Battle Talk ~ Battle Royale VII

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Re: The Enyart vs the Atheist battle

Re: The Enyart vs the Atheist battle

Originally posted by Jason Thomas
Last night I entered a link to the Enyart battle in a powerfully predominantly atheist posting forum. So far I have received a typical atheist response in that...well...see for yourselves how I reacted to it:

"Even though I am inspired to do so, what’s the real point in providing you atheists with evidence? If I truly expect to convince you that God exists, in this manner, I am obviously wasting my time. There is so much evidence in that debate between Bob Enyart and the intelligent and devout Christian turned atheist. Obviously nothing will work to convince you staunch atheists. You can see the evidence and you can see how the atheist gave up on the battle debate before finishing what he began. You can see much and still you want more evidence. There are many intelligence scientists and doctors who believe in God and there are many who do not. You seem to think it is up to you whether you believe or not. Maybe this is true and maybe not. But it seems rather obvious to me that YOU CANNOT BELIEVE and that is infinitely different from ‘you do not believe’. God has obviously closed the gate of Salvation against you and so no amount of evidence will make any difference. This planet is obviously the only Heaven you atheists will ever see and that is a very cheap Heaven at best. Well, I refuse to cry for the damned. There are most probably more than enough people in the world crying for the damned and it seems to be making no real difference. Far be it from me to ruin my happiness in life by crying for those who God has obviously rejected.

You have been used to Christians attempting to convince you that God exists who are actually pimps for their respective religions. I come into this forum expressing many of your gripes about organized religion. I tell you that you do not need any religion to be saved in the Kindgom of Christ. I sympathize with your misgivings about religion and understand and agree with many of your complaints. Does it make any difference that I am approaching this matter in a way that you most probably have never seen before in these forums? Obviously not. I am still not ‘originally creative’ enough for you.

Most of you humans are famous for ruining any kind of help given to you. It doesn’t matter where it may come from. If it’s a prophet sent by God you kill him. If it’s a wonderful scientific discovery you find a way to use it to destroy. If it’s a religion you find a way to use it to trick and enslave the minds of the masses.

No wonder the Biblical God has said that the road to Salvation is straight and narrow and few there be who find it. Obviously God only wants the very best in His Kingdom and most of you people simple do not qualify.

In the New Testament of the Bible, when God the Father once spoke to His Son in an audible voice many people heard the voice while the damned only heard thunder. If God ever directly speaks to you I believe you atheists, at best, will only hear thunder. Obviously hell is your fate and, thank God, it’s not my problem. AMEN!"

Well put, brother! I agree with a lot of what you said and share your feelings. I find atheists boring and their worldview depressing. I also do not shed a bitter tear for them. I believe most of their hearts have been hardened by God anyways. In this day and age, most people can not state that they haven't been told the truth that Jesus Christ is the wWay, the Truth. and the Life. You snooze, you lose!


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The truth? What TRUTH would that be?

By your slogans, I assume you "believe" in the christ myth -- but what is it you find boring and depressing about people who profess to an atheistic worldview?


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Originally posted by PERFIDIÆ
The truth? What TRUTH would that be?

By your slogans, I assume you "believe" in the christ myth -- but what is it you find boring and depressing about people who profess to an atheistic worldview?

I am not going to fall for your atheistic "What's Truth" bait. Like I said, "boring". I will also not be baited by your "Christ myth" statement. Go fishing for someone else.


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It wasn't a trick question, as I genuinely thought you might expand on your "boring" atheistic worldview remarks.

Furthermore, I wasn't asking you WHAT IS TRUTH, just querying your ‘truth in Jesus’ claim.

Perhaps a more accurate statement would have been in this day and age, most people can not state that they haven't heard of the stories recorded in the bible.

While you believe they are true; others think it's make-believe.

Aussie Thinker

I am glad Isiah (A Christian) put that self-righteous prig Jason Thomas in his place.

He did it gracefully.. I won’t be so kind.

This fool does not even realize in a few statements he makes a joke of his own God and all it stands for. His loving egalitarian God REJECTS people now ?? I thought he wanted to save us all.

He CHOOSES who will be with him?? well he certainly wouldn’t want a boor like you for company.

This fool also claims to not be part of a mainstream religion then professes to follow Christ…

That means your are a C H R I S T I A N .. you dipstick.. last time I looked Christianity was a religion ?

SOTK4 .. nice to see just you and Jason we will be in heaven alone together.. hope you enjoy each others company…lol !


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If there is any value in spending my time contending for my faith then such contention should be a matter of prayer and heartfelt conviction.
If there is one atheist that might be turned to the cross of Christ, then for them I spend my time and will weep for their lost soul that they may have the joy and peace of Christ.

I'm curious whence certain dismissive attitudes towards atheists comes. I think God calls Christians to have compassion for the lost. If we don't deeply care that they too be reconciled to God, then I suspect something is wrong in our heart. This is one of the pitfalls of hyper-Calvinism, that somehow Christ didn't die for the lost, so why pray for them? The only problem with that attitude is that we don't know which of those "lost" will in fact turn to Christ, hence making them objects of redemption. This brand of hyper-Calvinism is presumptuous and harmful to the great commission which has been given the church. If God ordains the ends, He also ordiains the means to the ends, and shame on us if we are not making ourselves available as the means, as the tools, as the ministers of reconciliation.


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Originally posted by LightSon
I'm curious whence certain dismissive attitudes towards atheists comes.

Dismissive or defensive?

Do you think it's because atheists contend that the major claims of Christianity are demonstrably untrue and, on balance, Christianity has brought more harm than good to the world?


Originally posted by bmyers
Not really much of a problem, though, since pretty much anyone will have direct experience of these things. Once again, things do not have to be seen to be reasonable to accept as existing.

Yes and preety much everyone, especially Born again Christians can tell you of direct experiences with God or the Spirit of God. However you can dismiss them all as unreasonable, I suppose.
As well as the experiences of astronomers and astronauts, doctors and biologists. physicists and chemists, engineers and designers. From the beginning of man to the present age, from the most simple child to the most brilliant minds, you can hear[or read of] them telling of direct experiences and the inexplicable ways of God, and you can dismiss them all because you can not see with your own eyes what thay can describe in detail to your ears.
Of course, but then you're OPEN to examination and ridicule regarding ANY belief. You will only actually BE "ridiculed," though, if someone else thinks that YOUR belief is completely unreasonable. There are some people, of course, who will find your beliefs unreasonable for reasons which are, themselves, ridiculous - but then, we generally ignore those people and call them "crazy." The only real problems that come up for any of us is when people question our beliefs and seem to have some good reasons for doing so. Otherwise, to misquote Richard Feynmann, why would YOU care what other people think?

I care what people think because I observe that ideas have consequences and that people's minds can be swayed to believe that which is not true. As a young student in high school and college I was persuaded to believe that evolution was true. Almost everything that I was taught as true evidence of evolution has been refuted by creation scientists. However modern evolutionists laugh at that and say. "That is not the real evidence for evolution, we never believed that either, here is the real evidence." Then when some of that is refuted then it becomes something else. It goes on and on. The evoltionists will always have a new theory and something that can not be absolutely falsified or absolutely proved to support their claims. Evolution is unfalsifiable, no one can go back 5 billion years or less to falsify it absolutely.
I have said it a couple times before and I will repeat it again. Scientists are very intelligent and studious humans who are discovering and reverse engineering the processes of God's Creation. They then purposely MUST leave God out of the equation {to remain true objective Scientists} and then say this is how everything works. See there is no need for a god to explain how everything came into being.
For example the scientists on this forum are explaining to the uninformed that many reactions are not random. That certain chemicals and elements under certain conditions always react in a certain way. Therefore there is no need to model impossible mathmatical models of evoltuion. Everything is not random in the process. BUT they seldom seriously ask themselves the two remaining questions. 1. What is the mathematical model for the random events. 2. Who, or how is it, or why, do the chemical and elemental laws and invariability of them always apply. 2 Possible answers 1. Its just natural. Does that really settle it or answer the question?
2. God made things and holds all things together by His laws and His will. That answers the question and creates the next question. Who is this God and why can't I see Him? How can I get to know Him?
But if evolutionary lies are accepted as truth, then young minds and impressionable minds will not seek God, they will not have a Saviour and they will die in their sins.
That is why it is important to me what people think. I hate lies and evolution takes the truths of the world we observe, stamps them with a 5 billion year earth and makes God unnecesary irrelevant and unreal.
Man, not God is real, but he is also ultimately unnecessary and irrelevant. God is only a remote possibility and speculation. Man is a mere speck of life in a billion galaxies with a trillion more possible highly evolved and intelligent lifeforms. Man is nothing, man is dead. Welcome to the wonderful world of death. This is what evolution ultimately teaches. I have children, I do not want them to believe in lies, especially lies that lead to a culture of death.
I want them to believe in the truth. I want then to have life and to believe in the God that created all life and wants to give them eternal life.
Even if the belief in the God of the Bible and or any god was responsible for all the evil some men have alleged, then if evolution and atheism be true, then a belief in God is a mere brief chapter in the long history of life, and it is really evolution that is ultimately responsible for all death, and every evil of a species it happened to bring about.
If that be true let us get rid of evolution and not trifle with the mere figments of mens minds?
The real question for atheists who care about such things, is not how do we stop all the killing caused by religious beliefs, but rather how do we stop the process of evolution, it brought about religion AND man, and it, evolution, is killing every living creature.
Just like Aussie Thinker was sick and tired of hearing the same Bible verses quoted over and over. I am sick and tired of hearing about the wonders of science and evolution. Evolution sucks. Evolution is death. Why are you atheisits and agnostics so fond of it? At least be HUMAN and say that you believe it is true, but you really don't like it either!!!???

God has said that you will seek Him and you will find Him when you seek Him with all your heart. Elsewhere He says seek me as you would look for a buried treasure of gold.
You have to seek God on His terms. He is not likely going to come to you on your terms.
Seek God and look for Him as diligently as you look for the next scientific discovery that supports evolution. If you do I have no doubt you will find Him, because you will be looking with all your heart.

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"See there is no need for a god to explain how everything came into being."

Obviously you do need a God, if you hold on to the thought that "everything came into being" in the sense that the world in total had some sort of begin.

The point is that we can use "everything" in two different ways.
- Every individual thing
- Everything in total

We know that there is development and change in every individual thing. Everything is in fact becoming, developing, changing.
Nothing is at rest or changeless.

But there is no need to think that the world in total came about from nothing. That is simply an error in thinking so.

isaiah 1:18

New member
Attention, my fine friend, marxist fellow, and philospher,


What if, say, no-no, let me start that over.

Let's say that God exists. I know. I know. Humour me for a moment.

And this God has no beginning and no end. And this God also has consciousness. And from this eternal God comes the source of everything.

Could we say that since he is not nothing but is in fact something, that all things come for this God? That is to say, this God is the source of all material.

Bearing that in mind, and also beaing in mind "the incomprehensibility of the beginning," could we say that our particular existence - the universe and all therein - has an "inception" rather than a "beginning?"


New member
Originally posted by isaiah 1:18
Attention, my fine friend, marxist fellow, and philospher,


What if, say, no-no, let me start that over.

Let's say that God exists. I know. I know. Humour me for a moment.

And this God has no beginning and no end. And this God also has consciousness. And from this eternal God comes the source of everything.

Could we say that since he is not nothing but is in fact something, that all things come for this God? That is to say, this God is the source of all material.

Bearing that in mind, and also beaing in mind "the incomprehensibility of the beginning," could we say that our particular existence - the universe and all therein - has an "inception" rather than a "beginning?"

Well, let me answer that in this way.

You can say that, if the assumption you start with is true.

Now if I were to assume that if I could turn just by looking at water turn it into gold, would you then agree with me, that if I look at 100 liters of water, and turn it into golf, I would be a rich man?

isaiah 1:18

New member
Originally posted by attention
Well, let me answer that in this way.

You can say that, if the assumption you start with is true.

Now if I were to assume that if I could turn just by looking at water turn it into gold, would you then agree with me, that if I look at 100 liters of water, and turn it into golf, I would be a rich man?

Yes. As long as it is just you with that power and you maintained a level of discipline to not convert all water or too much water in to gold all at once. Must be mindful of the principles of supply and demand you know. ;)


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Originally posted by bmyers
I'm sorry, but we are apparently using different meanings of the word "evidence." Your previous response mentioned something about "500 eyewitnesses to the resurrection" - how do we know about these people? How can we verify their story, outside of the stories given to us in the Bible? What independent corroboration for the Biblical account is available?

I hope you understand the logical problem with an argument along the lines of:

"I have evidence that this book is true."

"Really? What evidence is that?"

"Well, there are eyewitness accounts!"

"And how do you know this?"

"Look, they're right here in the book!"

Absolutely I see the problem with that argument. So I appeal to D. James Kennedy, who claims that many first century historians mention the death and resurrection of Jesus. This list includes Tacitus, Pliny the Younger, Epictetus, and of course Josephus. These people did not claim to be eyewitnesses, but they report that the stories of the resurrection existed at the time of the purorted event, and were not added into the history at a later date. No, we do not have a comprehensive list of all who were killed while claiming to be eyewitnesses. For a definitive defense of this I have to turn to Simon Greenleaf, et al, who have studied the events in great detail and made their conclusions.
Not very good proof ? Maybe not. As One Eye said earlier, we'll know for sure when we die.


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Originally posted by isaiah 1:18
Yes. As long as it is just you with that power and you maintained a level of discipline to not convert all water or too much water in to gold all at once. Must be mindful of the principles of supply and demand you know. ;)

Of course!

If I would turn too much water into gold, the price of gold would lower to that of water, and the price of water would increase to that of gold :)

But the imporant question is, while that statement may be true, is: is my assumption justified?


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Originally posted by bmyers
Please provide a reference to the writings of Darwin in which the above conclusions appear.

That would be in his autobiogaphy and in his work "The Descent of Man". The quotes I found referenced versions of "Descent" from 1896 and later. The version of "Descent " I found on the Web was the 1871 version and it did not contain the information. I have not seen a supposed original copy of either book. The information I found was quoted by Jerry Bergman in an Impact article from March of 1994, and also quoted by Paul G Humber in an Impact article from February 1987. There is also a reference to these two Darwin authored documents at the "" website.


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Originally posted by Heino
I do not consider atheists to be Nazis. There is no comparison. Nazis had great faith, unlike atheists, who have no faith. I have worked with many atheists, and they are just like anyone else I work with. I know many Hindus and Muslims too, where I work. Atheists do not go around forcing us to accept their ways or give up our faith. Nazis would do that.

Heino my good man, I did not say that atheists are NAZIs. I was merely pointing out that today Neo NAZIs discount a lot of the historical evidence concerning the events of the Hitler government. Just about any event from the past can be called into question as to its actuality, thus the legal system uses the standard of what a reasonable person would consider to be true, based on the evidence.

As for me knowing about Heino... I knew a girl in high school who went to Germany with her grandparents around 1973. The grandparents had fled Germany around the 20's or 30's. She brought back the album with "your" picture on it. I don't remember any of the music from it, but it was neat to see you pop up on this board with the picture.


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Originally posted by Aussie Thinker

That means your are a C H R I S T I A N .. you dipstick.. last time I looked Christianity was a religion ?

Just what do you mean by "religion"?

And while you are at it, I am still waiting for your evidence, or proof, that monkeys, or any other creature, evolved from some other creature.

isaiah 1:18

New member
Originally posted by attention

But the imporant question is, while that statement may be true, is: is my assumption justified?

It is justified in so much as it is possible.

Though I have a fairly good idea of where you are heading, I thought to answer in a manner that makes certain implausibilities, plausible.


New member
Originally posted by isaiah 1:18
It is justified in so much as it is possible.


When did you see for the last time that some one by mere looking at water turned it into gold?

Though I have a fairly good idea of where you are heading, I thought to answer in a manner that makes certain implausibilities, plausible.

I hope you do.

isaiah 1:18

New member
Originally posted by attention

When did you see for the last time that some one by mere looking at water turned it into gold?

I haven't. But in the course of my life, I have seen things that cannot be explained by any stretch of the imagination nor with the employment of science. I can be skeptical, of course, but I've learned not to rule certain things out just because it is not plausible based on what I know or thought I knew. There are of course certain "possiblities" that I hold dearer than others. In fact, you can say that I have great faith in them.

Now, as far as your water into gold; if you are able to do it, then it is possible. Scientifically speaking, it is an impossibility. But that impossibility is based on all scientific knowledge acquired since man first began to codify their knowledge. But if you recall scientific history, there were many things then that were though impossible that today have become possible. No doubt, this is a great time to be alive, relatively speaking, but tomorrow may even be better. We may find that we can indeed turn water into gold. Maybe not by looking at it initially, but if we are evolving towards a higher state of consciousness... oh, the possibilities.

You know, it has been said that someone once turned water into wine...
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