British socialist death panel to "allow" baby to die, despite parents' wishes


New member
It's not part of the government? Please show your work.


That's the best that I can come up with?:idunno:


New member
He's being a moron on purpose. Ignore him.

"The government" here consists of the executive drawn from the majority party in parliament, with the court system therefore not considered part of the government.

Sorry — it seems I was unaware of American usage of the term. We are separated by a Common Language

"These chips, are fries
This queue, a line
This tap, a faucet
Wardrobe, a closet
Vacation, holiday
Underground, subway
Chemist, a drugstore
Autumn, is fall
A garden, a yard
You see now? It's not hard"

— English to American, MikeJ


gc: Here is one of the problems in US. The Constitution set up 3 equal branches---the executive (now in the person of someone with bright hair), the legislative (now in control of a group of mostly white, mostly male, mostly rich Senators and Representatives who have focused on repealing a certain unnamed health care law mostly because it smacks of "socialized medicine"---remnants of Joe McCarthy and note the continued desire to hurt Cuba--- and is named for a black man) but their incompetence is stunning, and the federal court system (also, at least at the Supreme level, in control of the right). All of those are the "government" in the vernacular here. The "guvmint" in some areas.
So any decision by a court anywhere is considered a government decision.
Any court decision that the crazed Bible thumping right wing can jump on to support or complain about they will. Therefore the earlier Terry Schiavo case here, now poor Charlie Gard. So The Donald (genuflect here) can moan about the poor treatment Charlie gets while applauding Mitch McConnell's and the Freedom Caucus attempts to rip coverage from potential Charlie Gard's in this country.
All part of the marketing narrative to the Trumpian base.
It is based on the Republican, "I'm rich and you're not, so suffer" mantra. Continues to be confusing when the Republicans complain about the "elites" when their leader is who he is and his base tends to be those he has financially abused over the years---especially those who want to make sure the guvmint stays out of their Medicare.