Believing: Is it done BEFORE or AFTER one is in Christ?


New member
We all know that God is real and created us. Some men spend there whole life distracting themselves from that reality. They fill their lives with ******** like football and partying. That way they can't hear God. Yeshua is king.

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New member
So tell us, IF you were NOT in Jesus sometime ago, how in the world are you in Jesus now? Did you do SOMETHING? If yes, then what did you do to be in Him?
That is a good and meaningful question.

I believed in God and Jesus my whole life, but I was not saved until I finally started to do what Jesus says to do.
So while NOT in Christ, you are claiming you did SOMETHING, to be in Him. That's CLEARLY salvation by works and diametrically opposed to Christ's own words that while NOT in Him man can do NOTHING. Yours is a false gospel.

Here's the pure gospel:

You were born already in Christ, because God saved Adam the same day he sinned, an act that cost the Father His only begotten Son - the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. Being in Christ, you have His power to do things. You can overcome evil with good. You could overcome the evil of unbelief by believing. But if you refuse to overcome evil with good, then your name gets blotted out from the book of life, and you end up in the lake of fire.

Saved by grace instead of works and totally in accord with the gospel that Christ preached.

Mocking You

New member
Majority of Christian preachers teach BEFORE.

I believe that to teach such is to teach against what Christ Himself taught. Our Savior told His disciples that APART from Him they can do NOTHING (John 15:5). So, if one can BELIEVE, then he can do SOMETHING instead of NOTHING and that simply proves he is already in Christ PRIOR to believing. Hence, only those already in Christ can believe.

Quite difficult to handle? Any doctrine or teaching need to pass the test of Scriptures. And the teaching that people need to first believe to be in Christ seem not able to. Yet this is what most preachers teach.

Well, then, here's the Bible:

but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name. John 20:31

In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, Ephesians 1:13

Explicitly plain to me that one is not "in Christ" until and unless they believe.


New member
Well, then, here's the Bible:

but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name. John 20:31

In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, Ephesians 1:13

Explicitly plain to me that one is not "in Christ" until and unless they believe.
And that is cart before the horse.

How can you believe when you are not yet in Christ Who said apart from Him man can do NOTHING? Are you saying while NOT in Him you can do SOMETHING?

Mocking You

New member
And that is cart before the horse.

How can you believe when you are not yet in Christ Who said apart from Him man can do NOTHING? Are you saying while NOT in Him you can do SOMETHING?
I'm not saying anything I'm quoting scripture. The Bible says we must believe, then we are saved, or "in Christ".

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New member
I'm not saying anything I'm quoting scripture. The Bible says we must believe, then we are saved, or "in Christ".
What verse says that unless one believes he cannot be in Christ?

Here's what Christ said:

NAS John 15:5 "I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me, and I in him, he bears much fruit; for apart from Me you can do nothing.

While one is APART from Christ, how can he believe when he can do NOTHING?


Well-known member
[h=2]Believing: Is it done BEFORE or AFTER one is in Christ?[/h]
Majority of Christian preachers teach BEFORE.

We came into Christ and so became elect then went astray by idolizing the reprobate who rejected Christ, standing against their judgement. So then our earthly lives return us to our first commitment in Christ and our sanctification.


New member
IF the teaching is true that unless one believes he cannot be in Christ, then man can do SOMETHING while apart from Christ.

IF man can do SOMETHING while apart from Christ, then Christ lied when He said man can do NOTHING apart from Him.

But we all know Christ die not lie. Therefore, the teaching that unless one believes he cannot be in Christ is false.

God's Truth

New member
IF the teaching is true that unless one believes he cannot be in Christ, then man can do SOMETHING while apart from Christ.

IF man can do SOMETHING while apart from Christ, then Christ lied when He said man can do NOTHING apart from Him.

But we all know Christ die not lie. Therefore, the teaching that unless one believes he cannot be in Christ is false.

Jesus said to those WHO WERE ALREADY in him that if the leave him they can do nothing.


New member
Jesus said to those WHO WERE ALREADY in him that if the leave him they can do nothing.
Just the same dog with different collar.

IF he who is in Him leaves Him, then he is no longer in Him.
His situation is just like one who was NEVER in Christ in the first place.

Both can do NOTHING.


New member
Are you trying to debate the truth with Meshak?
I was simply addressing Meshak's post trying to have a pleasant discussion with him/her. (Sorry, is Meshak a he or a she? It appears to me from the picture of her avatar that Meshak is a she. Unless Meshak corrects me, I'll presume Meshak to be a she.)

God's Truth

New member
Just the same dog with different collar.

IF he who is in Him leaves Him, then he is no longer in Him.
His situation is just like one who was NEVER in Christ in the first place.

Both can do NOTHING.

No it is not the same.

Obeying Jesus' life given words to get 'in' him is not the same as warning those not to leave him or they can do nothing.


New member
No it is not the same.

Obeying Jesus' life given words to get 'in' him is not the same as warning those not to leave him or they can do nothing.
If one were to obey to get "in" Him, then PRIOR to his obeying, he is not in Christ. If one is not in Christ, he can do NOTHING. If he can do NOTHING, he cannot obey. If he cannot obey, he cannot be in Him, according to your false gospel.

You insist on preaching a false gospel.

God's Truth

New member
If one were to obey to get "in" Him, then PRIOR to his obeying, he is not in Christ.

That is right, but then when one wants to be saved, they 'come' to Christ and do what he says to get in him.

Jesus tells people to COME to him. If they cannot obey until they are saved...if they can do NOTHING unless they are already 'in' him, then what is Jesus calling them to come for?

Matthew 11:28 "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

John 7:37
On the last and greatest day of the feast, Jesus stood up and called out in a loud voice, "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink.

Revelation 22:17 The Spirit and the bride say, "Come!" And let the one who hears say, "Come!" Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life.

Did you read all those scriptures that Jesus says 'come'?
Again, if they are IN him, why is Jesus calling them to come?

If one is not in Christ, he can do NOTHING.

If they leave Christ then they can do nothing.

They were in him, and if they leave him, they can do nothing.

If he can do NOTHING, he cannot obey. If he cannot obey, he cannot be in Him, according to your false gospel.

You are not reasoning. You are adding things to Jesus' words. NOWHERE do the scriptures say we cannot obey Jesus!

You insist on preaching a false gospel.

You are the one preaching a false gospel.

You make Jesus into some kind of psycho telling us to come and knowing they cannot.