The body of Christ is to Christ like Adam was before the woman came out of him.
(( PARTLY )).
You people are Never going to be Able to SEE anything of GOD!! You're in the Wrong Place With the Wrong ---- "s-e-r-v-a-n-t"----!!!!
Read the BOOK, and believe JUST What IT SAYS ONLY!!!!!!!!!
Adam was just One - when Put in the Garden. Eve was formed from him while IN The Garden!!! (( That didn't WORK ))!! SOOOOOO, God Had to UNDO and REDO!!
The first six days were JUST the Division of God's Darkness, not of the days and nights of the Sun!!! It was ALL Just the darkness of God!!!! The sun wasn't Even there until the FOURTH DAY!!!!!!!!!! and still that time was only given the Darkness of GOD!!!!! Read the BOOK!!!! -- Evening and the Morning is Only the Darkness, NOT THE LIGHT!!!!! -- Evening to the Evening is a Whole DAY!!!!!!!!!!
GOD Had to Put the Woman BACK IN THE MAN Before the man could Get but back IN THE GARDEN, The Same as the ( First TIME, - "Without TIME" )!!!! TIME IS JUST FOR THE S-I-N-S!! -- There is no Sin where there is no Time; read the BOOK!!!!!
( Revelation 22:13-15 KJV ) -- 13- (( "I am ( Alpha and Omega ), ))" the ( Beginning and the End ), ( the First and the Last ).
14- Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the "TREE OF LIFE" , and may "Enter in through the gates" into the city. 15- For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie".---///------ Lies are the Darkness of GOD, not the setting of the SUN!!!
There has not been BUT ONE "ADAN // CHRIST". - Christ and Adam is the same "ONE", but just DIFFERENT MEN; - the flesh has nothing to do with it!!!
Adam and Eve were put out of the Garden, and Christ and His W-I-F-E the Church, "as One", was placed Back into the Same Garden after Another SIX Divisions of Spiritual darkness, INTO THE L-I-G-H-T OF G-O-D; - (( THE SEVENTH D-A-Y ))!!!!! - SOOOO Where Are Y-O-U?????????
((( Who Is The ""THIRD M-A-N"" ADAM?? )))????????? - Read IT!!!!
PAUL, DAVID -- 121615