehend what I said.

They ARE ALREADY saved, NOTHING they do or can do will separate them from spending the rest of eternity with God.

Their salvation is a done deal. Their sins (all of them, past, present, and future sins) are covered by Christ's blood, past tense, not present tense, not future tense.

Yes, it saddens God that they do those things, and it certainly doesn't bring glory to Him, but that does not and cannot change the fact that, if they are indeed Christians, whenever God looks at them, He doesn't see their sin, He sees the righteousness of His Son, Jesus Christ.

Luckily on that site, there were 2 trinitarians who with me spoke against them. And it was the truth that was prevailing, not whether we were trinitarians or not. God looks at the heart!

You judge wrongly,


it says in Bible many times that we are to believe that Jesus is the son God

*Son of God

to be saved. And you condemn those who believe this.

And rightly so. By saying Christ is just the son of God, and not God Himself come in the flesh, by denying Christ's deity, you devalue His gift, rendering it unable to save even one person.

Marhig, Is God not the most valuable commodity? Is not God infinitely worth more than any created being? And are the wages of sin death (ie, separation)? If so, how can anyone who sins pay their ransom? Is not one sin enough to condemn someone to eternal separation from God? How then could even one perfect created being pay for even one sin, let alone for every sin ever committed?

Let's say that you never sinned, and will never sin, how could you, a created being, die for every sin ever committed, being committed, and ever will be committed, when your perfect, sinless life would only be enough to pay for one sin? You would need something that is infinitely greater than one created being to pay for all of every created beings' sins. ONLY GOD HIMSELF could pay that price.

And He did, God the Son came as a Man, and paid the price for sin, so that no man would have to pay for his own sin.

This is why a rejection of the deity of Christ means that one is not saved, because if Christ is not God, then the person who rejects the above cannot be saved, because the debt could not have been paid.

Denying Christ's deity is a denial of salvation itself.

That's why it's a salvation issue.

That's why JWs are not saved, because they reject salvation by denying Christ's God-ship.

You show the hardness of your heart in the way you condemn others who believe what we are told to believe in the scriptures.

Scripture says that No man can ransom his life for another, but that only God can save.

None of them can by any means redeem his brother, Nor give to God a ransom for him—For the redemption of their souls is costly, And it shall cease forever—That he should continue to live eternally, And not see the Pit. . . . But God will redeem my soul from the power of the grave, For He shall receive me. Selah - Psalm 49:7-9,15,15&version=NKJV

Also, from the scriptures that you have quoted in your post.

I wrote to you in my epistle not to keep company with sexually immoral people. Yet I certainly did not mean with the sexually immoral people of this world, or with the covetous, or extortioners, or idolaters, since then you would need to go out of the world. [/B]But now I have written to you not to keep company with anyone named a brother, who is sexually immoral[/b], or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or an extortioner—not even to eat with such a person.For what have I to do with judging those also who are outside? Do you not judge those who are inside?But those who are outside God judges. Therefore put away from yourselves the evil person

And you are saying that they are still saved? Paul says that those who are sexually immoral are evil people! They need to repent and turn away from their disgusting talk and acts, and live right before God!

I'm asking if they were Christians, or were they unbelievers?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I didn't complain, I told them the truth in God with scriptures, along with two trinitarians who spoke against them with me.

And the reason I brought it up here, was to show that just because people believe in the trinity, doesn't mean they are saved. Or that people don't believe in the trinity means that they are saved either. It's the heart that counts and not the denomination.

Those who are being saved, are those who live by the will of God, bare witness to the truth and bring forth the fruits of the Spirit. These are the true followers of Christ, and they won't have filthy mouths.

However, you did happen to mention Trinitarians while mentioning how such believers are foul-mouthed? Why was that?


Well-known member
There are OTHER reasons for posters theories and comments not being respected. Do you realize that, Marhig? Perhaps, posters just don't agree with you? That's one possibility, right?
That's fine, you don't have to agree with me, but the way I believe is clearly shown to be right in the scriptures.

If you want to condemn me,.go ahead, that's between you and God.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Marhig, you said in Post #99 the following;

So how about trinity believers having filthy mouths and filthy minds? That's ok then?

I don't believe in the trinity and i believe that it's disgusting to talk crude and vulgar.

You talk about the works? True believers in God and Christ don't talk like that, and they do works, they do the works of God and if God is in our hearts, then he cleans us out and we don't think like that, never mind talk filthy. It was vile the way they were speaking, I couldn't believe it.


Well-known member
Nope. God dwells with those who have been made (past tense) righteous, not those who are trying to make themselves righteous.

If the people whom Marhig is describing are truly Christians, then God Christ's righteousness imparted to them, regardless of what they have done.

"Being saved?" You clearly didn't comprehend what I said.

They ARE ALREADY saved, NOTHING they do or can do will separate them from spending the rest of eternity with God.

Their salvation is a done deal. Their sins (all of them, past, present, and future sins) are covered by Christ's blood, past tense, not present tense, not future tense.

Yes, it saddens God that they do those things, and it certainly doesn't bring glory to Him, but that does not and cannot change the fact that, if they are indeed Christians, whenever God looks at them, He doesn't see their sin, He sees the righteousness of His Son, Jesus Christ.


*Son of God

And rightly so. By saying Christ is just the son of God, and not God Himself come in the flesh, by denying Christ's deity, you devalue His gift, rendering it unable to save even one person.

Marhig, Is God not the most valuable commodity? Is not God infinitely worth more than any created being? And are the wages of sin death (ie, separation)? If so, how can anyone who sins pay their ransom? Is not one sin enough to condemn someone to eternal separation from God? How then could even one perfect created being pay for even one sin, let alone for every sin ever committed?

Let's say that you never sinned, and will never sin, how could you, a created being, die for every sin ever committed, being committed, and ever will be committed, when your perfect, sinless life would only be enough to pay for one sin? You would need something that is infinitely greater than one created being to pay for all of every created beings' sins. ONLY GOD HIMSELF could pay that price.

And He did, God the Son came as a Man, and paid the price for sin, so that no man would have to pay for his own sin.

This is why a rejection of the deity of Christ means that one is not saved, because if Christ is not God, then the person who rejects the above cannot be saved, because the debt could not have been paid.

Denying Christ's deity is a denial of salvation itself.

That's why it's a salvation issue.

That's why JWs are not saved, because they reject salvation by denying Christ's God-ship.

Scripture says that No man can ransom his life for another, but that only God can save.

None of them can by any means redeem his brother, Nor give to God a ransom for him—For the redemption of their souls is costly, And it shall cease forever—That he should continue to live eternally, And not see the Pit. . . . But God will redeem my soul from the power of the grave, For He shall receive me. Selah - Psalm 49:7-9,15,15&version=NKJV

I'm asking if they were Christians, or were they unbelievers?

What? So they can talk in a vulgar foul way, be sexually immoral and that's ok before God? Paul has said in the verses that you have quoted that people who do this are evil. How are they saved if they are evil? And Paul even said that we are to come away from them? How can you say that people who act like this are right before God? No it's not right before God to speak and act in a sexually immoral way. And those who are being saved don't act in that way.

I can't believe that you are condoning behaviour like that!

You say that God doesn't see their sins, but Paul says that we will all be judged on what we do, good and bad!

Btw, can you show me the verse that you are speaking about where it says the God come in flesh? Thanks


Well-known member
Marhig seems to be zealously judgemental about others. She must understand that she doesn't have the ability to see into the hearts and minds of others.
I don't need to see the heart of others when they wear it on their sleeve. Anyone who speaks with a filthy tongue doesn't speak of the Spirit.

Jesus said, it's not what goes into a man that defiles him, it's what comes out of a man that defiles him.