Bernie Sanders, Anti-American!


Well-known member
I am no Trump supported byt this is made up.
From someone who went to one of his 'rallies' …

Today, I went to see Donald Trump speak in St. Louis. The differences between this rally and seeing Bill Clinton speak a few days ago truly cannot be put into words. I thought I went into this event with a basic idea of what I was getting into. I have seen the rallies on tv, and I have seen the violence of his supporters. I expected there to be protests and anger, and I expected to leave angry, but I wanted to see this part of history for myself. After leaving the rally, I honestly feel sick. I am both terrified and saddened by the actions of his supporters and Trump's words of encouragement. For starters, the people there have a cult-like following of Trump. The way that people file in blindly behind this charismatic leader is truly alarming. But what is even more alarming is the blatant hatred and bigotry that is so openly expressed and accepted by his supporters. All protestors were met with animosity and hatred by supporters. Despite several incidents of violence at his rallies, Trump did not try to calm the crowd or call for peace, but instead egged people on. He even mocked the media for trying to claim that incidents at his events have gotten out of hand. When the black protestors stood up in front of me, there were chants behind me saying, "Go back to your welfare, *******." The person standing behind us leaned to my friend and told him to "punch that big black beast in the ****ing face." On the way back to the car, we saw a black man with blood on his shirt being treated by a medic. He had been attacked and sucker punched by a Trump supporter. People can try to claim that Trump and his supporters are not racist, but the racial tension, bigotry, and hatred amongst his base is beyond a doubt. Honestly, I'm ashamed to have been at the event at all, and I'm sorry that I didn't do anything to intervene. I have joked a lot about Trump and his candidacy in the past, but I can sincerely say that I won't be doing that ever again. Trump is no joke. His base is no joke. They are truly full of hate, and this movement is dangerous. This man is on a clear path to be the presidential nominee of the Republican Party, and that's a sad reality. And this isn't me bashing a Republican as a liberal. I don't particularly like the policies of Cruz, Rubio, or Kasich, but they are true conservatives that I can have honest disagreements with. Trump is not like that at all. What he's doing isn't conservatism; it's hate mongering. It is very clear that Trump must be stopped. This is bigger than ideology and party politics. If the Republicans are able to broker the convention and deny him the nomination, then they absolutely should. I urge anyone who is still able to vote in Missouri, regardless of your party, to vote for Ted Cruz in the primary, as he has the best chance to defeat Trump here. If Trump is able to get the nomination, conservatives have an obligation to run a true conservative third-party candidate in order to deny him the presidency. If that doesn't happen, then I strongly urge my conservative friends to look at the bigger picture and vote for Hillary Clinton this fall and not Donald Trump. For die hard Bernie Sanders supporters who insist that they will not vote if he is not the nominee, I strongly urge you to reconsider. When this election is over, I look forward to going back to liberals and conservatives having honest disagreements about policies and candidates, but for the sake of the country and the unity of our people, we must first stop Donald Trump from becoming president.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
...his loathsome comment on Wednesday, in which he excused violence against a Hispanic man...

well, let's see how he "excused" it:

annabananahead said:
When Mr. Trump was told of the incident, in which the brothers also are alleged to have urinated on the man before beating him, he said the following: “It would be a shame. . . . "

looks like bananahead's source don't speak engrish so good :idunno:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
From someone who went to one of his 'rallies' …

are there protesters at hillary's events?

at bernie's events?

if one goes to a trump event to protest, what do they think will happen?

what do they expect to accomplish?


Well-known member
The new hero of the tea party speaking about his own supporters …



Well-known member
Socialism isn't a form of government. It's a category of economic systems.
You're wasting your time. Rocketman only knows what the right's propaganda machine has told him about socialism; that it's just another word for communism, which is just another word for fascist totalitarianism. And he will not listen to any other characterizations or definitions or explanations, because he likes what he already believes, and that's all that matters to him.

I have tried to explain these differences to him in the past and it was a total waste of time. He doesn't read your posts to comprehend anything of what you mean, he only reads to contradict what you write. There in no conversation going on, there. Only incessant antagonism that leads nowhere.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
You're wasting your time. Rocketman only knows what the right's propaganda machine has told him about socialism; that it's just another word for communism blablablablablablabla

looks like that nasty ol' "right's propaganda machine" infiltrated the dictionary:

noun: socialism

a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
synonyms: leftism, welfarism; More
radicalism, progressivism, social democracy;
communism, Marxism, labor movement
"my appreciation for certain aspects of socialism does not mean I'm a socialist"
policy or practice based on the political and economic theory of socialism.
synonyms: leftism, welfarism; More
radicalism, progressivism, social democracy;
communism, Marxism, labor movement
"my appreciation for certain aspects of socialism does not mean I'm a socialist"
(in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of communism.

well, whaddya know

it is a political system after all

and it does have something to do with communism

purex said:
he will not listen to any other characterizations or definitions or explanations, because he likes what he already believes, and that's all that matters to him.

won't somebody please buy this man a mirror?


New member
Hall of Fame


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
You're wasting your time. Rocketman only knows what the right's propaganda machine has told him about socialism; that it's just another word for communism, which is just another word for fascist totalitarianism. And he will not listen to any other characterizations or definitions or explanations, because he likes what he already believes, and that's all that matters to him.

I have tried to explain these differences to him in the past and it was a total waste of time. He doesn't read your posts to comprehend anything of what you mean, he only reads to contradict what you write. There in no conversation going on, there. Only incessant antagonism that leads nowhere.

He probably also knows you are somewhat a left-wing radical and have your own leftist propaganda. You are not smarter than him. Pretending you are, being condescending, only makes you transparent.


New member
Hall of Fame
Correction: Bernie Sanders IS NOT a liberal democrat, he by his own admission is a socialist/marxist/communist...a statist, and if he is like any other socialist/marxist communist he has no respect for human life at any stage, even though he might tell you different to get elected. He is an idiot and you are an idiot for supporting him or his serial liar, felon, & co-marxist counterpart Hillary. People like you amaze me, you live in a freest nation on the planet yet you pine to live as a slave to the state, which is socialism. Get ahold of a North Korean maybe they will change places with you :hammer:

I don't think Sanders is truly a socialist though. Does he want to get rid of private ownership? I'll copy doc's signature:

Bernie Is Not a Socialist. Not even a democratic one, since he does not advocate state ownership of the means of production. He is an unapologetic Keynesian redistributionist and state expander, no different in substance from FDR, LBJ, Nixon, George W. Bush, Obama, and the rest of that evil crew. He’s as American as apple pie.



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I don't think Sanders is truly a socialist though. Does he want to get rid of private ownership? I'll copy doc's signature:

Bernie Is Not a Socialist. Not even a democratic one, since he does not advocate state ownership of the means of production. He is an unapologetic Keynesian redistributionist and state expander, no different in substance from FDR, LBJ, Nixon, George W. Bush, Obama, and the rest of that evil crew. He’s as American as apple pie.

It is true, Sanders is not a socialist, as to state owned everything, He is more leaning that way than the other liberals, yet he does not advocate a state owned society. He, however, does not like rich people who make money on investment capital.

He is a socialist in the sense he is not a capitalist.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
I don't think Sanders is truly a socialist though. Does he want to get rid of private ownership? I'll copy doc's signature:

Bernie Is Not a Socialist. Not even a democratic one, since he does not advocate state ownership of the means of production. He is an unapologetic Keynesian redistributionist and state expander, no different in substance from FDR, LBJ, Nixon, George W. Bush, Obama, and the rest of that evil crew. He’s as American as apple pie.

If that is what you believe than you have not done enough research of where this man has stood since the 60's & 70's....He is a very consistent commie, always has been.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
I don't think Sanders is truly a socialist though. Does he want to get rid of private ownership? I'll copy doc's signature:

Bernie Is Not a Socialist. Not even a democratic one, since he does not advocate state ownership of the means of production. He is an unapologetic Keynesian redistributionist and state expander, no different in substance from FDR, LBJ, Nixon, George W. Bush, Obama, and the rest of that evil crew. He’s as American as apple pie.

The interesting difference between the American left's idea of socialism & garden variety marxism is that the progressives in this nation have figured out how the state does not have to own & care for business', utilities, etc., they just tax & control them through overburdening regulations, demonize them, punish them for legitimate business, and so on but, make no mistake whether the government owns the brick & mortar does not mean they do not own these business' with a regulatory stranglehold & high taxation. The entire scheme is unAmerican, unconstitutional and that is why the ruling elite is scared to death of an outsider moving in to tear down their facade but, it needs tearing down.



All the young, hipster college idiots in my city our barreling down the pavement yelling "Feel the Bern!" in support of this old fart.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame

All the young, hipster college idiots in my city our barreling down the pavement yelling "Feel the Bern!" in support of this old fart.

Like the good ole comrade's in these institutions of communist thinking that American universities have become have indoctrinated them to think. :Commie:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I think the kids are just mostly tired of the sell-out, corporate shills and Bernie, as absurd as so much of his rhetoric and expectation may be, is genuine and comes without a price tag. . . If anyone remotely close to the middle could find that note they'd run away with the White House. As it stands we're likely to be looking at two enormously compromised people asking America to believe in them. Too bad for everyone.


like marbles on glass
I think the kids are just mostly tired of the sell-out, corporate shills and Bernie, as absurd as so much of his rhetoric and expectation may be, is genuine and comes without a price tag. . . If anyone remotely close to the middle could find that note they'd run away with the White House. As it stands we're likely to be looking at two enormously compromised people asking America to believe in them. Too bad for everyone.

I'd much rather see Bernie than Hillary in the White House.