I stand by a companies right to fire anyone, for any reason, at any time.
Employees work for a company at their pleasure.
Employees work for a company at their pleasure.
I'm pretty sure the steel company wasn't paying him to evangelize, and even from the biased CP article it's clear that after he was warned by management to stop showing his gay co-workers an anti-gay movie, he kept doing so. So they fired him.
IOW, he was told not to do something, did it, and is now trying to play the victim.
So if I was your coworker and I tried to a share a video with you about how Christianity is an abomination ON COMPANY TIME like he did with the second woman, you wouldn't go complain to your boss?
It's interesting to me because of how something done on private time became something the employer addressed.
And while he wasn't disciplined for it, their response makes it sound to me like he would have been disciplined had he done something on FB again. That interpretation could be wrong of course.
Youre retarded
he got into trouble for what he did on his own time, in his own home on his off day to start with.
The Facebook one was not work related, but he also wasn't disciplined for it. He was told to stop, but nothing was necessarily enforced. He was disciplined (fired) for the one he did on company time. I see no problem with that.
But he was just sharing.
And now he's set up a GoFundMe page with a $30K goal...
Good for him, he has to support his ill wife and children somehow.
Tell me why you believe he shouldnt.
He was disciplined, because he didn't stop, after being told to stop, even on his own time - the warning came from what he did on his own time - he was told not to do it again. Period, he did it again and was fired.
10 to one, unless there are other facts involved here, he will win a lawsuit. Others have won similar suits.
Yet I bet you support a company's right to fire someone who smokes pot "on their own time."
Oh, the hypocrisy.
Since America and most of the rest of the world seems to be on a one-track mind to grant liberty and justice, human dignity, and inclusion for all, this does not surprise me.Christian Man Fired From $60K Job for Sharing 'Audacity' Film With Lesbian Co-Workers on Facebook
Because of course the lesbians cant just say, im not interested.
Welcome to new gay order. Anyone who doesn't agree will not be allowed to work.
Yes, if you had to drug test for the job you have. In other words you know up front that its not acceptable to be in your system at work.
Other than that, no, because i believe what someone does on their own time is their own business provided they didnt agree to certain things about their own time as a condition of employment.
(pot is illegal in most places, disobeying the law is a violation of most conditions of employment)
I stand by a companies right to fire anyone, for any reason, at any time.
Employees work for a company at their pleasure.
So if a non-evangelism policy was in a signed handbook, his firing would be justified?
I stand by a companies right to fire anyone, for any reason, at any time.
Employees work for a company at their pleasure.
Well that settles it then, right?Like several people here have noted, some companies have policies about what you post on FB (if you identify them as your employer on your profile).
[/quote]JoseFly said:But even then, let's say this guy was threatening her over FB. You don't think the company should be able to even call him into the office and tell him to cut it out?
Well that settles it then, right?
An employer makes a policy and that settles the question about what one can and cannot due on their own time.
When did the company handbook start to trump the constitution?
I think the company should but right out of what people are doing on their own time.
If someone is being threatened then they can call the police. The company is not some private oligarchy that can trample the first amendment rights of individuals.