Scrimshaw wrote:
It has nothing to do with whether or not people's belief in God stopped them from squashing people like insects. My statement above is regarding a logical basis for ABSTAINING from squashing people like insects. In other words, the theists (who morally oppose squashing people like insects) would have a logical basis for that moral, whereas the atheists do not.
Uh, I have a logical basis for not squashing people like bugs. You may not like it because it is very logical and very rational, but not based in any religious thought at all. It goes like this:
You should not squash people like bugs, because their friends and relatives might come looking for you, and try to squash you like a bug, only worse.
We also should not squash people like bugs because promoting good will towards other people, including strangers, tends to get you more advantages in life than disadvantages. If people from a distant land hear how much you squash people like bugs, they will try to avoid you, and you will not have much trade, companionship, or enjoyment in life.
You're totally misunderstanding my argument. I am not arguing against the fact that humans DO CARE, or even that their caring is "natural" for them. I am aruging, based on logic, that humans would have NO EMPIRICAL REASON FOR CARING.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Since when do any people have EMPIRICAL reasons to care for each other??????!!! Caring is an EMOTIONAL part of the human experience. Do you seriously know any person who "loves" their spouse for "empirical reasons"?
(Afterall, you worship at the alter of "empiricism", don't ya?) Humans would have no logical reason for caring because caring would be inherently pointless because nothing humans care about means a hill a beans. Everything that exists, including you and everything you care about would be nothing but the chance effect of a cosmic accident. Our limited, insignificant "frames of reference" would be no more meaningful than star dust.
Unfortunately for your argument, I AM NOT MR. SPOCK. Though I agree that empiricism is more important than faith and spirituality, it is in the context of SCIENCE, HISTORY, and POLITICS that I speak -- not emotion. I think you have a bizarre idea of how atheists think. We do not behave like Mister Spock, throwing off all emotion, and making all descisions based on pure logic and empiricism. We are human beings, who have emotions, and who separate our emotional feelings from empirical facts. In other words, We love, laugh, and enjoy life, and we use logic, reason, and empiricism when formulating our ideas on science, history, politics, and business.
My point is - if atheism is true, then there is no logical reason to care about our survival.
What about "Because living is more enjoyable than not living..."
Survival would be the vainties of vainties;
I don't think so. See, there's this part of my brain that all humans have that makes us WANT to survive. This instinct is something that I cannot control. I don't want to kill myself, and it's programmed into my head. The people who do end up killing themselves tend to have mental illnesses. besides -- you got a problem with vanity? It can be fun, you know.
the most futile endeavor a human could ever pursue since survival would be an impossible task to acheive. We never escape death. So what would the logical reason be for trying to accomplish a task (survive) that we *already know* can never be accomplished??
How about "because this is the only life you get, and you might as well enjoy it while you got it, because you never know when it's gonna end." See, you're saying that I MUST think the way that you are telling me I have to think. I am saying that you're thinking on these matters is faulty, and in no way describes how any atheists I've ever known think. I don't even think I've read any atheists who think that way -- except maybe Sartre. Even Neitzsche thought that Nihilism was stupid.
Suppose some stranger just handed you a million dollars. Would you just throw it in the trash, saying "Aw, I'll just spend it all, and then I'll be broke again, anyway..." No -- like any other person who got a milion dollars, YOU WOULD STAERT SPENDING IT, or invest it. Life is the million dollars. Spend it while you got it.
Unlike the rest of the animal kingdom, we are cursed with the knowledge that we will one day die, regardless of our efforts, and there is nothing we can do to prevent it. Animals have ignorance as their excuse for vainly trying to survive. But what excuse would humans have? NONE.
I really would like to get into your head and understand what makes you such a nattering nabob of negativism. Your writing in this thread, thus far, gives me the impression that you are bitter, angry, negative, and see that life is utterly HOPELESS (except through Jesus). Why are you so negative? Most importantly, why do you seem to think that atheists have to be as negative and hopeless as you think?
I said I my LIFE would be a pathetic speck....and I was making that statement based on the hypothetical condition of atheism being true. Please "psychoanalyze" the context my statements. Thanks.
Okay, so you think that without belief in JESUS, that the ONLY alternative is to see yourself as a pathetic speck. Is that how you see all non-believers? Isn't the scientific wonder and mystery of life and consciousness enough to be in awe of? Do we need to have a magical deity behind it to make it special? Isn't science (and the real world) interesting, awe-inspiring, and wonderful enough?
I think your life would be EXACTLY the same as it is to you now, if you suddenly gave up religion. You would have the same likes, dislikes, hobbies, and interests, for the most part, and you would not suddenly become a negative, nihilistic, pathetic speck.
Life is fun, unless you're insane or have mental problems. Enjoying it doesn't require religion.
You couldn't be any more incorrect. I have not submitted any straw men whatsoever. I have simply taken atheism to it's logical conclusions.
You have taken atheism to your own irrational, emotional, and bogus conclusions. All of your arguments have this annoying emotional component to it -- a negativity that borders on depressing. You conclude that empirically, there is no meaning to life, therefore, "I am a PATHETIC SPECK...", and negative emotional statement after negative emotional statement ensues.
You seem to have forgotten that logic and empiricism is VOID of emotion.
If atheism is true, what you "think" about your life is as meaningless as your very life itself.
Well, to the universe, it's meaningless. But I have this thing called a brain, which has certain emotions and instincts programmed into it. This brain seeks meaning, even if there is none, and makes up meaning in the abscence of meaning. What is meaningless in light of the uncaring universe, is meaningful to me and other humans, and that's what matters. Who but a human can say "Screw the universe! I want to enjoy life!"??
Life has meaning to you and other people, regardless of whether atheism or Christianity, or any religion is true or not, because we humans MAKE UP MEANING FOR OURSELVES.
Your life would be nothing a the chance result of a cosmic accident. Any value you assign yourself would be just as "imaginary" as any of the gods you like to claim are "imaginary".
So what. Am I supposed to feel bad about that just because you say so?
Well, there is no absolute truth --
Is that "absolutely" true? Is there absolutely - no absolute truths?
LIke all truths, it's tentative until someone else proves otherwise.
No, atheism leads to meaningless.
Yes, because logic and empiricism do not deal with meaning or emotion.
A meaningless thing is incapable of ascribing meaning to itself.
Well, yeah -- but this meaningless thing you call a human being has A BRAIN, and that brain naturally seeks out and assigns meaning to everything. So what if the meanings that people believe in aren't true. As long as we have beliefs, emotions, ideas, curiosity, and seek patterns, we will be driven by them.
Certainly, humans could make-believe they have meaning, but if our entire existence is the accidental by-product of a cosmic explosion, then our entire existence is completely arbitrary, pointless, and meaningless. Any make-believe meaning that you ascribe to yourself would not be real - only *imaginary*.
So what. Life is short. Enjoy it. Who cares if the universe is cold, uncaring, and can rain meteors down on us any day, wiping us all out instantly. We enjoy being alive. We want to prolong it. and no uncaring universe of doom will stop us from trying.
You are speaking out of two-sides of your mouth. Notice the last five words of your sentence - "even if there are NONE". Well guess what? If there ARE NONE, that means - there are NONE. Humans wouldn't have any meaning, and you admit this yourself while attempting to deny it. The fact that humans can think and analyze would only prove that they have the ability to play MAKE-BELIEVE and create an their own IMAGINARY meanings.
Yeah? So? What about you -- you're saying that I have to deny what makes me human just because I know I'm gonna die, and that there is no real meaning to anything. You're saying that I have to be fatalistic, nihilistic, and just curl up into an uncaring lump of negativity, just because life has no meaning outside of what meaning people give it.
I'm saying that as a Human, I have drives, emotions, and assign my own meanings to things, and I also know that I'm gonna die someday. So I'm going to make what life I've got count. Who cares if it's lacking some universal meaning. I'm living for the moment, BECAUSE I CAN.
In my argument, when I say "meaning", I am not referring to imaginary meaning, but REAL meaning. Inherent meaning. If atheism is true, humans have no REAL or INHERENT meaning. Their existence would be as inherently arbitary as any moon rock randomly lying about on the lunar surface..
Only to people who lack imagination and creativity.
Irrelevant. Everything you just mentioned only exists as the random result of a cosmic accident.
So, is there anything WRONG with that? That's sort of looking a gift-horse in the mouth.
I mean, What's wrong or bad with everything being the result of cosmic circumstances beyond our control (I refrain from "accident" and "random" when talking about the universe, because anyone who knows physics knows that "random" doesn't realyl exist.)???
There is no such thing as random in the real universe. Everything is driven by chains of causality.
If atheism is true, it is only the result of freak accident
"freak accident" is what scientifically illiterate people use to describe principles of evolution and cosmology that they do not understand. Nothing is a freak accident. Freak accidents and "random events" are what humans use to describe unknown causal chains. Not all factors are known all the time. When we fail to predict causality, we falsely inject the concept of randomness into things. But nothing really is random in the universe. Everything is caused by pre-existing conditions.
that this solar system and planet exists with just the right conditions to support life. Thus, the very existence of - "genetically assigned components, socially-assigned components, and circumstantial components" - are also completely arbitrary; without any inherent meaning. If biological life itself is inherently meaningless, so would be any of the genetic behaviors that govern it.
Just because everything is meaningless in the end doesn't mean we can't be fascinated, in awe of, or have reverence for anything.
Alas, my argument comes full circle and is proven valid by your very own statements.
no. All you have done is assert that I HAVE TO BELIEVE what you say I have to, based on your straw man.
My Argument: Atheists are ideological hypocrites because they claim that belief in God is not valid because God is "imaginary", yet, they believe in the "meaning" of their own lives; which they admit is *imaginary*.
There's a big difference between the emotions and feelings that our brains create, and a whole system of belief based on believing in an imaginary god who dictates things to us from an invisible place. I do not go through my day wondering about the meaning of life. I've got much better things to do. I do not believe that there is any meaning to life. I just have emotions and feelings, and I go with them. My thoughts and emotions are fluid, ever changing. Your God idea is dictated to you by other people. It is a collar that restricts your thought and tells you what to think.
This conundrum that faces atheists is a prime example of logical self-contradiction and double standard, which are the primary signs of a flawed belief system.
Actually, what you wrote about atheists is a straw man -- an emotional diatribe of negativity, hate, and disrespect and loathing. The system of thought that you wrote is definitely flawed, and self-contradictory, but it doesn't really accurately describe what atheists actually say.