Calvinism, Catholicism are NOT of the Faith


Well-known member
I won't be in the judgment because my judgment has already taken place in Christ. I have been crucified with Christ, Galatians 2:20.

You don't believe in Christ, you don't believe that His Death alone saved them He died for! So as of today you are in unbelief!

Robert Pate

Well-known member
You don't believe that the Death of Christ effected Salvation for them He lived and died for, that is unbelief!

The Bible plainly teaches that Christ died for the sins of the WHOLE WORLD, 1 John 2:2.

Why is it that you cannot believe the scriptures?

Has the devil got your mind?


Well-known member
If the Bible is the word of God, should you not believe it?

Why is it that you do not believe what the Bible says?

You are in severe conflict with the Bible.

You are in unbelief, you don't believe the death of Christ effected Salvation for all whom He died!

Robert Pate

Well-known member
You are in unbelief, you don't believe the death of Christ effected Salvation for all whom He died!

There is nothing in the Bible that supports Calvinism.

You cannot come up with one scripture thar says Jesus made a limited atonement. Nor can you came up with one scripture that says God has predestinated anyone to heaven or to hell.



The Bible does not support either one of these false religions.

There are over 75 scriptures that tell us that Jesus is the savior of the whole world, all men, everyone. Calvinist reject everyone of them.

There is not one scripture in the whole Bible that says anyone has been predestinated to heaven or to hell.

The word "predestinate" only appears in the Bible 4 times, yet none of the words are related to someone being predestinated to heaven or to hell.

There are so many scriptures that refute the doctrine of a limited atonement that when it comes to defending this doctrine the Calvinist goes deaf, dumb and blind.


There is nothing in the Bible about a Catholic church, nor is there anything in the Bible that resembles a Catholic church. The closest thing in the New Testament that resembles Catholisim is Pharisaism. The priest and the pope dress like Pharisees.

There is nothing in the New Testament about Peter going to Rome, nor is there anything in the Bible about a Catholic church in Rome. John wrote to the 7 seven churches that were in Asia, Revelation 1:14, nothing was said about a church in Rome.

Paul's letter to the Romans was not directed to a church in Rome. It was directed to the believers in Rome. Catholicsm is not according to the writings of Paul. Paul spoke against justification by works, Galatians 3:10. Catholics believe that works are a part of their justification (Council of Trent, Canon #9).

When one looks at all of these different aspects of Calvinism and Catholicism one can only arrive at the conclusion that neither one of these religions are of the faith that was delivered to us by the apostles, Romans 6:17.
Like it or not, they are still closer to the original faith. Peter was "given the keys."

Martin Luther stood up against the church and struck out on his own resulting in schism and a new branch in Christianity: the Protestants.


Well-known member
There is nothing in the Bible that supports Calvinism.

You cannot come up with one scripture thar says Jesus made a limited atonement. Nor can you came up with one scripture that says God has predestinated anyone to heaven or to hell.

You don't believe the death of Christ effected Salvation for all whom He died! Thats unbelief !


Well-known member
Calvinism is so far from what Christianity is about that I find it amazing that anyone could believe in it.
You don't believe that the Death of Christ effected Salvation for them He lived and died for, and you call yourself a believer! Not !

Robert Pate

Well-known member
You don't believe that the Death of Christ effected Salvation for them He lived and died for, and you call yourself a believer! Not !

All that you have the power to do is make false accusations, which comes from Satan, 2 Timothy 3:3-5.

You cannot refute what I say because you don't have the power of the Holy Spirit.