Biblical Flat Enclosed Earth and Firmament

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patrick jane

You're just so gullible PJ.

My FLAT EARTH math is perfectly legitimate and proves beyond any doubt that the earth is NOT flat. On a flat earth the sun would be visible 24 HOURS A DAY since it is ALWAYS 3000 miles ABOVE the surface of the earth.
You didn't watch the video above that 1Mind1Spirit posted in the conspiracy thread. It proves that Eratosthenes was dead wrong. No matter, I know you couldn't handle that so just skip it. We'll all know one day soon.


Well-known member
Do you read any of my other posts and interpretations, for instance this page, or do you only read the posts I make to you? The definition of circuit? Nah, just move on. The earth could be a circle squared which is a real thing. That could also explain the Four Corners of the earth. @daqq

As long as circles can be squared (though I'm not sure what you mean), circles can be rotated about a diamter, which is one mathematical definition of a circle.

But the squared circle puts you into the territory you say I'm in, where you aren't taking the simple words of scripture, but putting different meaning into them.

patrick jane

As long as circles can be squared (though I'm not sure what you mean), circles can be rotated about a diamter, which is one mathematical definition of a circle.

But the squared circle puts you into the territory you say I'm in, where you aren't taking the simple words of scripture, but putting different meaning into them.
Yeah, I just saw a circle squared or whatever yesterday. I'm just saying it's possible with God with the "line" that daqq was focused on. It COULD also explain the Four Corners of the earth. I'll see if I can find an image. If you can, look at my posts on the last few pages to see what my interpretations are. It would help moving forward, if you want to.



patrick jane

You're just so gullible PJ.

My FLAT EARTH math is perfectly legitimate and proves beyond any doubt that the earth is NOT flat. On a flat earth the sun would be visible 24 HOURS A DAY since it is ALWAYS 3000 miles ABOVE the surface of the earth.
1,000 miles above and a 70 mile wide sun. I can't know for sure.

patrick jane

Have you seen this one PJ:
I watched half. More gravity and fake pictures. That's all globers are left with. But scripture backs me up. There's a 50/50 chance we're IN the earth as the Bible says, an enclosed flat earth and cosmos.The cosmos is gigantic but it's not not 14 billion light years across and we didn't come from monkeys either. What else do you believe? You should have put that in the conspiracy thread but since you're here, you can read my posts with scripture, definitions of key words and my interpretations on the last few pages and throughout the WHOLE THREAD. Thanks.


Well-known member
[FONT=&]Do Not miss the first five minutes, if you think it's stupid quit watching[/FONT].

In the next week or even later, try to watch this video that 1Mind1Spirit posted. I just watched it and it's ALL math. The first time I have EVER seen math that's explained in detail and shown as he does it. Talk about perfect timing for anyone and everyone that keeps pointing out the angles of the sun by triangulating. I know I've said this at least twice but this is the best video and [FONT=&]the best proof WITH MATH for a flat earth[/FONT]. I learned a lot and you folks might too. He explains everything while showing you EXACTLY what he does and how he does it. I'm only going to tag four people who have been "following" the thread.

Globe Earth Math - 100% Debunked [FONT=&]- Click on link for full screen view -

<font color="#ff8c00"><font size="5"><span style="font-family: &amp"><strong>

If math and the size of earth help you think we're on a globe this is a must watch. Watch it and weep globers.

That's got to be one of the best videos for proving a globe earth I've ever seen!

Over and over he says that the math doesn't work unless you're on a globe. Then he goes to great lengths to show what one has to do to compensate for it, which is to put a concave lens in between the light source and the table--and the lens has to be the same shape as Eratosthenes determined the globe to be.

Not only that, but since the lense is a double concave lens (concave on both the top and bottom), the atmospheric distortion would require a greater effect at the edges of the flat earth, which suggests that the "dome" over the earth is really a double concave lens.

Now, not only do we have to account for some unknown thing that forces a dome shape on the underside of the lens, but we also have to account for some unknown thing that forces the same shape on the outside of the dome.

He mentions that maybe it's not refraction due to water vapor and other things in the atmosphere--it might be a magnetic field. But magnetic fields don't affect light. What else could it be?

I know something that can affect light, causing a lens effect! It's called gravity. Except now we need gravity to work in a non-spherically symmetrical way to produce a double concave surface, rather than a double convex surface (i.e., a globe), which is backward from what gravity is thought to do in the globe model.

So not only does this video confirm a globe earth, it also puts us on a direct path to back into gravity.

This is the same path geocentrists took, where they had to make all kinds of weird orbits to maintain that the earth was in the center and all revolved around the earth. Eventually most conceded that the heliocentric model worked better. And scripture wasn't harmed by the transition, as long as the scriptures are taken as view-point based and not cosmological.

I have a rather weighty concern about who is behind these videos, for several reasons. The one you had from seems to be alongside some very good material about exposing false religion and cults, etc. But when your website says Jesus is the Truth, and then you fall for a lie (which the flat earth model has already been shown to be), it taints every other good thing on that website.

In the Eratosthenes video, they reference some Indonesians that are doing the experiments. There are many Indonesian Christians, but the country is predominantly Muslim. Which are these, and why does the video need to go to a third-world country to find people who can do this experiment?

Overall, this video and most of the other flat earth videos are trying to give you evidence from one side and to tell you to ignore evidence from the other side. This is not a path to truth.

patrick jane

That's got to be one of the best videos for proving a globe earth I've ever seen!

Over and over he says that the math doesn't work unless you're on a globe.
You completely misunderstood the whole video. That's clear to me. He explains the entire experiment and shows it with more details given. In the first five minutes he explains the problems with the 2300 year old conclusion of Erastothenes and then proves the flat earth is correct.

He clearly explains that he made the numbers fit a globe AND NASA or whoever, changed it in recent history. Better fake math. He proves that the calculations are accurate on a flat earth.


Well-known member
I watched half. More gravity and fake pictures. That's all globers are left with. But scripture backs me up. There's a 50/50 chance we're IN the earth as the Bible says, an enclosed flat earth and cosmos.The cosmos is gigantic but it's not not 14 billion light years across and we didn't come from monkeys either. What else do you believe? You should have put that in the conspiracy thread but since you're here, you can read my posts with scripture, definitions of key words and my interpretations on the last few pages. Thanks

Actually towards the end he starts to support the FE that is why I wanted you to watch it.

As for an explanation why the universe is so big, the speed of light was apparently faster when God created the heavens.


Well-known member
You completely misunderstood the whole video. That's clear to me. He explains the entire experiment and shows it with more details given. In the first five minutes he explains the problems with the 2300 year old conclusion of Erastothenes and then proves the flat earth is correct.

He clearly explains that he made the numbers fit a globe AND NASA or whoever, changed it in recent history. Better fake math. He proves that the calculations are accurate on a flat earth.

What he showed is that the numbers work with a flat earth ONLY if you monkey with the numbers or insert an additional component into the equation that can't be verified to exist in real life.

patrick jane

What he showed is that the numbers work with a flat earth ONLY if you monkey with the numbers or insert an additional component into the equation that can't be verified to exist in real life.
Just the opposite. Say the earth is flat and 66,000 miles in circumference not 25,000. Say the sun is 1,000-3,000 miles high and the sun is 32 to 70 miles wide. He already proved the math works on a globe OR flat. I have reasons for those numbers in the conspiracy thread where I'd like all the math to go to, instead of the Biblical thread. As far as everything in space compressing to a ball shape, that seems to be the case. Maybe everything but the earth since it is the tabernacle for the sun that God created. Maybe the "universe" is not 14 billion light years across and we did not come from monkeys and stardust. Just maybe.


Well-known member
Just the opposite. Say the earth is flat and 66,000 miles in circumference not 25,000. Say the sun is 1,000-3,000 miles high and the sun is 32 to 70 miles wide. He already proved the math works on a globe OR flat. I have reasons for those numbers in the conspiracy thread where I'd like all the math to go to, instead of the Biblical thread. As far as everything in space compressing to a ball shape, that seems to be the case. Maybe everything but the earth since it is the tabernacle for the sun that God created. Maybe the "universe" is not 14 billion light years across and we did not come from monkeys and stardust. Just maybe.

You forgot the lens. His whole video is saying that to get the flat earth model to work, you have to insert a lens of some kind. Does the bible talk about a lens?

patrick jane

You forgot the lens. His whole video is saying that to get the flat earth model to work, you have to insert a lens of some kind. Does the bible talk about a lens?
No, that's not what he says but this thread is mostly Biblical. He mentions that he used a concave lens, shouldn't be a factor. He clearly shows that the Erastothenes HAD TO GUESS THE CIRCUMFERENCE TO MAKE THE ANGLES WORK. The measures were because they assumed the earth couldn't be flat BECAUSE of the angles of the sun and shadows. They IMAGINED A GLOBE AND MADE THE CIRCUMFERENCE FIT THE ANGLES FOR A GLOBE. PERIOD.

When I posted the video I noted that it usually wouldn't go in this thread. But I thought it was so good I put it here. That's what you got from all the scripture posts and interpretaions I showed? I don't know if a "lens" is Biblical, do you? Is evolution Biblical? Did they have eyeglasses back then or any lenses of any kind? I don't know but it seems irrelevant. The lens has something to do with REFRACTION, which happens to be one of favorite PROOFS given by Globe worshipers. [MENTION=17606]Derf[/MENTION]
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patrick jane

Do Not miss the first five minutes, if you think it's stupid quit watching.

In the next week or even later, try to watch this video that 1Mind1Spirit posted. I just watched it and it's ALL math. The first time I have EVER seen math that's explained in detail and shown as he does it. Talk about perfect timing for anyone and everyone that keeps pointing out the angles of the sun by triangulating. I know I've said this at least twice but this is the best video and the best proof WITH MATH for a flat earth. I learned a lot and you folks might too. He explains everything while showing you EXACTLY what he does and how he does it. I'm only going to tag four people who have been "following" the thread.

Globe Earth Math - 100% Debunked - Click on link for full screen view -

<font color="#ff8c00"><font size="5"><span style="font-family: &amp"><strong>

If math and the size of earth help you think we're on a globe this is a must watch. Watch it and weep globers.
Answers are given at the last 10 minutes if you pay attention. You have to really watch the whole thing and watch and listen. No scriptures in the video but it's being debated since I posted it here. [MENTION=19670]WatchmanOnTheWall[/MENTION] I'll watch the rest of that video you posted.

Psalm 19:1-9 KJV - [FONT=&quot]The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]2 Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]3 There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]4 Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun,[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]5 Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]6 His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]7 The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]8 The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]9 The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.[/FONT]

Right Divider

Body part
Psalm 19:1-9 KJV - The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.2 Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.
3 There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.
4 Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun,
5 Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race.
6 His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof.
7 The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple.
8 The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes.
9 The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.
Yes, the sun goes from horizon to horizon in the sky. We get that.


Well-known member
No, that's not what he says but this thread is mostly Biblical. He mentions that he used a concave lens, shouldn't be a factor. He clearly shows that the Erastothenes HAD TO GUESS THE CIRCUMFERENCE TO MAKE THE ANGLES WORK. The measures were because they assumed the earth couldn't be flat BECAUSE of the angles of the sun and shadows. They IMAGINED A GLOBE AND MADE THE CIRCUMFERENCE FIT THE ANGLES FOR A GLOBE. PERIOD.
And your guy imagined a lens OF THE SAME CURVATURE AS ERATOSTHENES'S GLOBE to make the angles fit a flat earth. PERIOD.

Can you see that you have a different standard of evidence for the globe earth than you do for the flat earth? This is an internal bias on your part, because the scriptures do NOT support the flat earth any better than the globe.
When I posted the video I noted that it usually wouldn't go in this thread. But I thought it was so good I put it here. That's what you got from all the scripture posts and interpretaions I showed? I don't know if a "lens" is Biblical, do you? Is evolution Biblical? Did they have eyeglasses back then or any lenses of any kind? I don't know but it seems irrelevant. The lens has something to do with REFRACTION, which happens to be one of favorite PROOFS given by Globe worshipers. [MENTION=17606]Derf[/MENTION]

I already pointed out that your scripture references don't fit a flat earth any better than a globe earth, sometimes worse. I don't know if they had lenses in the bible. But if it has to be there for your model to work, then you're in as big a hole as you think the globers are in.

If you want to talk about those verses, we can, but are we limited to talking only about YOUR interpretations? Isn't that the problem you had with daqq? It's certainly the problem I had with daqq.

Plus, if we need to have a scripture reference for everything we've observed in nature, we're in big trouble. The lens isn't there. Neither are some of the globe earth observations. Neither are some of the flat earth observations. Therefore, when you point out that scripture never says the earth is a globe, it is a meaningless statement according to your own method of arguing--it doesn't prove anything. And all models have the same conundrum.

patrick jane

It's talking about the same heaven that the birds fly in. :luigi:
Possible. Could be the actual heavens. Just like flat earth theory, And the theory of gravity. And refraction theories and various forms of it. There's many more scriptures than that. Are all the scriptures about foundations of earth and heaven figurative or allegorical? All of them? Or that the earth is fixed, immovable, established, etc.? Does God place the earth or set the earth in the firmament at any time in scripture, which is required for a flying rotating ball, obviously? It's only scientific after all.

God can, and according some, DID or probably did the act of stopping the sun and moon for about a day but not the earth or anything else. Never mentions stopping the earth or the sky which to you, seems to always include the firmament. Or according to the Hebrew, you pointed out, I should say. English is no longer enough, never has been enough, right? No I don't know how cameras work or digital, or electronic images work. But if we can't get one UNALTERED picture or image, like a snapshot or a Polaroid Picture type image unaltered in any way, then I can't believe it 100%. You know exactly what I mean but you sidestep it like, many issues. Will you ever admit that a flat earth and firmament that is enclosed, is POSSIBLE? Or is it just plain impossible?
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