BRXII Battle talk

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Aimiel said:
The Word of God also says that civil authorities are ministers of God. Why then will they not 'save' those on death row, since your 'idea' of God says that God isn't about revenge? These authorities are put in place by God. He ordained them. If you resist them you're resisting God's Law, and shall receive damnation. It is the fact that God deals with sin by judging it, and gives grace to those who humble themselves to Him that you seem to over look. He isn't going to save everyone, simply because He called Himself, "The Savior of All." He must keep His Word, and He said all liars have their place in hell. He said everyone whose name isn't written in The Lamb's book of Life will be cast into the Lake of Fire. He wasn't kidding.

Romans 13

1Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.

2Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.

3For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same:

4For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.

Aimiel, I know He wasn't kidding. He also said that when one pays that kind of price for the sins they committed then they have paid the price for their sin. In other words. they are square with the house for that particular sin. The price was death, not eternal torment in a literal lake of fire with no possibilty to repnet and be put right.

What is so hard to understand about this?

His wrath is leveled at those that would commit acts in direct opposition to God's love. in fact, He has wrath because He IS love...self sacrificial Love.


Well-known member
logos_x said:
Aimiel, I know He wasn't kidding.
No, you don't. You think that when He said, "You shall surely die..." that He meant, "...for two seconds." You think that those who are cast into the Lake of Fire, from which there is no escape will be sorted or sifted and cleansed from sin to be brought into Heaven. You think everything in The Bible is a joke. You make The Kingdom of God of none effect.
He also said that when one pays that kind of price for the sins they committed then they have paid the price for their sin.
He said that every living soul will die, and after that they will be judged. No one is guiltless. Those who haven't put their trust in Jesus won't be given a second-chance. That is heresy. They will be found guilty.
What is so hard to understand about this?
The part where you leave understanding behind to follow foolisness. The parts of God's Word that you ignore are far greater than the parts you believe.


New member
logos_x said:
Aimiel, I know He wasn't kidding. He also said that when one pays that kind of price for the sins they committed then they have paid the price for their sin. In other words. they are square with the house for that particular sin. The price was death, not eternal torment in a literal lake of fire with no possibilty to repnet and be put right.

What is so hard to understand about this?

His wrath is leveled at those that would commit acts in direct opposition to God's love. in fact, He has wrath because He IS love...self sacrificial Love.


If God Himself came down from Heaven and told you Universalism was false teaching what would your response be? I know it is hypothetical, but humor me please. I am just curious as to what your answer would be if you found out that all along those whose names are not written in the Book of Life do in fact spend eternity in the Lake of Fire in conscious torment.


New member
logos_x said:
Aimiel, I know He wasn't kidding. He also said that when one pays that kind of price for the sins they committed then they have paid the price for their sin. In other words. they are square with the house for that particular sin. The price was death, not eternal torment in a literal lake of fire with no possibilty to repnet and be put right.

What is so hard to understand about this?

His wrath is leveled at those that would commit acts in direct opposition to God's love. in fact, He has wrath because He IS love...self sacrificial Love.

Please answer clearly. Do fallen angels and Satan have the opportunity to repent and be saved? Will they spend eternity in Heaven?


New member
PastorKevin said:
Please answer clearly. Do fallen angels and Satan have the opportunity to repent and be saved? Will they spend eternity in Heaven?

Clearly, evil does not enter Heaven.

Satan and the fallen angels has as much variation in Christian thought as any other topic.

If it is impossible for Satan and fallen angels to be restored, then why allow them to continue doing what they do at all?

Jews don't view Satan as a fallen angel.

There might not be a clear answer Kevin. Evil will not enter Heaven so the only way they could enter Heaven is to cease being evil. Since "satan" means opposer, Satan would have to no longer be Satan in order to enter Heaven. He would have to be restored to an un-fallen state. The same with man.

I don't view that as an impossibility. Satan is not in Hell right now. In Job, he had access to God in Heaven when God, rather curiously, asked what he was up to, and then asked if he had considered Job. If Satan is one of the things in Heaven and Earth that will be found in Christ in the fullness of times, then even Satan will be restored in the end.


Merely Christian
logos_x said:
My point was...quite obviously...that one of the reasons Balder left "Christianity" is probably the picture that the doctrine of eternal torment paints of God.

My point was balder left doctrines/denominations. Sometimes it's hard to see Christ when folks are too busy pushing dogma in the Church to focus on anything but Him.

I understand some of why Balder left Christinity. The further question I would ask Balder is if He had in mind leaving Christ Himself...or just a particular religion...

I understand too, I had to get out of Lutheranism before I could become a Christian. Had balder been saved, he would have said he left Christ. After being at TOL for so long, it seems you would have noticed the apostates usually mean they left a denom, not their Savior, because most never knew Him, but they sure can argue doctrines/denom dogma.


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Nineveh, actually, I never intentionally turned my back on Christ or God; I specifically turned my back on the limited ways I believed men represented them.


New member
Nineveh said:
My point was balder left doctrines/denominations. Sometimes it's hard to see Christ when folks are too busy pushing dogma in the Church to focus on anything but Him.


I understand too, I had to get out of Lutheranism before I could become a Christian. Had balder been saved, he would have said he left Christ. After being at TOL for so long, it seems you would have noticed the apostates usually mean they left a denom, not their Savior, because most never knew Him, but they sure can argue doctrines/denom dogma.

Well...if they are leaving an apostate church to begin with, then their not knowing Christ isn't their fault, is it?


New member
Nineveh said:
And His Righteousness and Justice, so quit.

God's righteousness and justice are not in opposition to His grace and love. The question remains whether it is God's wrath that endures forever...or His mercy? (see I Chron. 16:34) Does love really never fail? ((I Cor. 13:8) When Gods judgemnets are in the Earth do the people learn righteousness, or not? (Isa 26:9) And because of this will God be all in all in the end like the Apostle Paul says He will? (I Cor. 15:28)

Is God soveriegn..or is the "free will" of man soveriegn?


New member
logos_x said:
Clearly, evil does not enter Heaven.

Agreed. So by what means can someone evil enter Heaven since we are all sinners? Only those who have been covered by the blood of the Lamb, those who have exercised saving faith.

Satan and the fallen angels has as much variation in Christian thought as any other topic.

Not amongst Bible-believing Christians. Anyone who truly believes the Word of God understands who Satan is and what he is. He is a fallen angel who rebelled against God and was cast out of Heaven. He is the enemy of Christians and seeks to take as many to the Lake of Fire with him as he possibly can. He is a loser who has been defeated by the Lord Jesus Christ, and is merely awaiting the final execution of his judgment when he is cast into the Lake of Fire where he will remain for all eternity. GOOD Bible scholars are practically unanimous on this. You might find some LIBERALS who don't believe it, but not conservative Bible-believers, among which Universalists are NOT!

If it is impossible for Satan and fallen angels to be restored, then why allow them to continue doing what they do at all?

God's patience is only in allowing as many to come to faith as possible. But His patience grows shorter by the day. As wickedness increases, the final judgment grows closer. Satan's days are numbered and he knows it.

Jews don't view Satan as a fallen angel.

And most Jews don't believe Jesus is the Messiah either. What is your point? If you want to quote people who reject Jesus Christ as Biblical authorities be my guess. They have missed the very One whom the Scriptures prophesied about. They reject Him. I love Jewish people, and know Messianic Jews who love the Lord Jesus Christ and accept Him as Messiah. But I wouldn't let anyone who rejects my Lord and Savior be MY authority on the Word of God. The Holy Spirit who INSPIRED the Word lives inside me and every other person who knows Christ. Does He live in you Stephen?

The Bible clearly shows that Satan is a fallen angel who fell from Heaven after attempting a rebellion against God.

There might not be a clear answer Kevin.

Oh but there is. It is found in the Bible:

5 But I want to remind you, though you once knew this, that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed those who did not believe. 6 And the angels who did not keep their proper domain, but left their own abode, He has reserved in everlasting chains under darkness for the judgment of the great day; 7 as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities around them in a similar manner to these, having given themselves over to sexual immorality and gone after strange flesh, are set forth as an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.

Eternal fire is all that awaits those fallen angels.

Evil will not enter Heaven so the only way they could enter Heaven is to cease being evil. Since "satan" means opposer, Satan would have to no longer be Satan in order to enter Heaven. He would have to be restored to an un-fallen state. The same with man.

How would Satan be restored to an un-fallen state? By the Lord Jesus Christ's sacrifice on the cross? Angels and men are not the same. Christ died for men. Christ is not an angel. For angels to be saved from their sin, Christ would have had to have been an angel. IS CHRIST AN ANGEL? Of course He is not, so He did not die for angels, but for men. The Scripture is as crystal clear on this as it is on everything else that speaks against Universalism.

1 Peter 1:10-12

10 Of this salvation the prophets have inquired and searched carefully, who prophesied of the grace that would come to you, 11 searching what, or what manner of time, the Spirit of Christ who was in them was indicating when He testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ and the glories that would follow. 12 To them it was revealed that, not to themselves, but to us they were ministering the things which now have been reported to you through those who have preached the gospel to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaventhings which angels desire to look into.

I don't view that as an impossibility

Then you deny the Word of God! Jesus Christ DID NOT bear the sins of demons. The fallen angels and Satan have NO REDEEMER, Stephen. No way to PAY for their sins! Your clinging to making "reconciliation of all things" mean salvation of all living beings makes you refuse to admit this basic truth, but the Bible is explicitly plain that Christ died for men. You cannot find one single verse that supports the salvation of fallen angels and Satan. Not one. And there are plenty that refute it utterly and completely!

The devil and fallen angels are the reason WHY God created the Lake of Fire. The Bible says this plainly. It also says they will be cast into the Lake of Fire and that they will spend all eternity there.

It is only by denying what the Bible says that anyone could POSSIBLY say that fallen angels and Satan the deceiver go to Heaven.

Satan is not in Hell right now.

I agree that Satan is not in Hell right now. He works right here on the earth and tirelessly goes about the business of deceiving and tempting, which he is good at. Universalism is a prime example of this deception!

If Satan is one of the things in Heaven and Earth that will be found in Christ in the fullness of times, then even Satan will be restored in the end.


Hebrews 2:14-17 (KJV)

14Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil;
15And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.
16For verily he took not on him the nature of angels; but he took on him the seed of Abraham.
17Wherefore in all things it behoved him to be made like unto his brethren, that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the sins of the people.

DID NOT take on the nature of angels! What did He take on? The seed of Abraham. Not much clearer than that. He was Made like His brethren. Are angels Jesus' brethren? NO! Or do you believe they are? Please help us to understand clearly whether or not this is what you believe. I would hope you would agree that angels are NOT Christ's brethren.
Wait....verse #17 also says that He made propitiation for the sins of angels....NO.... OF OF OF "THE PEOPLE"!!!!!!!!!! Note it doesn't say of the people and the angels.

Romans 5:9

9 Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him.

1 Pet. 2:24 - "and He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness; for by His wounds you were healed."

Whose sins did Jesus bear? People or angels? Is an angel speaking there? The Word became FLESH. Angels are NOT flesh!

Universalism vs. The Bible. The Bible wins hands down!


New member
Well, then, it may be true: the Bible is as ethnocentric and as sadistic as I feared. YHWH the War God's love is very conditional, and he is going to imprison vast numbers of sentient beings (not just humans) in a condition of unimaginable torment, eternally -- not because he has no choice, but because he chooses to. This is what he wants. This is his big "plan" for the future. He created all sorts of beings, but he doesn't much care about them, and those angels who made mistakes in the past are simply doomed; they don't show up at all on the radar of his meager mercy.


New member
balder said:
Well, then, it may be true: the Bible is as ethnocentric and as sadistic as I feared.

No actually it isn't. Those are lies that you have been deluded into believing. Either Universalism is true or God is sadistic? Why do you think I would follow God and worship Him if I thought He was sadistic? Would a sadistic God be able to come into the heart and life of a former rock and roll singer like me and change my life? I had NO desire to live for God until some good and solid Bible preaching caught hold of me and I invited Christ into my life for real!

YHWH the War God's love is very conditional,

That is wrong. God's LOVE is unconditional. Jesus died for ALL men. Only those who accept the sacrifice of the Son of God for their sins can be saved. The rest have no payment for their sins. If someone is not saved they have nobody to blame but themselves and their own sinfulness.

and he is going to imprison vast numbers of sentient beings (not just humans) in a condition of unimaginable torment, eternally -- not because he has no choice, but because he chooses to.

No because THEY choose to. By choosing to reject Him and His love. By telling Him they don't WANT to be with Him. By rejecting the loving sacrifice He made for them so they don't HAVE to be tormented eternally if they will only repent. Why not repent and give your heart to Jesus Christ Balder? Why make excuses and hurl hate at God because of His righteousness. It is your sin and mine that is the real culprit. God didn't initially even create the Lake of Fire for men. WE CHOSE that judgment by our sin.
This is what he wants. This is his big "plan" for the future.

His big plans are for the redeemed who love Him. What He WANTS is for as many as possible to be saved. But the heart of man is desparately wicked and deceives Him from seeing this truth.

He created all sorts of beings, but he doesn't much care about them, and those angels who made mistakes in the past are simply doomed; they don't show up at all on the radar of his meager mercy.

He cares about everyone. He WON'T allow sin into His perfect Heaven. Sin is the problem here Balder. Please repent of yours and let Christ wash them away.


New member
Kevin, you have said it yourself. Christ's work in His incarnation, death, resurrection and acension is of infinite value. placing limits upon what He is capable of redeeming is not for us humans to engage in. And yet, your interpretation of the Word of God imposes limitation upon limitation upon virtually every aspect of Christ's work.

Christ came to destroy all the works of the Devil. Does that mean that He necessarily will destroy the Devil himself in the process...or that the Devil is no longer an enemy set in opposition to God's ultimate will?

Stay tuned.


New member
logos_x said:
Kevin, you have said it yourself. Christ's work in His incarnation, death, resurrection and acension is of infinite value. placing limits upon what He is capable of redeeming is not for us humans to engage in. And yet, your interpretation of the Word of God imposes limitation upon limitation upon virtually every aspect of Christ's work.

Wrong the Word of God says that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God and that justification only comes by faith in Christ. It is infinite in that an infinite being died so that anyone who would trust in Him could find salvation. When one trusts in Him they get to live forever and not EVER have a charge brought against them again because of the infinite Son of God!

Christ came to destroy all the works of the Devil. Does that mean that He necessarily will destroy the Devil himself in the process...or that the Devil is no longer an enemy set in opposition to God's ultimate will?

Both. The devil is destroyed by Christ and He will remove him as an obstacle by casting him into the Lake of Fire where he will spend all eternity. Being cast into the Lake of Fire is akin to destruction. When Satan is cast into there his judgment is final. Gone he will be and will always be. Gone. Only the doctrines of demons would attempt to say he is getting out!

Stay tuned.


New member
PastorKevin said:
Wrong the Word of God says that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God and that justification only comes by faith in Christ. It is infinite in that an infinite being died so that anyone who would trust in Him could find salvation. When one trusts in Him they get to live forever and not EVER have a charge brought against them again because of the infinite Son of God!

I agree

Both. The devil is destroyed by Christ and He will remove him as an obstacle by casting him into the Lake of Fire where he will spend all eternity. Being cast into the Lake of Fire is akin to destruction. When Satan is cast into there his judgment is final. Gone he will be and will always be. Gone. Only the doctrines of demons would attempt to say he is getting out!

Stay tuned.

I disagree.

Stay tuned


New member
PastorKevin said:
No actually it isn't. Those are lies that you have been deluded into believing. Either Universalism is true or God is sadistic? Why do you think I would follow God and worship Him if I thought He was sadistic? Would a sadistic God be able to come into the heart and life of a former rock and roll singer like me and change my life? I had NO desire to live for God until some good and solid Bible preaching caught hold of me and I invited Christ into my life for real!
I don't disparage your conversion, and I don't think God is truly sadistic. I just think the portrait of him you've placed your faith in is. I don't think you actually see this...yet. I also took the conventional Biblical portrait for granted for a number of years, but then it began to grate on me. I started thinking about the implications of it, and they really unsettled me. Not only the severity of the torment, but the fact that a supposedly all-powerful, infinitely loving being would elect to set things up in this way.

PastorKevin said:
That is wrong. God's LOVE is unconditional. Jesus died for ALL men. Only those who accept the sacrifice of the Son of God for their sins can be saved. The rest have no payment for their sins. If someone is not saved they have nobody to blame but themselves and their own sinfulness.
Can I give you a small, unsolicited lesson in Buddhist history? I promise it's relevant. Early schools of Buddhism emphasized the ideal of the arahat -- the individual who realizes enlightenment and leaves behind the suffering and sin of the world forever. Enlightenment was universally available to all, and Buddhism was the world's first missionary religion to spread this good news, but the focus ultimately was on the "other shore" -- and this was ultimately an individual affair. Then came the Mahayana, which emphasized the ideal of the bodhisattva. Mahayanists criticized the earlier schools for being too focused on individual salvation. They preached the "great vehicle" (maha-yana), the raft which could carry all sentient beings to the far shore, and the ideal was bodhisattva love: To declare that you did not want final salvation unless all beings, without reservation, could also share in it. To renounce personal salvation and dedicate yourself, eternally if necessary, to realizing this ultimate aim: the liberation of all sentient beings, in all realms (hellish, earthly, and angelic). Mahayanists did not renounce Buddhist scripture, but pointed out how certain teachings of the Buddha had gotten misconstrued or misemphasized. They declared that the Way was truly universal, and that the "noble way" was to put personal salvation last.

From my perspective, this debate between traditional and Universalist Christianity is the Hinayana vs. Mahayana debate all over again.

Kevin said:
No because THEY choose to. By choosing to reject Him and His love. By telling Him they don't WANT to be with Him. By rejecting the loving sacrifice He made for them so they don't HAVE to be tormented eternally if they will only repent. Why not repent and give your heart to Jesus Christ Balder? Why make excuses and hurl hate at God because of His righteousness. It is your sin and mine that is the real culprit. God didn't initially even create the Lake of Fire for men. WE CHOSE that judgment by our sin.
What you keep missing is the nature of the judgment, which we do not choose. It is God's will, according to your interpretation, that some sentient beings suffer forever, without hope of salvation after the judgment. That's not the only way things COULD have been resolved; that's the way he's choosing.

Kevin said:
His big plans are for the redeemed who love Him. What He WANTS is for as many as possible to be saved. But the heart of man is desparately wicked and deceives Him from seeing this truth.
If God wants as many as possible, why not all? Why stop before he's realized his aim?

Kevin said:
He cares about everyone. He WON'T allow sin into His perfect Heaven. Sin is the problem here Balder. Please repent of yours and let Christ wash them away.
I repented and turned to Christ 23 years ago. You just don't recognize this bend in my journey.

Warm wishes,



New member
Nineveh said:
And His Righteousness and Justice, so quit.

Are righteousness and justice not part of God's love? God is love, therefore to say that God cannot redeem his own creation and all that is in it is to limit God's power and love - inclusive of righteousness and justice


New member
PastorKevin said:

If God Himself came down from Heaven and told you Universalism was false teaching what would your response be? I know it is hypothetical, but humor me please. I am just curious as to what your answer would be if you found out that all along those whose names are not written in the Book of Life do in fact spend eternity in the Lake of Fire in conscious torment.

Can you do the same yourself pastor - hypothetically speaking? If you were told that God had a plan from the outset to restore all that his own hand had created then what would your response be? Would you be glad in your heart that no human being would have to suffer eternal conscious torment? :think:


New member
PastorKevin said:
No actually it isn't. Those are lies that you have been deluded into believing. Either Universalism is true or God is sadistic? Why do you think I would follow God and worship Him if I thought He was sadistic? Would a sadistic God be able to come into the heart and life of a former rock and roll singer like me and change my life? I had NO desire to live for God until some good and solid Bible preaching caught hold of me and I invited Christ into my life for real!

If what you believe is true then its hardly lies, excruciating pain inflicted on sentient creatures is part of the doctrine you preach isnt it? Noone denies what your faith has done for you but many many people would find it hard to define merciless torment as anything other than sadistic, its a picture that portrays God as anything but a God of love

That is wrong. God's LOVE is unconditional. Jesus died for ALL men. Only those who accept the sacrifice of the Son of God for their sins can be saved. The rest have no payment for their sins. If someone is not saved they have nobody to blame but themselves and their own sinfulness.

Then God's love is conditional, its available only to those who do something in return, if they dont make the right choice in a short lifespan here then the love is withdrawn to be replaced by pain in the afterlife - God's love is replaced by an eternal anger, which makes no sense if God is a God of love -

No because THEY choose to. By choosing to reject Him and His love. By telling Him they don't WANT to be with Him. By rejecting the loving sacrifice He made for them so they don't HAVE to be tormented eternally if they will only repent. Why not repent and give your heart to Jesus Christ Balder? Why make excuses and hurl hate at God because of His righteousness. It is your sin and mine that is the real culprit. God didn't initially even create the Lake of Fire for men. WE CHOSE that judgment by our sin.

Again - do you seriously think that the common man is 'shaking his fists at God'? Noone 'chooses' to go to a place of conscious torment pastor, this ridiculous assertion that you and others continually make just defies common sense and logic,

His big plans are for the redeemed who love Him. What He WANTS is for as many as possible to be saved. But the heart of man is desparately wicked and deceives Him from seeing this truth.

Then its just as well that God knows how fallible his own creatures are then, if God wants something to happen then I fail to see why there would be anything that could stop God's will from happening, after all - if God has worked all things out in accordance with his will then what exactly is to stop him from accomplishing what he intends? Man's free will? Is that not already taken into account? is Man's will stronger than God's ultimately?
He cares about everyone. He WON'T allow sin into His perfect Heaven. Sin is the problem here Balder. Please repent of yours and let Christ wash them away.

Noone from any side of the fence has said that God would allow sin into heaven, but in your scenario sin is never actually vanquished from existence....
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