Haha, right on jeremy. I mean, that's business, right? You go into business to make money and support your family and self.... provide opportunity for the community. Why limit your customer base by only working with people that you agree with?
ya, priorities? guess that's not in the Christian handbook.
I mean more power to them if they are willing to loose it all for
their faith, they should count that as a blessing right?
why are we not hearing any praise Gods for the Christian baker that lost their business by sticking to their guns and this whole 'rights' thing? Matthew 5:10, not a peep.
what are the prosperity teachers gonna say!
Reminds me of that episode of Cake Boss, where a client wanted a cake with edible male strippers or something similar on it. Everyone was fine with it, except for momma who took a rather intense moral objection to it. In the end, I think they compromised and put clothes on the strippers, :chuckle: . There's always a way to compromise on a business deal.
I would question a
spirit that takes away the livelihood of a family based on some 'right' or moral platitude...wise kings seek council.
Again, they say it's about their 'faith' but they are not practicing some of the tenants, test each spirit, 1 John 4:1.
this whole spirit of "I have the right to do this" is trippin em up, they need to be listening to the Spirit of the One True God YA....it won't steer ya wrong, IMHO, the golden rule wouldn't hurt either.