Bernie Sanders, Anti-American!

The Horn

Angel4truth, what you're saying about Sanders on abortion is highly misleading . Sanders,like other liberal Democrats believes that emergency late term abortion must be legal in order to protect the lives and health of pregnant women, but he does NOT approve of women capriciously having abortions at the last minute . This doesn't even happen anyway .


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Angel4truth, what you're saying about Sanders on abortion is highly misleading . Sanders,like other liberal Democrats believes that emergency late term abortion must be legal in order to protect the lives and health of pregnant women, but he does NOT approve of women capriciously having abortions at the last minute . This doesn't even happen anyway .

Correction: Bernie Sanders IS NOT a liberal democrat, he by his own admission is a socialist/marxist/communist...a statist, and if he is like any other socialist/marxist communist he has no respect for human life at any stage, even though he might tell you different to get elected. He is an idiot and you are an idiot for supporting him or his serial liar, felon, & co-marxist counterpart Hillary. People like you amaze me, you live in a freest nation on the planet yet you pine to live as a slave to the state, which is socialism. Get ahold of a North Korean maybe they will change places with you :hammer:


Well-known member
Who do you think was causing trouble at that Trump event in Chicago?
Trump was the cause of that discord.

I think his verbal promotion of racism and violence has resulted in an increase in violent racism at his rallies. Both from his supporters and his antagonists. And I think he does it on purpose because he knows the violence will keep him in the media spotlight, and drive his opponents into media obscurity.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Trump was the cause of that discord.

I think his verbal promotion of racism and violence has resulted in an increase in violent racism at his rallies. Both from his supporters and his antagonists. And I think he does it on purpose because he knows the violence will keep him in the media spotlight, and drive his opponents into media obscurity.

Wrong! Trump may be throwing gas upon the flames with his rhetoric but, make no mistake it is left wing anarchist miscreants purposely disrupting his rallies. Another glaring example of the lawlessness of the left...

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Wrong! Trump may be throwing gas upon the flames with his rhetoric but, make no mistake it is left wing anarchist miscreants purposely disrupting his rallies. Another glaring example of the lawlessness of the left...


In recent days, Donald Trump supporters have been demonized as some sort of racist mob spun up by Trump’s racially tinged rhetoric. Former Environmental Protection Agency head and New Jersey governor Christine Todd Whitman declared: “If you were told that Mexicans are rapists and criminals . . . and you are walking down the street and see them in your community, people are going to do things.”

Except for one problem: Trump supporters are not targeting Mexicans walking down the street with violence.
They are not even showing up and disrupting Bernie Sanders when he spews socialist claptrap.

The clashes we have seen so far have almost exclusively been at Trump events.

Why is that? Because organized groups of left-wing agitators intentionally come to Trump rallies to provoke his supporters.



like marbles on glass
I am no Trump supported byt this is made up.

DONALD TRUMP’S rapidly expanding catalogue of bombast is already a weighty tome, and it’s a fool’s errand to take each of his utterances seriously. Still, his loathsome comment on Wednesday, in which he excused violence against a Hispanic man in Boston as “passionate” acts of “people who are following me,” taps into a dark vein in American history and merits special attention.

In the Boston incident, two brothers were charged with using a metal pole to assault a 58-year-old Hispanic man. The man, who was homeless, was left with a broken nose and other injuries to his face, arms and chest. “Donald Trump was right, all these illegals need to be deported,” one of the brothers, Scott Leader, told police, the Boston Globe reported.

When Mr. Trump was told of the incident, in which the brothers also are alleged to have urinated on the man before beating him, he said the following: “It would be a shame. . . . I will say that people who are following me are very passionate. They love this country and they want this country to be great again. They are passionate.”


New member
Correction: Bernie Sanders IS NOT a liberal democrat, he by his own admission is a socialist/marxist/communist...a statist,

You realize that a socialist isn't necessarily a statist, right? There are socialist anarchists and socialist libertarians.

Can you wrap your brain around that one?

... and if he is like any other socialist/marxist communist he has no respect for human life at any stage, even though he might tell you different to get elected.

As opposed to conservatives, who believe that civil rights extend all the way from conception until birth.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
You realize that a socialist isn't necessarily a statist, right? There are socialist anarchists and socialist libertarians.

Can you wrap your brain around that one?

You can try to package it any way you wish but, when you unpack it it is still socialism which is a tyrannical, despotic fascist form of rule, I am sure you can wrap your head around that...or maybe not :think:

As opposed to conservatives, who believe that civil rights extend all the way from conception until birth.

As it should be....