Being politically correct harms Transgenders?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
You just do not understand how many different Creeds, Churches and Denominations there are out there in the World. You should look into them all.
I have. Any that do not insist that Jesus alone is the only path to salvation do not understand it.

And it is Not OK to make neg comments about other folks' sexualities.
Sure, it is. Watch: It's not OK to be a homo.


Totally fine.

That is the tip of the bigot-iceberg showing itself, one of the reaspns for those suicides, Imo.
And you can quit with the emotional manipulation. Homos kill themselves because they are messed up, not because they are oppressed.
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Well-known member
I have. Any that do not insist that Jesus alone is the only path to salvation do not understand it. why do so many Christians quote Paul and all but never Jesus?
... Paul didn't know much about Jesus, and I find that not many Christians know much about him either.
Honest! :):)

Sure, it is. Watch: It's not OK to be a homo.


Totally fine.
.... no understanding...... no love...... ergo, no Christianity?

And you can quit with the emotional manipulation. Homos kill themselves because they are messed up, not because they are oppressed.
We are not debating Homos....... You don't understand. We are debating transgenders.
You don't have the first clue about any of this subject, friend.

Go out there. Meet them. Listen to them.
Understand them. You may learn to give your love and understanding to them and all others.
Then Jesus could be proud of you? :)


Well-known member
it's in here:

you should take a peek someday :thumb:

No need to hide it under a bushel, friend.
Now..... moving forward...... what is there in the Bible that causes you not to accept LGBTQIA folks into your understanding, love, heart etc?
Let's see it. Please don'#t quote Paul, a contract-busting tent-maker with a mania about sex. Just stick to the laws and anything that Jesus said, eh?

Now we will see about your grounding..... :)


like marbles on glass

I'm "verbally forcing" people. :chuckle:

I think you've successfully confused yourself.

I would if I could what?

You accuse me of "forcing my religion" when I say "It's not OK to be gay," how does that turn into me "physically forcing someone if I could"?

I told you you're a fruit loop.


You're conceding then? :chuckle:

What really bothers me?

There is only one brand of Christianity. That you think there are more shows that you do not understand it.

And why are you even talking religion. All I said was: "It's not OK to be gay."

I'm just enjoying watching you. It's fascinating.


like marbles on glass
My first degree is Bible. Does even a degree make an expert? No. You can ask the fellas in the science section whether I present myself as an authority ( :nono: ). So, what I am an authority on, I'll likely give from my area of expertise as it were. A psych degree is but a few classes away if I so chose. Then, in that field, there is the medical classes for the psychiatry degree and between psychologists and psychiatrists is the ability to prescribe. For your and my purpose, I'm well read for this thread. Not good enough? Then our conversation is over. You surely are lording it over me here and it was evident. Okay then, we are done. You win. This will be my last post.

Though I brought this up in politics, I am convinced that only a biblical reality is true.

Yes, but you and others lambasted Stripe here for saying the same thing. My example was about untested pop-psychology, media-driven drone sentimentality, and the peer-pressure politically correct fairly mindless mentality. Why? Because this is what the doctor himself called out as being wrong. He called it a Transgender Meme. He'd likely call all other pop psychology a meme of one sort or another a meme as well. Because I'm 'unqualified' for discussion, I'll simply bow out and let psychology degrees finish this thread at this point.

Anna, there is a chip on your shoulder and a desire to put me in my proverbial place. I'll simply leave this thread now and let the "big boys" own it.

As you wish.


Well-known member
You class transgender and transsexuality as similar to alcoholism?
What a twisted mindset!

Do you have the love of Jrsus, or the manic hatreds of Paul?

Many Churches, Creeds and Denominations now accept lgbtqia sexualities and civil partnerships and Gay marriages are supported. It could be time for Cold Puritan Christianity to come into the warmth of True Jesus followers?

You sound so hateful, you bigot, that you can't even type the name of Jesus! What did the Puritans ever do to you, after all?

But in answer to your question, I think you are right--transgender and transsexual don't deserve to be treated similar to alcoholism, according to scripture. I apologize for being so twisted that I treated them the same. After all, scripture allows the moderate drinking of alcohol, but doesn't allow for a little bit of homosexuality, effeminateness, or only wearing women's clothing just one day of the week.

Are you suggesting that Paul got his message from somewhere other than Jesus? That he made it up himself, perhaps? He sure suffered greatly for his message to have made it up himself. (Shhh, don't tell anyone, but that's because people weren't willing to set aside their idolatries and perversions to follow what Paul said about Jesus--that Jesus wanted to make them whole and cleanse them from sin, and to do that, they kind of needed to know what sin is.)

Are there sexualities the church should not accept? Like child molesters and bestials (is that the right term)? Not to say that the church shouldn't allow all of your list and my additions to come to the altar to receive forgiveness of sins, but do you think it's time that your pastor marry men to dogs and women to donkeys? Maybe that's not this year, but hopefully soon? And if those things disgust you, why? Is it that you just aren't far enough away from the effect of the hated Puritans, that they still influence you so badly?

You're such a bigot!
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Well-known member
You sound so hateful, you bigot, that you can't even type the name of Jesus! What did the Puritans ever do to you, after all?
Big fingers. Tiny mobile phone? You didn't even understand that?!

But in answer to your question, I think you are right--transgender and transsexual don't deserve to be treated similar to alcoholism, according to scripture. I apologize for being so twisted that I treated them the same.
That is OK....... you admit errors.... that's a start I suppose. :)

Are you suggesting that Paul got his message from somewhere other than Jesus? That he made it up himself, perhaps?
Mostly....... I mean, where did Paul repeat Jesus on anything?
He could have tried 'He who is without sin....'?

Are there sexualities the church should not accept? Like child molesters and bestials (is that the right term)? Not to say that the church shouldn't allow all of your list and my additions to come to the altar to receive forgiveness of sins, but do you think it's time that your pastor marry men to dogs and women to donkeys? Maybe that's not this year, but hopefully soon? And if those things disgust you, why? Is it that you just aren't far enough away from the effect of the hated Puritans, that they still influence you so badly?
What a dark-ages mindset, there.
Your thinking deviates from Transgender to child-molestation?

Lesson for today:-

OK? :)

Arthur Brain

Well-known member

I'm "verbally forcing" people. :chuckle:

I think you've successfully confused yourself.

I would if I could what?

You accuse me of "forcing my religion" when I say "It's not OK to be gay," how does that turn into me "physically forcing someone if I could"?

I told you you're a fruit loop.


You're conceding then? :chuckle:

What really bothers me?

There is only one brand of Christianity. That you think there are more shows that you do not understand it.

And why are you even talking religion. All I said was: "It's not OK to be gay."

She isn't confusing anything Stripe. You support the death penalty for homosexuality and adultery. Setting aside the fact that it isn't going to happen you nonetheless advocate such measures for society and were such possible you'd be forcing your "religion" on everyone with your beloved 'ideal' of some 'theocratic state'.

Else why support such?


Well-known member
Big fingers. Tiny mobile phone? You didn't even understand that?!

That is OK....... you admit errors.... that's a start I suppose. :)

Mostly....... I mean, where did Paul repeat Jesus on anything?
He could have tried 'He who is without sin....'?

What a dark-ages mindset, there.
Your thinking deviates from Transgender to child-molestation?

Lesson for today:-

OK? :)
Paul got all his material from Jesus. "For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you:..." (1 Cor 11:23ff)
And his conversion story he told in acts was quoting Jesus. (Acts 9 and Acts 22 are iterations of it.)

Why is a dark-ages mindset bad? Based on what standard? Seems like you hate dark-ages people. Bigot.

I don't understand what you mean by my thinking "deviating" from transgender to child-molestation (don't forget bestiality). Do you think child molestation is deviant? Isn't it just another sexuality preference? Are you throwing the first stone? Bigot.
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...You support the death penalty for homosexuality and adultery. Setting aside the fact that it isn't going to happen...
Ps 50:21

Cc: [MENTION=6992]heir[/MENTION] [MENTION=1851]john w[/MENTION] [MENTION=13955]glorydaz[/MENTION] [MENTION=13754]exminister[/MENTION] @ Grosnick Marowbe

:listen: This message is for
the Christian, too (Mal 4:4-6, Mt 24:14). :freak:


...Dr. McHugh works and is a professor, he says, no longer offers transgender operations since 1970 because there is no benefit but rather, huge endangerment and problematic issues.

He challenged our society to not bow to media and hype as we celebrate the Emperor's new clothing, because in so doing, we are causing more harm than good.

A voice of reason, caring, and actual concern crying in the wilderness?
Of course. Keeping the social pressure on is important. Normalizing Sodomite behavior harms the Sodomite and society as a whole (1 Co 6:9-10).

[The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14]
heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).] ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13])


Theology Thursday: The Bible's Criminal Code by Bob Enyart


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame why do so many Christians quote Paul and all but never Jesus?

Paul didn't know much about Jesus, and I find that not many Christians know much about him either.
I think we can safely ignore this. :up:

no understanding...... no love...... ergo, no Christianity?

It's not OK to be gay.

We are not debating Homos.
Oh. Then you should stop arguing with me. :up:

You don't understand. We are debating transgenders.
You all look the same to me.

Go out there. Meet them. Listen to them.Understand them. You may learn to give your love and understanding to them and all others.Then Jesus could be proud of you? :)
I think I'll stick with what I know.

I'm just enjoying watching you. It's fascinating.
Oh. So you're a troll. :troll:

She isn't confusing anything Stripe. You support the death penalty for homosexuality and adultery. Setting aside the fact that it isn't going to happen you nonetheless advocate such measures for society and were such possible you'd be forcing your "religion" on everyone with your beloved 'ideal' of some 'theocratic state'.
So you imagine I would force my religion, but I'm not.

However, the situation is the law is the way you want it.

Are you "forcing your religion" successfully, or does it only count when you imagine it of me?


like marbles on glass
Oh. So you're a troll. :troll:

:chuckle: To you, everyone's a troll.

So you imagine I would force my religion, but I'm not.

However, the situation is the law is the way you want it.

Are you "forcing your religion" successfully, or does it only count when you imagine it of me?

You're the one who says that homosexuals should be executed. Do you not stand behind your words?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
:chuckle: To you, everyone's a troll.
Nope. When you make outlandish claims and then run away when challenged on them, it shows that you're either:
A. Not thinking about what you say, or
B. Just looking for a reaction.

You're the one who says that homosexuals should be executed. Do you not stand behind your words?
We're still waiting on you to explain how I am "forcing" my "religion." :idunno:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
So you imagine I would force my religion, but I'm not.

What you advocate would have to be enforced, not only against the wishes of the vast majority of secular society but against most Christian's as well. There's no way Western society would tolerate the execution of homosexuals and adulterers unless it was somehow turned into some totalitarian theocratic state. If you seriously support the above then you are indeed for forcing your 'religion' onto everyone else even if it would never come about.

However, the situation is the law is the way you want it.

What, you mean like not living in some authoritarian crackpot state? Sure...

Are you "forcing your religion" successfully, or does it only count when you imagine it of me?

I'm not enforcing anything let alone religion. What are you getting at?