Calling all Open Theists for Feedback



I must go for the night. I will be reviewing and responding to your posts as soon as I can, but I must be off for the night.

All Christian Love and Respect to all of you...

Except Lazy Afternoon and Meshak ... they need to get GOSPEL RIGHT!!!!! (John 5:38f, 40)


I think I understand that. I have been helping some dear friends move today. I always want someone to read through my thoughts and help me hone them as well give more detailed feedback. You are straddling two worlds of theology and would like to see if they can come together. I think it a noble desire. I will try, but I'm exhausted this eveninghyjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjju (my cat typed that, he's all thumbs, picture of him on my user-page, you'd think that he'd have pity on me, sore and all, I believe God foreknew this).

I often try to trim, so those reading along can get the Reader's Digest version without all the heavy reading. Sometimes just jumping to a definitive point alleviates the need of readers to traverse the same things we already have. Not only do you and I have to reread everything, anyone reading along does too. I try and exercise mercy. AMR is trying to corner you on a Yes/No. He isn't being deceptive, but rather wanting to know if you embrace the classical definition, or the OV definition. His concern is to see if you are an Open Theist, or rather a time-honored orthodox theist. He is trying to be of service to you because he is seeing you have a bit of inconsistency and simply asking questions will help him expedite the need for long posts. That said, I too often avoid 'yes/no' questions because they don't exactly fit me. I know they fit the guy/gal asking the question. A good part of the time, I share your same aversion and go for longer posts as well. Often we get accused of being elusive as much as the other is suspected of a devious question. More often than not, my reply is "I can answer yes or no, but the answer will not actually give you the information you are looking for 'about me.'"

Yeah, I think we either employ faith in the other person, or we reiterate our request. Pleading and begging isn't beneath me.

Rather, I think you are working on reconciliation of two ideas: God who knows, and the Son who didn't or yet doesn't.
My answer to this, was that all things move, and have their being from Christ alone Acts 17:28 Colossians 1:17 Not any one thing John 15:5

I didn't go further in my thoughts concerning the Son's omniscience: I think, in the flesh, the Son didn't exercise full knowledge, and I believe the Father did only know the day and hour. However, in His glorified state, I believe He knows all now.

There has been a lot of discussion between Open Theism and the rest of Christianity. You can find articles from ten years ago in major Christian publications.

I don't believe ordaining the same as creating or desiring. In fact, it cannot mean that as I understand the nature of God. I often go to the parable of the wheat and tares: Someone sowed seed in the Owner's field. He was aware of it, but didn't stop it and didn't want it. Ordained, means He knew but He had a plan. It does mean foreknowledge. In a nutshell, I don't believe exhaustive foreknowledge logically has to equate any troubling conclusion. Some Calvinists do equate it. I disagree with them.

I'm not sure I can unpack this. It sounds like you are saying you are trying to come to a position that honors all your understandings, including Reformed and Open Theology. Some will tell you it cannot be done, but there is a long history of exactly that (see Molinism).
I am not a molinist. Calvinists aren't molinists. Open Theists aren't molinists, but Knight, in my one-on-one discussion with him (I was not knowledgeable back then), evidenced a version of molinism in his examples.

Actually, that is exactly what they believe. One of the 3 men who brought about Open Theism to the main, Sanders, wrote: "God can make mistakes," in The God Who Risks. Enyart had stated that he rather believed God risks, but is a "Master Chessplayer," so a 'mistake' is rather a 'jeapordy' but being a master at His work, He can compensate. Godrulz, one of the Open Theists on TOL, says similarly that "God is omnicompetent."

:think: This is Molinism rather than Open Theology.

Or vice-versa. I assume God ordains to happen what is necessary to reform Jonah and Jonah's heart (depends on if you read the story where Nineveh is the focus, or Jonah, or both). The important thing to notice is that we all assume a bit from our respective theologies. For me, see Jonah 4:1-3 (see Jonah 4:11 btw, God cares about animals, even my goofy cat, his mother and father were brother and sister I'm afraid. He has like eight toes on his front feet and is not quite right in the head).

This is Open Theism, rather than molinism. You are conflating a lot of incongruent theologies. I admire the attempt, but they are incongruent.

The "cannot" is rather 'will not' due to His limiting His own foreknowledge purposefully by allowing freewill. There are centuries of trying to understand philosophically how foreknowledge and freewill can co-exist. Molinism is this: I get an almanac from the future. In it, I know many things that will happen. The reason everyone had freewill is because I have absolutely no power to have influenced their decisions, BUT molinism is a bit like the idea that I could change some things if I wanted to change an outcome.

That would be Open Theism, but they believe rather an omniscience that 'knows all that is knowable' rather than what isn't knowable. Because the future "isn't knowable" they say, "then God is omniscient because it isn't a scope ascribed to omniscience as an actuality." IOW, they believe the traditionally understood concept of 'omniscience' is illogically over-reaching.

If you mean it like the Open Theist, then you'd be Open Theist. If you mean it like the molinist, it isn't a tenant of Open Theism. A hybrid? Would take a lot of reinventing the wheel and I'm not sure what the new theology would be called.

Not understanding this. It isn't clear to me, not above or following:

I think Memra fine (linked if someone is interested) when talking to Jews or proselytes or Messianic Jews, or Judaizers. I'm not sure it always conveys well in discussion though. Most people know "Logos" rather than the apologist ideas from Jews for Jesus et al.

Realize, however, that simply limiting the Lord Jesus Christ's knowledge, doesn't negate that the Father has it, thus logically, you are back to square one. I think that's why it hasn't been postulated before. It just "passes the buck" as it were. Not a poor attempt, I just don't believe it works. In Him -Lon

I really do have to shut down for the night... but... I will make responding to your post... quote by quote my top priority when I log back on. You honestly took the sting out of not being addressed quote by quote and thus... brought me much peace.

All Christian Love, Unity, Blessings and Grace through Jesus Christ to the Glory of the Father that bestows immeasurable magnificence into our lives by Him and through one another, as well,


Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Have you ever noticed that those that believe in "unconditional election" are always the ones that believe that they are on the favorable side of the coin toss?

Yes. I think the first person I read who used the term is "cosmic lottery winners" regarding them. But it could have been clete. That is the term I like for them.


Just a few thoughts to nibble on regarding omniscience -

1. Maybe God cannot limit his omniscience if knowing is already always a part of his inherent nature, as much as that nature permeates the whole of existence, all space and time, so what advantage would God have or what purpose would there be for him to limit (modify or change) any aspect of his divine attributes or qualities of Being? If He is already OMNISCIENT,...why change or modify that? - is this just something finite beings are projecting on God, to fit their own theology and philosophical reasoning? (how much of our theology is making 'God' in our own 'imagination'? - the old mirror-analogy). - seems we're imposing on God our terms and qualifications of knowledge modified by our sense of 'time' :think:

2. Also ...... there are theologians and philosophers who posit that even if God does have complete knowledge of all that ever can or will be (in the classical theistic sense), that this does not annul or abrogate genuine freedom of choice. I've yet to ponder on the reasons or rationale on this particular, but will research it more :) - Can we have true freedom of choice, even if God already KNOWS all, already? - Many in OV assume God CANNOT know the future, because it doesn't exist, but couldn't it exist to God, His infinite Being SEEING all that is past, present and future simultaneously? The question here is just how omniscient is God, and is his knowledge limited by space or time? Or is this just the case with our perceptions, hence we ASSUMING that God's knowledge is limited as ours is :think:

this busts the door open in any metaphysics and philosophy involved in our inquiry. - it also opens up to what scientific projects have discovered concerning true 'randomness' and an 'uncertainty principle' which seems to support that our own free will choices or 'direction of consciousness' DOES affect how we interpret and coordinate the reality we 'experience'. - the plot thickens :) - maybe we are to some degree, co-creators with 'God' in the great cosmic Matrix ;)

Oh sure... totally offer a Theosophical perspective that counters my Dynamic Omniscience / Limited Foreknowledge view that makes perfect sense!

: )

You bring up some good points and since we are all SPIRITual people... it is totally inferred that we should ponder this discussion from the metaphysical (Discussion of things beyond human measure) perspective, through scripture and the leading of Him.

I will prioritize your post in line with Lons to address quote by quote when I can get back on.

All Grace, Love, Unity (1 Cor. 1:13) and Blessings, In Him,



Yes. I think the first person I read who used the term is "cosmic lottery winners" regarding them. But it could have been clete. That is the term I like for them.

AMR and Lon are going to laugh this off...

God forbid that Nang, Nanja or Beloved see it... This thread will end up having 50 pages of their utter inability to recognize counter perspective!



And... to you for being Nick M, who depends on HIM ... :thumb::cheers:


New member
Humans are not immortal and angels are not immortal. Only God is immortal.

Am I right in assuming you mean "eternal" rather than "immortal"? Unless you're one who ascribes to eternal destruction in lieu of eternal damnation, then once created we're all here forevermore even after death.


TOL Subscriber
[MENTION=7209]Ask Mr. Religion[/MENTION]

First... You are deeply appreciated! As I have done in the past towards you... you are cutting to the heart of the matter. I appreciate your putting up with my "FLESHLY" communication in my last response and giving my words so much time and sincere respect, despite our differing understandings. You have conveyed matters to a further clarity.

I agree with the GodHead being of ONE MIND. I would say... (The Father... Spirit... MIND... Architect). However, when I say this, I specifically insinuate that the very TriUne relationship of the Trinity allows for a very complex relationship with mankind, that ends up simplifying matters for mankind and exonerating the ONE that never needed Exoneration in the first place.

What I have expressed here...

Yes = Full Omniscience. (A-Temporal Omniscience)
No = Limited Foreknowledge
Mediator = Person of Trinity that Mediates between the (A-Temporal) and the (Temporal) to Limit Foreknowledge and allow Free Will and Sincere, linear, relationship towards ALL Creation, while allowing Architectural intervention upon the needs of mankind and God's ultimate will.


Is a fair summation of what I am expressing... However... your following dialogue assists me in communicating an answer towards you that is worded in a way that will be compatible with what you are looking for.

This is possible true, but no two theologians are "SINCERELY" alike. We are all unique and diametrically different... like snow flakes... as we sincerely attempt to hear the still small voice while we read and pray. Beyond Essential Doctrines... (John 5:39f and Eph. 2:8f)... everything else becomes a dance of communication between people who are all utterly captivated by OUR Precious Lord, God and Savior... Jesus Christ the Messiah.

Suggesting a new theological distinction that is compatible with Open Theism from Classical Theism.

Classical Omniscience = Linear Omniscience
Open Omniscience = Multidimensional Omniscience

And with this definitive distinction... per the chart I provided...



In light of my previous answer... No... I disagree with (Linear Omniscience)

I have many friends here that like Bob E. I don't dislike Bob E. But, he is not my theological reference point and I simply recognize him as another human being that is sharing his understanding of God, as we all are. I commonly state that the only time Theism was 100% accurate was HERE... (John 5:39). With this in mind... the actual Open Theist answer (IMO) should not be as Bob E. answered.

There are multiple facets to the logical answer to the question Bob E. was obviously asked.

(1) Prophetic Architecture (The Architects Ultimate Plans)
This future is settled by the Father (Architect)

Example... All Biblical Prophecy

(2) Nations and Tribes
This future is deeply settled yet marginally relational by a co-collaborated effort of the (Temporal and A-Temporal) Existence of our Omnipresent God.

Example... Niniva.

(3) Prophets, Kings, Rulers, Anointed Servants (Of GOD)...
NOT... {The Wicked Kings and Rulers, or vessels that were anointed by the Adversary of GOD (Accuser)
} ... These would be recognized via the Temporal and A-Temporal co-collaboration and utilized and then put down for God's purpose... yet they "Appointed themselves or were appointed by wicked people.")

(3) continued from broken thought... Back to those (of God)
Their future is mostly settled, yet still a co-collaborated effort of the (Temporal and A-Temporal) Existence of our Omnipresent God.

David, Isaiah, Daniel... etc.

(4) Individual People
This future is not settled... though... Salvational Assurance claimed... indeed settles our ULTIMATE FUTURE... ( :

I will attempt to word my response to your statement in the same format... line by line.

From the perspective of God (Who is THEE non-linear... Infinite Origin of ALL and given His Loving Nature and Utter Goodness that is grounded in scripture, He never ORDAINED EVIL. This is why (Dynamic or Multidimensional) Omnipresence and Omniscience (Afforded by the GodHead) is so very important to take into account.

The Multi-Dimensional Omnipresence and Omniscience of God in relation to Time and Timelessness allows the Infinite to remain blameless from the wickedness that plagues creation.

The lives of God's Creations are special, unique and utterly meaningful to God, thus God the Father Architecturally (A-temporally) planned, but sincerely (Temporally) through the Son and Holy Spirit... in a genuine Manner that allows sincere unfolding of time and RESPONSE TO HUMAN CHOICE relates to mankind by human choice., and without predestined fate.

If the future to be were utterly settled from God's perspective, then Time would be an illusion and life would be a distorted sham.

The future is not utterly settled, because God loved us so much that He provided fertile soil of genuine choice that allows for the sincere return of Love towards God, or the Sincere rejection of God's Love.

I can clearly see this now. Like all fantastic communicators... you were struggling to communicate with me in a way that would allow our minds to understand what one another are communicating.

From the perspective of God (which I don't even have a fraction of ability to actually comprehend), Who is THE non-linear... Infinite Origin of ALL, given His Loving Nature and Utter Goodness, and grounded in scripture, it is clear that He never ORDAINED EVIL. This is why (Dynamic or Multidimensional) Omnipresence and Omniscience (Afforded by the GodHead) is so very important to take into account. The Multi-Dimensional Omnipresence and Omniscience of God, in relation to Time (Temporal) and Timelessness (A-Temporal), allows the Infinite to remain blameless from the wickedness that plagues creation. The lives of God's Creations are special, unique and utterly meaningful to God, thus God the Father Architecturally (A-temporally) planned, but sincerely (Temporally) through the Son and Holy Spirit... in a genuine Manner that allows sincere unfolding of time and RESPONSE TO HUMAN CHOICE relates to mankind by human choice., and without predestined fate. If the future to be were utterly settled from God's perspective, then Time would be an illusion and life would be a distorted sham. The future is not utterly settled (By the Choice of the Architect, Mediator and Builder that Co-Collaborate and are utterly ONE, yet THREE.), because God loved us so much that He provided fertile soil of genuine choice that allows for the sincere return of Love towards Him, or the Sincere rejection of His Love.

All Christian Love and Respect...


Your charted version of Triune God is totally unscriptural and Sabellian in principle.

Ugh . . . :down:


Your charted version of Triune God is totally unscriptural and Sabellian in principle.

Ugh . . . :down:


(1 Ti. 2:5)

So.. um.. Do you even read the Bible? Or is it commentary only?

So... um... suggesting that God works in three separate fashions is Modalism?

Suggesting that God mediates between God is Modalism?


Suggesting that the Logos Son was the presence of God in the Old Testament is unscriptural?

Suggesting that God has always been our mediator, by our choice and His will is Modalism?

You're rediculous Nang! Utterly Ridiculous!



Well-known member
@Ask Mr. Religion

If the future to be were utterly settled from God's perspective, then Time would be an illusion and life would be a distorted sham.

I don't believe this is true. Rather, I think it is a 'fear' that it would/could be true. Some have said, according to statements like this, that we are 'puppets' or 'robots' if this is true. Okay then, "What's in a Name?" Furthermore, "Does it matter?" The call of the cross is self-abnegation: A "willing" abnegation. A robot. Whenever I hear "Robot" I empathize. It used to scare the snot out of me. Now? "So" and "What?"
I am, what I am, and I've come to see the Potter can (and me incredibly willing and more: trusting) do with me as He wills. Being a robot or puppet no longer scares me. Philippians 2:17 2 Timothy 4:6 Amen? Doesn't the very scare-tactic of "puppet" or "robot" appeal from the flesh and to it??? :think:


TOL Subscriber
Evil.Eye.<(I)> said:
So... um... suggesting that God works in three separate fashions is Modalism?


Suggesting that God mediates between God is Modalism?

No. That is just pure nonsense.

Suggesting that the Logos Son was the presence of God in the Old Testament is unscriptural?

No such thing as "Logos Son" anywhere in Scripture.

Suggesting that God has always been our mediator, by our choice

Divine mediation has nothing to do with the choices of men.


New member
Am I right in assuming you mean "eternal" rather than "immortal"? Unless you're one who ascribes to eternal destruction in lieu of eternal damnation, then once created we're all here forevermore even after death.

Scripture says eternal life is a gift from God. God does not use his gift of life to abuse people for eternity. He has better things to do.


Your charted version of Triune God is totally unscriptural and Sabellian in principle.

Ugh . . . :down:

Oh... you mean THIS CHART?


(1 Ti. 2:5)

So.. um.. Do you even read the Bible? Or is it commentary only?
So... um... suggesting that God works in three separate fashions is Modalism?

That's interesting, because I have been saying that the Father (Architect) is not the Son (Builder/Mediator/Relational Temporal Presence) is not the Holy Spirit (Mediator/Relational Temporal Presence). (John 15:1; John 10:30; John 14:11)

Yet I fully confess that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are God.

So, the chart, which would fall apart if the Father was the Son was the Holy Spirit, yet attests all three are of One and are God, as your Trinity Doctrine states... is "Modalism"?

Suggesting that God mediates between God is Modalism?
No. That is just pure nonsense.

Oh... hmmmm.

(1 Ti. 2:5) For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus,

So Nang... this says God to Christ Jesus, who is the ONLY MEDIATOR between God and men ... (So are you suggesting that Christ Jesus, isn't God?)

Look... God to God to Man.... God is mediating to God for the sake of mankind. Hmmmm... God is between Mankind and God.... Hmmmm... Who's in Mankind? Oh... the Holy Spirit....

Looky... Man to Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ (Rm. 8:9; Php. 1:19) to Jesus Christ the very Glory of the Father (Heb. 1:3) to the Father.

I'm so busted... ya got me there!

# Study up butter cup! I ain't talking about Commentary either.

(Ga. 4:6)... And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying out, “Abba, Father!” ...

So Nang... this says "the Spirit of His Son into your hearts"... clearly for (1 Ti. 2:5)... um... (Are you suggesting the Holy Spirit isn't God?)

Suggesting that the Logos Son was the presence of God in the Old Testament is unscriptural?
No such thing as "Logos Son" anywhere in Scripture.

Oh... do tell... (John 1:1; John 1:14; 1 Co. 10:1f, 3f)

Memra... Word... Logos... Son of God..

Suggesting that God has always been our mediator, by our choice and His will is Modalism?
Divine mediation has nothing to do with the choices of men.

Oh... (Joshua 24:15f; Dt. 30:19)

# Boy... You sure showed me!
# Burned by Nang...

# Nope

You are now, officially unwelcome on this thread, as you are clearly too outside the fringes of Classical Theology and Scripture to be here.

Sincerely... Don't let the firewall hit you on the way out.


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