Quick reply to Johnny and mighty_duck ...
Quick reply to Johnny and mighty_duck ...
Johnny said:
I think Chilli was just asking for you to outline your argument like you did those arguments. He's not saying those were your arguments.
There is no outline for a meta-argument. A meta-argument, of necessity, must stand above such formulations. The existence of God is proven in that, without Him, you cannot prove anything. The statement is not subject to such formulations as above.
mighty_duck said:
The statements I have made are proofs though.
One of m_d's "proofs" was
"1. God does not exist. If this is true, then the predication itself should be unintelligible. But it's not the case. Therefore, m_d's statement is proven false.
Mighty_duck's second statement was:
2. The non-existence of God is a neccessary precondition for Logic, induction, etc. For this to be true, magic would have to be real. No rational person believes that magic is real, and nothing in human experience warrants the belief in real magic. Therefore, m_d's statement is proven false.
mighty_duck said:
The fact that you use words in your response further proves it.
This would only be true if magic were real and human experience were, at base, utterly absurd.
mighty_duck said:
You know that God doesn't exist as well, you are just suppressing it.
If that were true, then I would be secretly believing magic were real, alongside mighty_duck, and undermining all the workings of logic and science and rendering human experience unintelligible.
mighty_duck said:
This is how all your so called proof has looked so far.
Only in the minds of those who refuse to see what the Bible is saying to them.
Originally Posted by Hilston:
I merely quoted Chilli's research. If it's unclear to you, don't blame me.
According to Chilli's definition, "Begging the question is a circular reasoning fallacy in which a circular argument is used within one Syllogism." For all of the charges of circularity, no one has been able to demonstrate question-begging in the biblical argument. There's been a lot of whining and moaning about it, but it doesn't exist. It's a collective delusion, reinforced by each other's emotion-laden complaints, fueled by the frustration of not being able to say anything compelling or coherent against it. Question-begging will not be found to exist in the biblical argument. Have a look at all these examples of question-begging offered by various websites:...
mighty_duck said:
I read Chilli's research, and it is very clear to me what question begging and circular reasoning are, and why they are fallacious.
You claim that all reasoning is circular, but not all reasoning is fallacious. How would we know if the circular reasoning we are using is fallacious or not?
You can know if you're able to detect a circular argument within one syllogism (according to Chilli's excerpted definition). Try to answer this question without question begging: "How do you know logic is trustworthy?" Feel free to re-phrase the question more precisely if you wish.
mighty_duck said:
Please give an example of Circular reasoning that is not fallacious, and why it is not.
All men are mortal; Socrates was a man; Socrates was mortal.
Originally Posted by Hilston:
Example 3 (from Positive Theism website):
I have not, nor would I ever make such an argument.
mighty_duck said:
Really? Isn't this your argument in a nutshell?
Is there a God?
How do you know?
Because of this logical proof. <logical proof follows>
How do you know logic is correct?
Because it was inspired by God.
this close to ignoring your future posts, m_d. I realize this is difficult, because most people are not accustomed to being confronted with biblical argumentation, but you at least have to try. You will not find in my posts anything even remotely close to the above "argument in a nutshell." If this comes as a surprise to you, then I suggest you do more reading and less chatting. The fact that you think this is my argument is both frustrating and disappointing to me. When have I EVER in this discussion given a logical proof for
how I know there is a God? When have I EVER stated that "logic is correct" because it was "inspired by God"? Where are you getting this stuff, m_d? Because it certainly has not EVER come from my pen. If you are honestly this clueless, I don't know how to help you. Are you just being lazy? Have you forgotten everything that we've discussed thus far? Perhaps, instead of making these embarrassing pronouncements, you should simply ask some honest questions and at least demonstrate that you're putting some effort toward understanding.
I've got a strong urge to fly; but I've got nowhere to fly to, fly to, fly to, fly to, fly to, fly to, fly to, fly to ...