I see a positive and informative direction in this study,
Nothing positive about drugs this way, they dont expand your mind, they cripple your soul.
I see a positive and informative direction in this study,
See my previous commentary,...pertinent points to consider there. Note these 'substances' were made by The Creator. You will also note that many herbs, oils, plant/seed substances were used by the Hebrew in their religious worship, ceremonies, anointing oils, incense, etc. These employments obviously have a purpose and do stimulate the senses (or why their special use and formulation???) Plants were given to man as both food and medicine. Wisdom and discretion guides us onto their proper 'use',...as anything COULD be misused. To equate the use of all plants or natural substances as 'pharmakia' or 'witchcraft' is ridiculous,...without further researching their use in religious rites and 'aids' in the enhancement of consciousness and spirit-communion.
For all you know, the 'manna' from heaven could have been 'magic mushrooms' of one form or another, but you'd have to do adequate research to rule that out, besides just assuming to know all about 'God' and his 'creation'. I'd gather there is a lot of real 'hocus pocus' passing off as inane religious beliefs and pre-packaged 'theology' out there mass marketed to 'easy believers', than a real study of 'divine magic' and using your own innate faculties of mind, in true service to Spirit, which is not a dogmatic or cultish enterprise, but an authentic and universal one.
I'll get right to it... I have friends that have done drugs and I have friends that still spark up.
And they did not repent of their sorcery/drug use...
OIC... out of everything I wrote... that agrees with your stance... you choose to pick up stones and cast them at the struggling drug addict. They just sin differently than me. I could cloak and claim sinlessness by Jesus Work... which I do... but I know my place and how imputed saint hood isn't a "washing" of the filthy flesh...
Hint... read Peter...
So... now... Faith + Not being a drug user = Salvation...
Do tell GT... Do tell.
You never know a person's heart... but your words are showing that your think you do. Bad Idea. Do you use caffeine? Eat Pork? Are you Sin Free now?
Judge not lest Ye be judged hangs over your head now. Thanks for "re-" interpreting grace through faith for everyone.
Faith * What Angel? Is His Grace sufficient? I don't use drugs, but I have friends that Love God and do. Spoiler alert... they hurt deep down and want to stop... but that thorn is theirs to bear and not mine to judge.
I quoted revelation,
Revelation 9:21 and they did not repent of their murders nor of their sorceries(/drug use) nor of their immorality nor of their thefts.
The word translated as sorcery there, is the greek word that drugs and pharmacy comes from directly.
your argument is with God, not me, He said it. Also there is a reason that America consumes more drugs than any other country in the world.
Is God so impotent to you, that He will not help stop those who wish to stop? Does He put it into their mouth/veins?
I have compassion for those trapped in sin, but i offer up the solution (Him, on your knees) instead the walk into hell (im ok youre ok and how dare anyone call you on sin and your need for a savior)
My God is strong enough, is yours? Bless me some more for speaking the truth.
# That's why you fail
No there isn't just one Jesus/I sm, only one. pattern/way for the dead prodigal to return home.which is luke 17:20'-21.
I havent failed, Ive won, Jesus sits on the throne and He is strength when i am weak. Thank you for blessing me again in His name.
All i did was quote His word, and you went nuts. Ask yourself why that verse offends you so much, before Him.
Faith + what?
Foolish Galatian!!! Who has beguiled you?
Note these 'substances' were made by The Creator. .
Please leave my thread, you are taking it off topic. I never said any lie you suggest, and i will pray you and your friends receive help for your drug addictions.
Also, you are the mod of this thread and said that faith plus abstinence from drugs = salvation.
Faith + what?
Foolish Galatian!!! Who has beguiled you?
An unregenerate cannot regenerate, nor can clean water come from a dirty spring, but as James says "such things ought not be." God will discipline the wayward but we can say 'wrong direction.' Perhaps you and A4T are in friction over correction vs. a need of salvation. Drug use is certainly a sign of either disobedience/lack of discernment/not profitable, but it also 'can' be a sign of no salvation. MAD nor Reformed theology saves, God saves. Anyone caught up in drug use doesn't know what they are missing in Him or their walk with Him, one or the other. I'm not sure there is any disagreement over such, perhaps a need to spell out the difference :idunno: In Him -Lon
Liar, please leave my thread, ive said no such lie.
And they did not repent of their sorcery/drug use...
Ive said no such lie as that troll suggests. I quoted Gods word, period and he went nuts, he needs to ask himself why and he needs to leave my thread instead of distupting it with lies.
This was in response to my citing Christian friends that struggle with drugs. And you are not a "we".