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Originally posted by Flipper
Charismata, like Freak, is correct in a limited sense.
Unlike :zakath: Flipper acknowledges when one makes a valid point. I give him that.
Originally posted by Flipper
Charismata, like Freak, is correct in a limited sense.
Originally posted by ZroKewl
Don't we all use unprovable premises?
According to particle physics and relativity, at least ten dimensions of space existed at the creation of the universe (2). Three of these dimensions (plus time) formed the space-time manifold that we can directly observe. The other six of these dimensions exist within the universe as incredibly compact dimensions of space. God must be able to operate in all of those ten dimensions plus more in order to have created the universe. A verse from the book of Hebrews suggests God created the universe out of some of the dimensions of space and time which are not visible to us (3).
The God of the Bible is invisible and cannot be seen except if He reveals Himself to us in a three-dimensional form that we can see. A being which exists in dimensions beyond our three spatial dimensions would be invisible to creatures (us) which can only exist in the confines of our universe (4).
(3) The universe was formed at God's command, so that what was seen was not made out of what was visible. (Hebrews 11:3)
(4) But He said, "You cannot see My face, for no man can see Me and live!" (Exodus 33:20)
When He passes me I cannot see Him. When He goes by, I cannot perceive Him (Job 9:11)
The Almighty is beyond our reach (Job 37:23)
No man has seen God at any time... (John 1:18)
No man has seen the Father... (John 6:46)
And He is the image of the invisible God, the first-born of all creation. (Colossians 1:15)
Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God... (1 Timothy 1:17)
God... whom no man has seen or can see... (1 Timothy 6:16) ...Him who is unseen. (Hebrews 11:27)
" Do not the rejecters see that the skies and earth were bound together then we disunited [or separated] them
(Fataq in Arabic) ..." (Koran 21:30)
In the above statement, the Koran gives an accurate description of the Big Bang, a theory of the origin of the universe widely accepted by scientists today.
The Arabic word used in the Koran to signify separation is Fataq. It means to dis-joint or disunite. It essentially captures, in the description, "symmetry breaking" between particles and forces that modern cosmologists talk about in explaining the complexity of the Universe.
The Koran talks about an "expanding" Universe centuries before scientists described it:
"And the sky We built it with might, and we cause the expansion of it."
(Koran 51:47)
"By the sky with all its weavings/knittings (huu-buk)" (Koran 51:7) .
The Koran accurately describes the sky as having "weavings", or being like a knitted fabric. Space having "weavings" ties in with String Theory in physics. It is envisioned by scientists that at the smallest Planck Scale (10^-35 m), spacetime is indeed "weaved" or "knitted".
This site does not promote nor advocate the pseudo-science of Christian Creationism.
Originally posted by Flipper
So I guess that the Koran must be the more correct, because it can be shoehorned more accurately into more current scientific theories and hypotheses than the bible can be.
You are assuming that something can be equal to something else. Heck, even if you had said that "A=A" and left it at that, you would be assuming the law of identity is true. A thing is equal to itself. We say this is true *by definition*. What is a definition, but something that we have stated as being true. This is circular, and is therefore something you are just presupposing. Sure, it makes sense to almost everybody... but that doesn't mean it's provable. We all use presuppositions. You have to. You cannot deduce something from nothing. You cannot infer something from nothing. You must start with something you presuppose to be true.... as simple as that presupposition may seem.Originally posted by quip
Premise1 A = B
Premise2 B = C
Therfore, A = C
Is 'A' unproven? I grant 'A' could be subjective though.
This, my friends, demonstrates that to the extent people rely on faith, it will hinder scientific discovery. "Your life is focused on pleasing" something that you believe to exist. I'm not saying this is bad for an individual to do this... heck, if it makes you happy, go for it. But I thank GOD that there are people that put their belief in any deity on the back shelf while they discover the workings of the universe -- to bring us technological advances in all aspects of our lives. This, to me, is good.Originally posted by tenkeeper
Flake, of course all humans have many common threads, but after the Creator calls you, those things don't take priority anymore. Yes, you live in the world, but you are not of the world, this means, that your life is now focused on pleasing God and doing His will and not pleasing man or doing the things you had to do to survive in the world before you calling.
You learn to completely trust and depend on the Lord for your every need. He requires this and it can only be done through the 'faith' that is a gift from Him upon enlightenment. We simply cannot enlighten ourselves to Spiritual things.
Originally posted by Soulman
If God "appeared" to you would you trust (believe) your senses -- or might this revelation only be a bit of undigested potato?
Originally posted by ZroKewl
You are assuming that something can be equal to something else. Heck, even if you had said that "A=A" and left it at that, you would be assuming the law of identity is true. A thing is equal to itself. We say this is true *by definition*. What is a definition, but something that we have stated as being true. This is circular, and is therefore something you are just presupposing. Sure, it makes sense to almost everybody... but that doesn't mean it's provable. We all use presuppositions. You have to. You cannot deduce something from nothing. You cannot infer something from nothing. You must start with something you presuppose to be true.... as simple as that presupposition may seem.
Originally posted by shima
>>All what can be said about the outcome of arguments and battles like this on this particular issue, is that such an argument never can be concluded with a definite argument.<<
What we can also conclude is that the theist will ALWAYS have a "knowledge gap" to hide behind. The gap will become smaller and smaller and smaller as time continues, but it will never become zero. After all: how would you KNOW that you KNOW everything there is to KNOW?
However, at some point the gap will become so small that a God of the Bible cannot possibly hide there. When we prove out that consciousness stems from the brain, that notions of "right and wrong" are mental constructs, that life indeed is possible to begin due to natural processes, that the universe itself has an identifiable wave function, and that Jezus was NOT resurrected, then the gap will have become so small that a large portion of the "rational" believers today would drop their religion in favour of another, non-diety based philosophy.