You know of my namesake, Heino? Are you German? Very few people outside of Europe know of Heino! I have the same first name, Heinz, and everyone with that name is called Heino by friends. I have to confess that I am a Heino Impersonator, which is a popular activity when you go to a bar. It is similar to "Karioke" (Is it spelled the same in English?), but you wear Rayban sun-glasses and a wig if your hair is not white enough. Fortunately, I look enough like young Heino to only need the glasses. The real Heino is in his 70's now.
If you search for music on the peer-to-peer networks, I reccomend looking up "Der Real Heino". He is a parody of Heino, and does rude versions of Heino's songs, with the lyrics changed.
I do not use the term NAZI loosly. In this case I was using it to illustrate the point that Biblical morality has not been the basis for most of the bloodshed in history.
Well, not genuine Biblical morality. However, you must be aware that distortions of Biblical teaching have been used by many, including both the Catholic Church and the founder of my Lutheran sect, to justify horrible deeds. Not with standing, the crusades, witch hunts, and violence against Jews, Gypsies, Armenians, and Muslims.
I saw a film when I was a boy that terrified me. It was called Hexen. I was only about 10, and was scared by the depictions of the devils and monsters. I believe the film has an enigmatic status in film archives today. When I was in College, I saw the film again, and was surprised that it was a documentary depicting what went on in medieval Europe during the witch hunts. It sparked an interest for me in medieval History, and I learned that the unfortunate events of those times were made worse by the fact that documentation of people put to death was not kept for decades, until the Church asked for it, due to tales of innocent people who were unjustly put to death. This means that thousands and thousands of people were killed during the witch hunts who are lost to history. We only have documentation for the trials that were put on later. The estimate for generations of witch hysteria is in the millions, conservatively speaking. These people were killed for superstitious reasons, or for money and land, but the methods used were religious manipulation. Many people trully believed it as a matter of their faith, but it was a false faith.
I believe that the same is true for what you accuse evolution for. People in communist countries were killed purely for political reasons. Belief in Darwinian theory had nothing to do with Stalin and the Bolsheviks. It was all about politics and "political speediness", where leaders did not want to have to take time to win the hearts and minds of others, so they killed them. The Nazis were re-inventing ancient Teutonic religions from pre-Roman times. Darwinian theory was never more than a tool of communication for science-minded people, just like the idea that Jews were "Christ-killers" was used in churches to convince religious people. The Nazis used every idea they could to win over hearts and minds. They used any ideas that were convienient to them. We do not blame Christianity for Hitler, jsut because he used it against the Jews. Hitler used a distortion of Christian traditions, just as he used distortions of Darwinism, and distortions of socialism. It is ironic that Hitler called it "National Socialism" when it had virtually nothing in common with actual socialism, and especially after socialists were imprisoned and killed.
And I would argue that Adolph was NOT out of line with Darwin. Darwin was very plain in explaining his belief that "mud" races and women were inferior on the evolutionary tree. And if we all arose by pure chance, then why not follow the motto "might makes right" ?
That, my friend, is a distortion of Darwinian theory.
Your mention of the Neo NAZI groups in this country is the perfect illustration of some people who will not accept historical data as factual, no matter how much evidence you give them. Look at this in light of people who do not accept the overwhelming evidence for the resurrection of Jesus.
I do not consider atheists to be Nazis. There is no comparison. Nazis had great faith, unlike atheists, who have no faith. I have worked with many atheists, and they are just like anyone else I work with. I know many Hindus and Muslims too, where I work. Atheists do not go around forcing us to accept their ways or give up our faith. Nazis would do that.