Psycho Dave,
Scrimshaw wrote:
That's right, if atheism is true, squashing people should no different than squashing ants.
Originally posted by Psycho Dave
Well, believing in God never stopped people from exterminating people like insects.
It has nothing to do with whether or not people's belief in God stopped them from squashing people like insects. My statement above is regarding a
logical basis for ABSTAINING from squashing people like insects. In other words, the theists (who morally oppose squashing people like insects) would have a logical basis for that moral, whereas the atheists
do not.
No, but if atheism was true, it certainly makes arguing and debating and caring about what other people think - futile and utterly pointless.
No it doesn't. Humans care, whether or not they believe in gods. Caring is a fundamental and universal part of the human experience. If you are human, you have emotions, and that means that you care about something. It may not be exactly what another person cares for, but the fact is that we all do it.
You're totally misunderstanding my argument. I am not arguing against the fact that humans DO CARE, or even that their caring is "natural" for them. I am aruging, based on logic, that humans would have NO EMPIRICAL REASON FOR CARING. (Afterall, you worship at the alter of "empiricism", don't ya?) Humans would have no logical reason for caring because caring would be inherently pointless because nothing humans care about means a hill a beans. Everything that exists, including you and everything you care about would be nothing but the chance effect of a cosmic accident. Our limited, insignificant "frames of reference" would be no more meaningful than star dust.
If you care about your survival, it logically follows that you will do some things in order to survive -- even care what other people think.
My point is - if atheism is true, then there is no logical reason to care about our survival. Survival would be the vainties of vainties; the most futile endeavor a human could ever pursue since survival would be an impossible task to acheive. We never escape death. So what would the logical reason be for trying to accomplish a task (survive) that we *already know* can never be accomplished?? Unlike the rest of the animal kingdom, we are cursed with the knowledge that we will one day die, regardless of our efforts, and there is nothing we can do to prevent it. Animals have ignorance as their excuse for vainly trying to survive. But what excuse would humans have? NONE.
If I truly believed that atheism was true and believed that my pathetical speck of life was all I had before my existence would be terminated into the meaningless sea of eternity, I wouldn't waste one second of my life arguing or debating about anything, because if no God exists, then truth, lies, perception, thoughts, experiences - EVERYTHING would be relative and no one would have the right to tell anyone else how to think, live, or behave.
I'm not going to psychoanalyze you based on how you apparently see yourself as a pathetic speck,
I said I my LIFE would be a pathetic speck....and I was making that statement based on the hypothetical condition of atheism being true. Please "psychoanalyze" the context my statements. Thanks.
but If you believed what actual atheists believe, instead of the bizarre straw-man version that you present here, you would not consider your life to be pathetic.
You couldn't be any more incorrect. I have not submitted any straw men whatsoever. I have simply taken atheism to it's logical conclusions. What atheists actually "believe" and what logical end atheism actually leads to - are two different things.
Why do you think your life is a pathetic speck? I don't. I think my life is special, no matter how crappy a day I've had.
If atheism is true, what you "think" about your life is as meaningless as your very life itself. Your life would be nothing a the chance result of a cosmic accident. Any value you assign yourself would be just as "imaginary" as any of the gods you like to claim are "imaginary".
Therefore, what would be the point of arguing? Afterall, there would be no such thing as absolute truth; just a lot of relativistic opinions and none more "valuable" than any other.
Well, there is no absolute truth --
Is that "absolutely" true? Is there absolutely - no absolute truths?
That's fine that you disagree, but what does it matter? You can disagree until you are blue in the face, but you have not proffered a single statement that resolved any my questions. If you are honest, you'd admit that atheism simply has no end game. It is a belief system that leads to total meaninglessness, relativism, futility, and absurdity.
it doesn't lead to meaninglessness, because humans naturally seek out meaning and create meaning if none exists.
No, atheism leads to meaningless. A meaningless thing is incapable of ascribing meaning to itself. Certainly, humans could make-believe they have meaning, but if our entire existence is the accidental by-product of a cosmic explosion, then our entire existence is completely arbitrary, pointless, and meaningless. Any make-believe meaning that you ascribe to yourself would not be real - only *imaginary*.
And what "matters" to meaningless things (like humans) would be irrelevant because the things themselves are inherently meaningless. An inherently meaningless thing cannot assign meaning to itself.
Not unless, of course, it has a thinking, analyzing, pattern-seeking brain that tries to find and/or create meanings, even if there are none.
You are speaking out of two-sides of your mouth. Notice the last five words of your sentence - "even if there are NONE". Well guess what? If there ARE NONE, that means - there are NONE. Humans wouldn't have any meaning, and you admit this yourself while attempting to deny it. The fact that humans can think and analyze would only prove that they have the ability to play MAKE-BELIEVE and create an their own IMAGINARY meanings.
In my argument, when I say "meaning", I am not referring to imaginary meaning, but REAL meaning. Inherent meaning. If atheism is true, humans have no REAL or INHERENT meaning. Their existence would be as inherently arbitary as any moon rock randomly lying about on the lunar surface..
Human life would have value? What "value"? OH!! You mean the *imaginary* value that you would arbitrarily assign to it.
I don't think that humans give "arbitrary" values to anything. We clearly operate on genetically assigned components, socially-assigned components, and circumstantial components. Whatever values we assign are going to follow some very predictable, expectable, patterns. All humans have the same machinery inside of their brains, and we therefore tend to place values on things along the same lines.
Irrelevant. Everything you just mentioned only exists as the random result of a cosmic accident. If atheism is true, it is only the result of freak accident that this solar system and planet exists with just the right conditions to support life. Thus, the very existence of - "genetically assigned components, socially-assigned components, and circumstantial components" - are also completely arbitrary; without any inherent meaning. If biological life itself is inherently meaningless, so would be any of the genetic behaviors that govern it.
And if humans have to create their own meaning out of thin air, how is that any different than creating the idea of God out of thin air? Indeed, if atheism is true, any meaning we assign to ourselves would be just as "imaginary" as any God.
BINGO! What we think, dream, imagine, create, etc., with our imagination has meaning TO US. I may not enjoy the creations of your mind, but I enjoy my own.
Alas, my argument comes full circle and is proven valid by your very own statements.
My Argument: Atheists are ideological hypocrites because they claim that belief in God is not valid because God is "imaginary", yet, they believe in the "meaning" of their own lives; which they admit is *imaginary*. This conundrum that faces atheists is a prime example of logical self-contradiction and double standard, which are the primary signs of a flawed belief system.