Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The vast majority of chronological indicator
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The vast majority of chronological indicator
Originally posted by One Eyed Jack
What does your dictionary say?
“evolution that results in relatively large and complex changes (as in species formation)”
I consider species formation as macroevolution. From our conversation I’d say you don’t.
I'll accept the comparison, regardless of what I believe. Some people are going to automatically read a relationship into it somewhere, regardless of what the actual comparison reveals.
Well if you see the comparisons are 98%, 96%, 94%, 92% and so on, where do you draw the line between animals that have a relationship and those that don’t?
Give me a break, Hank. You're not trying to have an intelligent discussion -- you're looking for excuses to twist my words.
Absolutely not. I’m trying to tie you down to something you believe about creationism so we can discuss whether it is reasonable or not. But trying to tie you down to something is like trying to nail jello to a wall.
No. Most of them could probably fish for themselves. All Noah had to do was keep them away from the livestock.
He would also have to keep them away from each other. If you think he was busy on the ark when he had everybody separated by cages, how about how he was running around now with everyone on the loose. I can see it now.
Noah: Hey wolf-kind, I saw some fish over by the river, go check it out.
Wolf-kind wades into the water to try and catch a cooperative fish.
Noah hollering: LOOK OUT FOR THE CROCODILE! Rats……… there goes the wolf-kind species. LOL
Few animals are true carnivores, in that they only eat meat. Some of the most ferocious predators out there are omnivores -- like bears (which are very good at catching fish, by the way).
Polar bears are only meat-eaters. I guess they evolved from the bear-kind right quick after they headed up north. But you are basically saying the cat-kind, wolf-kind, and the others went fishing instead of running down the local aardvark. Is that the jest of your theory? BTW how did Noah keep from getting eaten while he was keeping all these carnivores in line?
You can leave anytime you'd like.
Not a chance. This is too much fun. However you obviously have more time to spend here than me.
Why do you keep coming here then?
I have a good sense of humor and your comments are very entertaining.
I've never really sat and watched one. According to this website some sloths move "rather long distances in one night." It doesn't get specific as to what it means by 'long distances,' but presumably it's more than the 101 feet per day your 2,000 year projection allows for.
Okay I was thinking more of animals that expand there range gradually which is typical. I was actually thinking you would protest it as being not enough time. I think I now see what you are thinking. So lets take say 10 years. I think that would be a reasonable number for the reproductive length of a sloth. That way the pair could expend all their energy traveling. Then when they reached South America they could have sex, reproduce a few baby sloths, get them raised and kick the bucket.
That’s about 4 miles a day. Would you agree that’s a pretty good pace for a sloth being they have claws made for traveling in the trees and not very good at walking on ice. Of course that would be an average as I would think they would have to take a little time crossing rivers, gorges, etc. And that little gap of water between Siberia and Alaska might take a little time also. LOL
Not much more ludicrous than that...
Okay Jack I’m going to go out on a limb here and assume you are more intelligent than the average sloth.

That being the case, how would YOU go about heading somewhere? It’s not like you even knew what direction South America was.
Animals go extinct all the time. Especially if people hunt them.
What people are hunting them? There are only 8 people left on the planet and they’re busy keeping the lions off the pigs.
I'd hardly call that 'right after,' but if you want to go with that time, that's ok with me. I have little doubt that there were foxes and wolves 1,000 years later.
Instead of me picking a number and you criticizing it, why don’t you give me a number to work with? I’ll agree to whatever number you want to use. That way we can avoid the time of me making a point and you saying it’s not valid because you didn’t agree with the number to begin with.
You could have fooled me.
Well for someone who thinks the carnivores survived by fishing for a few years after the flood, that’s not a real big challenge.
There was more time after the flood than before. Plus conditions had changed somewhat.
Well with the kind of evolution you’re talking about, we would certainly see it today. So that kind of rapid evolution had to stop sometime in the distant past. I was assuming the time of Jesus. That would put about 2000 years before and about 2000 years after. Are you saying that kind of rapid evolution has been going on for the last 2000 years?
Yes it does fit what we observe.
We don’t observe the earth revolving around the sun.
That doesn't matter -- it fits the model. We couldn't do parallax measurements on nearby stars if the Earth weren't revolving around the sun.
Was that just an example of you saying one thing then turning right around and saying never mind or what? “We do observe: that doesn’t matter”
If we observe the earth going around the sun, then why did it take 6000 years (according to you) for mankind to figure out that the earth rotates around the sun? This is my whole point. We don’t observe the earth REVOLVING around the sun, we infer from the evidence that the earth REVOLVES around the sun because it fits the model. Like creationism doesn't fit any model.
The sun couldn't possibly 'rotate' around the Earth, unless the Earth were inside the sun. I don't think you know what the word 'rotate' means.
I know what the word means and I know it is used all the time like I used it. But if it will make you feel macho then I will give it to you and I’ll try to remember not to use it that way when I am talking to you. Now can we talk about something besides the difference between rotate and revolve?