It is funny I must admit...
And I thought that a twit like you would actually know where it came from . . .Apparently, they've gotten together in their conservative clubhouse and locked pinky fingers on a new "blue anon" strategy.So they made up a name for a non-existent entity and now they're repeating it over and over so it sticks.
They're following the redstate playbook like good little soldiers:
Blue Anon should now be attached to all reporting on about the “QRF” for the Oathkeepers at the January 6 protest.Let’s get this term used in circulation.
And I thought that a twit like you would actually know where it came from . . .
"If you believe:
-DC is under military occupation because there are non-stop threats from Trump supporters.
-Joe Biden is the most popular American President of all time.
-Russia, Russia, Russia
You might be #BlueAnon"
Candace Owens
I actually heard about it when Urban dictionary banned the term. But I think it amply describes you'all.
Oh lawks...Apparently, they've gotten together in their conservative clubhouse and locked pinky fingers on a new "blue anon" strategy.So they made up a name for a non-existent entity and now they're repeating it over and over so it sticks.
They're following the redstate playbook like good little soldiers:
Blue Anon should now be attached to all reporting on about the “QRF” for the Oathkeepers at the January 6 protest.Let’s get this term used in circulation.
Oh lawks...
I've gotta admit that it's funny though and as the proclaimed "Blue Anon Shaman", let me begin with this message:
Good citizens!
It's time for things to turn around! Check under the beds for loose change along with any misanthropes who may happen to be lurking there.
Watch the skies. Do you see the shape of the clouds forming?
Cobbled paving.
Breakfast cereal left too long in milk.
Alertness imperative.
I say, is that the time?
Hmm, need some 'zzzzzz's...
Purple marmalade.And I thought that a twit like you would actually know where it came from . . .
"If you believe:
-DC is under military occupation because there are non-stop threats from Trump supporters.
-Joe Biden is the most popular American President of all time.
-Russia, Russia, Russia
You might be #BlueAnon"
Candace Owens
I actually heard about it when Urban dictionary banned the term. But I think it amply describes you'all.
Well, 'Q' never signed on to sanity so I thought I'd just keep the train rolling in reverse...You forgot to sign off.
"Q" is so Jan. 6...
How about just:
Shush. It’s a blue conspiracy I tell you! For the sole purpose of ousting Former Guy. Ah well, it’s not like he didn’t have a statue of gold created in his likeness as a going away gift ...Purple marmalade.
Low yield crop growth.
Cavity wall insulation problematic
Keep the ear to the ground.
Egyptian hieroglyphic...
Eh, this whole "Blue Anon Shaman" thing just ain't worth the bother but thanks for the plaudit anyway HT...
Shush. It’s a blue conspiracy I tell you! For the sole purpose of ousting Former Guy. Ah well, it’s not like he didn’t have a statue of gold created in his likeness as a going away gift ...
And still yet, more is needed. Reboot of “Orange is the New Black” starring Former Guy!Watching the collective meltdown has been entertaining. : )
And still yet, more is needed. Orange is the New Black, starring Former Guy!
In Mexico no less! It's a shame he didn't actually get around to building that wall after all as the thing wouldn't have been allowed to pass the border...Shush. It’s a blue conspiracy I tell you! For the sole purpose of ousting Former Guy. Ah well, it’s not like he didn’t have a statue of gold created in his likeness as a going away gift ...
Much like the pandemic couldn’t be bullied into non existence, his wall couldn’t be created via bullying and alternate facts ...In Mexico no less! It's a shame he didn't actually get around to building that wall after all as the thing wouldn't have been allowed to pass the border...
BLM and anti-fa rioters injured more than a thousand police officers in violent protests over the last 12 months. Someone needs to inform Chris Wray at the FBI of that fact. He acts like he has not yet heard that."Looking like Antifa"?
Someone has been lying to you. Nobody was ever denied healthcare in the US before democrats passed the 'highway robbery of the young' Obamacare tax bill.Well, how about you clarify? If there's no healthcare afforded for the chronically ill, disabled and elderly because you don't support a system that provides it then what other "choice" is there but for them to succumb?
Someone has been lying to you. Nobody was ever denied healthcare in the US before democrats passed the 'highway robbery of the young' Obamacare tax bill.
I'm sorry, do we need to go back to the example of someone taking food from your fridge? If I am required to give to someone who doesn't want to work, "regardless of employment status" then you're asking me to be more merciful than God, who inspired Paul to say.Equating universal health care and welfare systems with stealing from people is a misnomer from the start. From a moral perspective, there has to be provision for everybody, unless you'd rather anyone who is unable to work should have no food? Furthermore, it's a system - over here at least that you can avail yourself of should you ever find yourself in a position of unemployment or even permanently rendered incapable of work. How is that theft?
But it's ok for you to guess about what we "colonists" think and like, as you've been doing this whole thread?We neither of us are US citizens, and please don't guess about what we think and like.
Sadly, Facebook and Google shut down videos of the riots on Jan. 6, for illogical reasons. You have seen some videos but have not been allowed to see others because your democrat handlers will not allow it.That's just absolute garbage and considering the amount of footage from both outside and inside the capitol that has led to several arrests from far right Trump supporters, absolutely and almost laughably ignorant.