Was there a section for,
1. The people
2. The priesthood
3. Beyond the veil
Since only the High Priest was allowed to enter the Most Holy Place once a year, how does that even come close to your crazy "three eternities" theory?
Was there a section for,
1. The people
2. The priesthood
3. Beyond the veil
Since only the High Priest was allowed to enter the Most Holy Place once a year, how does that even come close to your crazy "three eternities" theory?
You see them in your Bible, yet make them all the same.
Was there a section for,
1. The people
2. The priesthood
3. Beyond the veil
Simple question
Was there a section for,
1. The people
2. The priesthood
3. Beyond the veil
Simple question
I see Jesus in my Bible as a lamb, a light, bread, and a rock, but that doesn't mean there are four different Jesus'
How does the earth, a city from heaven, and heaven itself, all mean the same thing?
There's no analogy.
You have three different kinds of people in three different places.
The temple had a High Priest going back and forth between all the places, priests going back and forth between two places.
The temple had God only dwelling in one section.
Does God only dwell in one of your three eternities?
Can people only go into one of your eternities once a year?
Your analogy between the temple and your "three eternities" is about the dumbest thing you ever posted. That's saying a lot considering you once said a big upside down pyramid comes out of the sky and touches planet earth.
Dispensationalism has put you in a really bad place.
Was there a section for,
1. The people
2. The priesthood
3. Beyond the veil
Simple question.
The same way a lamb, a light, bread, and a rock all mean the same thing.
Was there a section for,
1. The people
2. The priesthood
3. Beyond the veil
Simple question.
This is what you do when you know you have lost the argument.
You keep repeating the same question over and over again.
You have three different kinds of people in three different places.
God promised some people dirt in the OT.
God promised some people a city from heaven in the NT.
God promised other people heaven itself in the NT.
You are in no position to make them the same. God didn't.
What argument?
You won't answer a simple question, because you know there were 3 general sections of the temple, with 3 different types of people allowed entrance, with 3 different requirements to enter each section.
Tet, and Satan, hate this idea:
1. Israel being the head of the nations on earth. All the nations flowing into Jerusalem. (The People)
2. 144000 kings and priests ruling the twelve tribes of Israel from the New Jerusalem. (The Priesthood)
3. The Body of Christ showering the heavens with it's glory from above. (Beyond the veil)
Why would they hate such a beautiful glorious plan?
Tet, and Satan, hate this idea:
1. Israel being the head of the nations on earth. All the nations flowing into Jerusalem. (The People)
2. 144000 kings and priests ruling the twelve tribes of Israel from the New Jerusalem. (The Priesthood)
3. The Body of Christ showering the heavens with it's glory from above. (Beyond the veil)
Why would they hate such a beautiful glorious plan?
Are you a hyper Calvinist?? Just askin'.
There is no veil. The veil was torn in two when Christ Jesus died on the cross. Through Christ Jesus we have direct access to God without a veil.