Originally posted by Mark Tindall
Whay aren't you buying??? ... I'm not selling anything!!!!
Originally posted by Mark Tindall
I have taught in public schools and Christian schools.WA:
Originally posted by BillyBob
I think we lost Mark.
WA, you chased him away!
Did he say he was a teacher? I read some of his Looooong post, he seemed mainly interested in the Christian perspective of homeschooling.
Originally posted by Mark Tindall
Ok ...trying to slow down the typing to help with the spelling ......... What is worse poor homeschooling or poor public school education? Neither. The question is invalid. If both are poor in the same areas it doesn't matter what system you are in. The quality matters! The problem is in the quality of whatever system you choose. One big problem for home schooling is the insistence that ANYONE can educate another person. This is the homeschool mantra based on the assumption that education is merely an extension of mothering.
.. .checking typing ... I'm using Quick Reply and don't know how to put spell checker through that option .... I'll learn eventually ... give me time .....
Originally posted by Mark Tindall
What do you want speed in typing (and therefre speedy answer with mistakes) or accurateness in typing (and therefore longer wait without mistakes ...hopefully)?
Mark.... public school is a breeding ground (pun intended) of teenage pregnancy, drugs, sexual abuse, poor social habits, suicide and death.Originally posted by Mark Tindall
TYhe same thing happens an insufficient education. What else do you believe jhappens in either cause? i do not understand your argument.
Originally posted by Mark Tindall
Speed typing with accuracy is not an option for me. We all have our liabilities ... that is mine.
I don't think WA's comment was "Ad hominem attack".Originally posted by Mark Tindall
Unless you are physically or mentally handicapped in some way, speed typing is an option for you. If you are physically or mentally handicapped in some way, I'm sorry and withdraw my criticism.
Ad hominem attack. Attack the ideas not the person. Otherwise bye - bye. Do you understand?