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His name is Bruce.
You've called me many things that aren't my name.
I assume you called Champ Bailey "Roland Bailey" all those years watching football too. That is his name, after all.
His name is Bruce.
I ask the same thing to every man that insists a transgender "woman" is truly a woman:
Would you date him?
You've called me many things that aren't my name.
I ask the same thing to every man that insists a transgender "woman" is truly a woman:
Would you date him?
"I admire Margaret Sanger enormously, her courage, her tenacity, her vision...” :sibbie: ~ Hillary ClintonHis name is Bruce. He has Y chromosomes. He is a man. Start acting like one you disgusting sexual pervert.
What a lot of Christian love I see in this thread.
What a lot of Christian love I see in this thread.
who cares?
Homosexuality is: forbidden (Lev. 18:22), considered an abomination (1 Kin. 14:24), punishment for (Lev. 20:13), unclean (Rom. 1:24, 26, 27). :vomit:
[The freakshow :freak:] I know :nono: Why do that to oneself?
Acting out on this confusion is evil, they're is no doubt...
He is confused, clearly. In and of itself, its not a sin to be confused. And when you start from a place of confusion, its naturally going to lead to confusing choice's.
He need's Jesus, like we all do. Thats all. And we can't tell by his confusing choice's alone whether he already believe's in Jesus or not. We'd have to examine his word's in order to even guess at that.
But I don't call you a phony name like "Kathy". He wants to be called a perverted name. Whereas I am rebuking your godless heathen ways.
Invalid comparison. Are you smoking your weed right now?
Bruce Jenner is no more a woman than I am. How any man thinks they know what it feels to be a woman is RIDICULOUS. Women experience menstruation, childbirth, and menopause for example. No man will ever experience these things no matter how much they mutilate their body. Evan a woman's brain is different from a man's brain. So Bruce Jenner has no basis to claim he is a "woman". He is and always will be a male genetically. It's so sad that he become so delusional in his old age. That society has embraced Bruce Jenner's delusions is just another symptom how dark the world is.
If he really was a "woman in a man's body" all his life - does that mean she spent her whole life lying about her gender, claiming to be a man???
In which case, how can we know "she" isn't lying now by claiming to be a woman?
You tell me Danny boy, will the unrepentant genitally mutilated enter the Kingdom of Heaven?
His name is Bruce. He has Y chromosomes. He is a man. Start acting like one you disgusting sexual pervert.