Christian Man Fired From $60K Job for Sharing 'Audacity' Film With Lesbian Co-Workers


New member
I agree completely. I once worked with a girl who would call in for so many medical issues. She on end called off for a Sunday morning shift claiming she had shingles. Next day she was right as rain!

I also find myself wondering if the people defending the man in this thread would still be defending him had he been Hindu or Muslim.

By posing the question there is an implied bias? All this p.c. behavior is mostly jousting at windmills.
People, at least most people, are not morons. They can speak up for themselves. A legitimate grievance occurs when a co-worker is told to stop a behavior and he/she refuses to do so.

patrick jane

If that's true then hey, be glad to be a rich corporate bastard who doesn't give a damn about people so long as his own pocket is lined and to hell with everyone else essentially. Scummy work plebs an all, who cares anyway really as long as the cats keep getting fatter?

that's the impression it gives most times. i have worked for and also heard of companies that simply won't fire anybody, they just cut hours and add menial tasks to the job -


Hall of Fame
I'm pretty sure the steel company wasn't paying him to evangelize, and even from the biased CP article it's clear that after he was warned by management to stop showing his gay co-workers an anti-gay movie, he kept doing so. So they fired him.

Imagine that ... how dare he not use the company's time to selectively and intentionally offend his co-workers.


Well-known member
If you act like a Nazi you will isolate a particular group, claim that their religious expressions are standing in the way of social progress and then start persecution slowly by forcing them out of civil service positions, targeting their businesses and removing them from employment for being affiliated with that group (which is how the Nazi's started with the Jews).

Sound familiar?

Yes, it sounds similar to what the NAZIs did to homosexuals.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Yes, it sounds similar to what the NAZIs did to homosexuals.

And the German socialist regime of the time also confiscated weapons.

If you want to characterize something as wrong, you're going to have to do better than: "But Hitler..."

Should they be put to death?

I guess you're only here to troll. :troll:

Homos are forever whining.


Well-known member
And the German socialist regime of the time also confiscated weapons.

If you want to characterize something as wrong, you're going to have to do better than: "But Hitler..."

I didn't say that, and wasn't addressing you.

I guess you're only here to troll. :troll:

No, I asked you a question in response to your statement that homosexuality is wrong. Was your comment trolling? Here's the question again, if you want to answer:

Should homosexuals be executed? Yes or no?

Jose Fly

New member
Imagine that ... how dare he not use the company's time to selectively and intentionally offend his co-workers.

And that's all that really matters here. The guy did something non-work-related that made his coworkers uncomfortable. They complained to management, management agreed and warned the guy not to do it again. Then the very next day, he did it again to another employee. So they fired him.

It's interesting to see how many of those who in some cases argue that private businesses should be able to run their business as they see fit, with little to no government interference, now arguing the opposite in this case.

Tribalism in action.


Hall of Fame
And that's all that really matters here. The guy did something non-work-related that made his coworkers uncomfortable. They complained to management, management agreed and warned the guy not to do it again. Then the very next day, he did it again to another employee. So they fired him.

So he was warned and did it again anyways ... perhaps his actual wish was to make the headlines. There seems to be a lot of that going around lately.

It's interesting to see how many of those who in some cases argue that private businesses should be able to run their business as they see fit, with little to no government interference, now arguing the opposite in this case.

Tribalism in action.

My argument is based on the fact that, IMO, the business has the right to set the ground rules. The employee willfully made the choice to disobey them.

But at least he got his five minutes of fame ...

patrick jane

So he was warned and did it again anyways ... perhaps his actual wish was to make the headlines. There seems to be a lot of that going around lately.

My argument is based on the fact that, IMO, the business has the right to set the ground rules. The employee willfully made the choice to disobey them.

But at least he got his five minutes of fame ...

and a gofundme page - :chuckle:


Well-known member
Yeah, I was actually thinking about what the NAZI's did to the Jews but you remember it how you like.

I know the history, and I lost many family members in the concentration camps.

You were comparing homosexuals to NAZIs, as if homosexuals today are treating Christians as the NAZIs treated Jews, but apparently failing to take into account that the NAZIs were exterminating homosexuals, too. Had you considered that, and the fact that some Christians today want homosexuals executed and the fact that some nut-jobs who claimed to be Christian have violently attacked those they oppose, you might understand why the woman felt intimidated.


New member
We know for a fact that had the homo been the one fired, the liberals would be screaming on the streets.

Instead, the ideals of liberty upheld by the right have come to the fore in this discussion, which you are determined to cover up.

why would she have been fired? She wasn't the one harassing co-workers.