When the Bible speaks of a face in terms of the earth, does that imply "flatness" or flattish? Here's the KJV Bible definition of the word face.
KJV Dictionary Definition: face
FACE, n. L., to make.
1. In a general sense, the surface of a thing, or the side which presents itself to the view of a spectator; as the face of the earth; the face of the waters.
2. A part of the surface of a thing; or the plane surface of a solid. Thus, a cube or die has six faces an octahedron has eight faces.
3. The surface of the fore part of an animals head, particularly of the human head; the visage.
In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread. Genesis 3.
Joseph bowed himself with his face to the earth. Genesis 48.
4. Countenance; cast of features; look; air of the face.
We set the best face on it we could.
5. The front of a thing; the forepart; the flat surface that presents itself first to view; as the face of a house. Ezekiel 41.
6. Visible state; appearance.
This would produce a new face of things in Europe.
7. Appearance; look.
Nor heaven, nor sea, their former face retained.
His dialogue has the face of probability.
8. State of confrontation. The witnesses were presented face to face.
9. Confidence; boldness; impudence; a bold front.
He has the face to charge others with false citations.
10. Presence; sight; as in the phrases, before the face, in the face, to the face, from the face.
11. The person.
I had not thought to see thy face. Genesis 48.
12. In scripture, face is used for anger or favor.
Genesis 6:1 KJV - And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,
That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose
My words here: Was geometry around 6000 years ago? It wasn't, but God knows all maths. A "Face" in geometry refers to a plane also.
in solid geometry, a face is a flat (planar) surface that forms part of the boundary of a solid object; a three-dimensional solid bounded exclusively by flat faces is a polyhedron.
Face (geometry) - Wikipedia
KJV Dictionary Definition: face
FACE, n. L., to make.
1. In a general sense, the surface of a thing, or the side which presents itself to the view of a spectator; as the face of the earth; the face of the waters.
2. A part of the surface of a thing; or the plane surface of a solid. Thus, a cube or die has six faces an octahedron has eight faces.
3. The surface of the fore part of an animals head, particularly of the human head; the visage.
In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread. Genesis 3.
Joseph bowed himself with his face to the earth. Genesis 48.
4. Countenance; cast of features; look; air of the face.
We set the best face on it we could.
5. The front of a thing; the forepart; the flat surface that presents itself first to view; as the face of a house. Ezekiel 41.
6. Visible state; appearance.
This would produce a new face of things in Europe.
7. Appearance; look.
Nor heaven, nor sea, their former face retained.
His dialogue has the face of probability.
8. State of confrontation. The witnesses were presented face to face.
9. Confidence; boldness; impudence; a bold front.
He has the face to charge others with false citations.
10. Presence; sight; as in the phrases, before the face, in the face, to the face, from the face.
11. The person.
I had not thought to see thy face. Genesis 48.
12. In scripture, face is used for anger or favor.
Genesis 6:1 KJV - And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,
That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose
My words here: Was geometry around 6000 years ago? It wasn't, but God knows all maths. A "Face" in geometry refers to a plane also.
in solid geometry, a face is a flat (planar) surface that forms part of the boundary of a solid object; a three-dimensional solid bounded exclusively by flat faces is a polyhedron.
Face (geometry) - Wikipedia
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