" The spiritual/psychological source of these particular trials is unknown, so I call it confusion, since thats what it is on its face. ....had an unfortunately childhood?"-Daniel's not My Brother
Translated: Psycho babble.
"Confusion," "unfortunate" childhood, you speculate, do you?
Get this straight-it's called "sin." And get this-"unfortunately"-there is no such thing as "luck," as the LORD God is in control. "Demon"-the "god" of "fortune."
Why shouldn't that be a good thing for Brucie, Cathy, Catty, Cousin It, or whatever the h her/his/it name is, to be her/him/it self?
How about this for a "no spin" answer: Because the LORD God says it is not "a good thing" in his word. Not too complicated, is it?
This reminds me of the politically correct answer Kobe Bryant(and others) made during his press conference after his admitted infidelity to his wife: "I made a mistake." How about "calling a spade a spade"? How about speaking the truth as David did?:
I have sinned against the LORD...." 2 Samuel 12:13 KJV
I have sinned against thee." Psalms 41:4 KJV
"Against thee, thee only,
have I sinned, and
done this evil in thy sight...." Psalms 51:4 KJV
Sodomy, and Brucie can spin it, anyway he/she/it likes, is not a "mistake", nor is it merely "different", or "good"-it is sin-it is that simple.
Tolerance is how we treat people. Rationality, or reasoning(Isaiah 1:18 KJV; Acts 17:2 KJV, Acts 17:17KJV, Acts 18:4 KJV, Acts 24:25 KJV)is how we treat ideas. We are to tolerate people, the person, "...speaking the truth in love....(Ephesians 4:15 KJV), according to the Holy Bible, but not ideas. We examine ideas just like we examine "good mushrooms from bad mushrooms"- we must distinguish between truth and error in the spiritual realm just as we do in the physical realm-we are to be discerning.. People are very discerning in matters of the physical realm, distinguishing between "good and evil" on a daily basis. And yet, when considering matters in the spiritual realm, they "take a space walk." If I said it is OK for children to smoke pot, and someone corrected me on this, should I feel that person was making personal attacks on me? Should I say "You are not building me up(edifying)?" Should I say "Please speak words seasoned with salt?" Should I say "You are being so intolerant, so mean spirited, so narrow minded, so condemning, so judgmental?" Should I agree with the "Oprah Winfrey" approach, the "Can't we all get along" mentality(Rodney King)? NONSENSE. Allowing our children to smoke pot is wrong-it is that simple.
In this day and age of general compromise, of fearing man of instead of the LORD God, of "All roads lead to Rome" ecumenicalism, of "whatever works", those who align themselves with the Lord Jesus Christ are not to be persuaded by opinion, sincerity("good intentions"), whether it "feels good or right"(experience), nor are we to be concerned with our reputations, nor with the world's approval(Proverbs 29:25 KJV; Isaiah 2:22 KJV; Luke 6:26 KJV; John 5:44 JV, John 12:43 KJV; Acts 4:19 KJV, Acts 5:29 KJV; 2 Cor. 4:2 KJV; Galatians 1:10 KJV; Colossians 3:22 KJV; 1 Thessalonians 2:4 KJV). We are only to be concerned with communicating the truth of the scriptures. Unity cannot be at the expense of the truth. Scripture never compromises with error-nor should we, nor can we. The truth only hurts when you do not tell it. The real issue is whether what I said here is true scripturally, not whether if others like what scripture says, whether it suits you, whether it is convenient, or whether you found this truth appealing (i.e., "I prefer" eating ice creme, and I "prefer" not going to work every day....).
There is an absolute truth "out there", and the LORD God has revealed absolute truth, including truth pertaining to the critical issues of life, such as this issue of sodomy, and more importantly, including who he is, including His Holiness,and how man can approach him, in his written word, which we call the Bible("bible" means book). The LORD God has revealed absolute truth in his written word, "The scripture of truth

Daniel 10:21 KJV), which "... is true from the beginning...."(Psalms 119:160 KJV), for "...thy word is truth..."(John 17:17 KJV), and "...thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name"(Psalms 138:4 KJV).
It is truly amazing that a debate can even be had over the validity of the existence of objective truth regarding the critical issues we daily face in both the physical and spiritual realm, including the issue of sodomy. In layman's terms, this "truth is the eyes of the beholder". In theological terms, this is known as subjective truth, or post-modernism. Scripture summarizes it as follows:
but every man did that which was right in his own eyes"(Judges 17:6 KJV, Judges 21:25 KJV).
And so the truth of Genesis, the "seed plot" of the Holy Bible, is once more reaffirmed, as man's depravity, man's "...deceitful....and desperately wicked...."(Jeremiah 17:9 KJV) heart "...is fully set in them to do evil...."(Ecclesiastes 8:11), on full display to anyone that has "...ears to hear....(Deuteronomy 29:4 KJV, Matthew 11:15KJV), as man continues onward toward the mind set of "...ye shall be as gods, knowing good from evil"(Genesis 3:5 KJV). This is idolatry- "my mind is my god", as man defiantly rebels against and blasphemes the LORD GOD creator, proclaiming "Yea, hath God said....?"(Genesis 3:1 KJV), thus doubting and disbelieving the word of God-Genesis 3:1 KJV), which has as it's inevitable consequence rejecting the authority of the word of God,as it is written:
"...Shalt thou indeed reign over us? or shalt thou indeed have dominion over us? Genesis 37:8 KJV
"...Who made thee a prince and a judge over us?" Exodus 2:14 KJV
"...We will not have this man to reign over us." Luke 19:14 KJV
"...Who made thee a ruler and a judge over us?" Acts 7:27 KJV
The "day of man", as opposed to "the day of the LORD", mocks the Holiness of the LORD God, and rejects the Lord Jesus Christ and His standards, and thus this predominately Christ-rejecting world proclaims:
Away with him, away with him.... We have no king but Caesar." John 19:15KJV
Belief and the truth are independent. Absolute certainty about something is no assurance that you believe the truth. Someone may believe something with all their heart("sincerity"), and yet be in error. Mere belief does not guarantee the truth of an argument, i. e., whether you are correct. The opposite is also true. You may disbelieve something with absolute certainty, and yet be wrong, despite your "sincerity". Just as belief does not guarantee something is true, doubt is no guarantee that something is false. The conclusion/argument: Belief makes nothing true, and the greatest doubt in the world makes nothing false-belief stands independent of the truth itself. The truth goes on through eternity regardless of one's belief, or lack thereof.
Interestingly enough, I heard that one of the arguments made in this recent case in defense of allowing same sex marriages was somewhat along the lines of "...they must be allowed to follow their heart...." Gee, I guess if I want to murder someone(an extreme example, but tell that to David, Moses, and Paul, who were all murders), or sleep with someone's wife(David), that's OK, because, after all, I should be allowed to "follow my heart.
The issue is not whether the great, and humble, saint John W believes sodomy is evil, or what the latest "opinion pole" says about this issue, or what the Sunday morning talk shows say, or what Bill O'Riley says, or what Rush Limbaugh says, or what Sean Hannity says, or what Jesse Jackson says, or Obama Lama says, or what the "pope" says, or what your pastor says, or what your your "reverend" says, or what your "priest" says, or what your parents say, or what a popular ministry says, or what "Joe Blow theologian with 15 titles after his/her name" says, or what your boss at work says,or even what the American judicial system says, or..... No, those "in Christ" are called to determine the truth in regards to this matter by asking themselves one simple question: "What saith the scriptures?" All believers, with no exceptions, have been charged by this great God of ours to proclaim the truth as revealed in His written word-nothing more, nothing less.
Telling people the truth as revealed in the Holy Bible is love, and this should be our motivation, regardless of the cost, whether that cost take the form of loss of friendships(and this includes friendships with fellow believers-Amos 3:3 KJV), or enduring being labeled as "intolerant', and the like. If you love someone, you tell them the truth as scripture reveals it, whether they want to hear it or not. The apostle Paul perhaps best summed it up when he asked the poignant question:
Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?" Galatians 4:16 KJV
How right Isaiah was when he lamented: "...my people doth not consider"(Isaiah 1:3 KJV), and the shout of pharoah resounds:
Who is the LORD, that I should obey his voice....?"(Exodus 5:2 KJV).
I know, I know....Boo, hiss, John W!!! Away with this man!!!!
Welcome to planet earth, the great grave yard..........