Which is exactly why I told you to take your "other sheep" question to a different thread.
The shepherd/sheep analogy is the same as the head/body analogy.
Christ Jesus is both the shepherd and the head. Believers in Christ are both sheep and Christ's body.
You have no answer for who the other sheep are because you know any answer causes really big problems for your Dispensationalism.
I'm fine with all of the metaphors, analogies, similes, etc. in the Bible. Where I have a problem is when some take two that are different and smash them together. Like the Lamb's bride.
Again, the bridegroom/bride analogy is the same as the head/body analogy.
Christ Jesus is both the bridegroom and the head, and believers in Christ are both the bride and the body.
And yet Paul strived NOT to build on another man's foundation. Which man do you think that he is talking about?
Nice try.
Paul made it clear that he strived to build in places where Christ Jesus had never been preached. Paul didn't want to waste time preaching in places where others had already preached about Christ Jesus.
(Rom 15:20) My ambition has always been to preach the Good News where the name of Christ has never been heard, rather than where a church has already been started by someone else.
It had nothing to do with an alleged different gospel.
Paul specifically said "I" laid the foundation. That must be something different.
Where Christ Jesus had never been preached before.
I understand this all to mean that BOTH the kingdom of Israel (earthly program) and the body of Christ (heavenly program) are founded on Jesus Christ, just NOT in the EXACT same way.
There is no such things as "earthly program" and "heavenly program". This is just a bunch of rubbish you Hyper-Dispensationalists made up. Nowhere in the Bible does Paul speak of two different programs, with one on earth and one in heaven.
No, you're scared to death of it because you have to have Peter in a different "program" than Paul.
I understand that these are TWO foundations on the SAME cornerstone are God's revelations.
Buildings don't have TWO foundations.
Two foundations with the same cornerstone is even more ridiculous.
Maybe you should consult an architect or builder before you make such embarrassing statements.